Sokol Keep DM |
With a few days of preparation and a little R&R behind
you, you head off to continue the conquest of recapturing Sokol Keep.
Travel to Thorn Island is achieved via ferry. The ferrymaster, an old man who looks to be in his late 70's, asks during the 30 minute trip, "I've been told to take you across, and to pick you up. I won't be staying. When do you want me to come back for ye?" The breeze blowing in off of the Moonsea is refreshing as a light mist dampens your face. The shore of Thorn Island is barren save for the reeds and salt grass that cover the island. Sokol Keep lies off some 100 or so yards away, a lone centry on what appears to be a deserted island. As you near the keep, you notice that time has not been kind to the structure. Like much of that which remains of Old Phlan, time and the elements have taken their toll. The great oaken gates are coated with salt and show signs of rot. The stone walls, though crumbling here and there, remain standing and look fairly sturdy. Standing in front of the gates, strong wind whips around you causing the reeds to bend and sway wildly. As they do, you notice the glint of a reflection in the reeds about 5' off to the left of the gates. OOC: New map file up showing the outer wall of the keep. |
Preventative Casting Ian |
Standing before the gates of Sokol Keep, Ian believes that
his robes are somewhat inadequate for what he believes awaits on the other
side. Ian will cast Mage Armor on himself. He poses the following question, "Any ideas as far as when to have the ferryman return? I think sometime today would be a bit ambitious. Tomorrow at noon?" |
Gates... Kipler Farwall |
"Tomorrow is fine with me." Kipler grabs and readies his crossbow looking around at the bushes and trees. He doesn't want any skeletons or other vile things jumping out and surprising them.... "Shall we look around a bit or enter the vile stronghold?" |
I have a bad feeling.... Rose |
Rose looks at the keep and shivers. She pulls her cloak
tigher and says, "Let's get this over with as quickly as we can. I don't
like it here." She agrees that the ferry should return at noon tommorrow. |
Whuzzat!?! Enkhild Ironfist |
Seeing the metallic glint in the readies Enkhild draws his
waraxe and moves in for a closer look. As he moves over he says in a low
voice, "Did everyone else see that?"
I did Rose |
"I saw it Enkild," Rose says as she nocks an arrow. She will
stay behind Enkild but she will move 10 feet to the right so that she can
have a clear shot if one is needed.
A new board Kendrick Lokian |
Also keeping his bow in hand, Kendrick moves around to a
position that allows him to catch an enemy in a crossfire zone with Rose
while also keeping a careful watch behind the group. "Didn't the
council say something about undead wandering the island?"
Fodel Fodel Bersk |
Fodel readies himself. For he is his weapon
ooc Kivara Sunchild |
(I have to make this REAL short - small situation. am away
and can't stay online long enough to read/do much). still have to prep spells and figure exp. *sigh*. for now, kivara will be a little quite but anxious about being here - she has heard stories ... ferry tomorrow noon sounds fine. i'll get a chance to post again late this weekend and will hopefully get to do xp and spell prep by then. - this should hoepfully tide you guys over until then :) (sorry for the short notice and sorry for the run-ons and the excessive use of parentheses) :) |
Skeletons oh my Kipler Farwall |
"Undead, zombies, skeletons", Kipler shudders. He then looks around slowly a bit fearful. Then runs up to the gate almost uncharacteristicly and pulls/pushes it open. (or at least tries to, muttering 'lets...get...inside!') OOC: Might not be able to post this weekend since I'm messin with my 'puter. Hopefully everyones still here if not attacked by a thousand corpses... :o |
Fodel watches Fodel Bersk |
As he goes to say perhaps there is safety in numbers he
watches Kipler open the gate. He thinks to himself "Well if anything was
hiding it'd be there. He follows carefully and assumes a crane stance.
Message from the dm Rose |
Due to problems with his home pc AND his local phone lines
the DM is going to have to run the game from work for awhile.
Findings DM |
Enkhild cuts through the reeds uncovering the long dead
remains of an Elf. The skeletal form is still dressed in a badly rusted
chain shirt. A large tear is evident in the chest area. Around the neck is
a bronze medallion, crusted in patina, of two seraphim intertwined. An old
helment rests at it's side. In one skeletal hand is clutched a scrap of
paper. Taking the brittle piece of paper lightly from the elf's hand, the
severely weathered note reads: Anyone who knows elven can make it out. It says: "LUX" "SHESTNIK" "SAMOS... The last word is incomplete, the paper having been eaten away. MEANWHILE... As Kipler pushes on one of the massive gates, it comes free of it's corroded hinge and falls inward with a loud *THOOM!!*.Fodel rushes up next to the gnome, and assumes a battle stance fully understanding that everything around cannot help but know of your presence now. As you stand at the entrance to the courtyard you see two buildings up ahead and that the structure of the keep has been built around the walls. Only a few moments pass before the you notice somethign moving in the courtyard. Around one of the central buildings emerges several figures. From their shambling gait of some and the gleam of bone in the morning sun on others, you surmise that the rumors of undead within the Keep walls are very true. (See map) |
Blarg.... Enkhild Ironfist |
"Eh? What's all this then? If ye're going to up and die
in a hole like this, ye might write your last words as something people
can read!" Enkhild scratches his head and holds out the parchment, "Can any of you make sense of these scribbles? I can't read em.." At the sound of the gates collapsing, Enkhild groans and grumbles to himself, "I musta missed the team meeting where we decided to let the gnome charge the keep..." |
Fodel's Whistle Fodel Bersk |
Fodel whistles loudly to the party. Seven bony forms approach. OOC My computer has also died. until I can get it working again. i am using the Sega. i can write and read but not view. So I can't access the map. so this should make things interesting> |
Scribbles Rose |
Rose moves next to Enkild and looks at the paper. "It looks
like ELven, let me see it. I know Elven." At the loud thoomp noise Rose nearly jumps out of her skin, seeing Kipler there she says to Enkild, "I guess Uncle Shadow was right about Gnomes, you gotta keep an eye on them all the time or theyget into all kinds of trouble." |
Move Kipler Farwall |
(Kipler moves to 028) Kipler moves forward wide eyed completely ignoring his companions...his fear seeming to have disappeared in place of wonder. "Fantastic, unbeleivable, animated corpses of humans walking again. I never beleived....this is fantastic!" OOC: Having never encountered undead this could mean tons of trouble for our hapless gnome |
ini roll Kipler Farwall rolls... |
February 27, 2002, 7:35 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 12 + 1 = 13 Total = 13 |
Ini if needed Kipler Farwall |
Initiative if needed
Here we go....... Rose |
Rose says to Enkild, "See what I mean, there he goes agian."
Rose will try to run over and tackle Kipler before he gets himself killed.
About time for an... DM |
INITIATIVE ROLL! Let's see em all around. |
init Rose rolls... |
February 28, 2002, 10:44 am Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 20 + 3 = 23 Total = 23 |
Init Rose |
Initiative Ian rolls... |
February 28, 2002, 11:01 am Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 13 + 3 = 16 Total = 16 |
Not Bad Ian |
Init Roll Enkhild Ironfist rolls... |
February 28, 2002, 11:03 am Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 15 + 1 = 16 Total = 16 |
Initiative Enkhild Ironfist |
I attack the elven skeleton :D |
init Kendrick Lokian rolls... |
February 28, 2002, 8:48 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 7 + 5 = 12 Total = 12 |
Round 0 (pre-combat) Kendrick Lokian |
Sighing at the impulsiveness of the gnome, Kendrick prepares
for combat.
Init Fodel Bersk rolls... |
March 3, 2002, 8:14 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 6 = 6 Total = 6 |
Init Fodel Bersk |
I apologize for my lateness my computer hates me.
here is my init |
Initiative Kivara Sunchild rolls... |
March 3, 2002, 9:58 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 1 + 2 = 3 Total = 3 |
Going last Kivara Sunchild |
Looks like I'll be last...
Skeleton Init DM rolls... |
March 3, 2002, 10:02 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 18 + 5 = 23 Total = 23 |
Zombies Init DM rolls... |
March 3, 2002, 10:03 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add -1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 4 + -1 = 3 Total = 3 |
Skeletons & Zombies DM |
I think these skeletons want to give Rose a run for her
money...;) |
Top of the round... DM |
INITIATIVE ORDERRose 23 Rose you have it... |
Saving the gnomes arse Rose |
Rose will try to grab Kip and pull him back behind Kivara
and Ian O-33.
Moving the gnome DM |
As Kipler stands and stares, mouth agape, Rose comes up
behind him and drags him back behind Ian and Kivara. He does not resist.
Skeletons Clawing Skeletal Guard rolls... |
March 4, 2002, 8:18 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 2 times. Add 1 to each roll. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 5 + 1 = 6 17 + 1 = 18 Total = 24 |
Skeleton Claw Damage Skeletal Guard rolls... |
March 4, 2002, 8:19 pm Roll 1, 4 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to each roll. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 4 = 4 Total = 4 |
Attacking Skeletal Guard |
The skeletons, moving with an unnatural speed, quickly close
on the front rank, consisting of Fodel. Two of the skeletons reach out with sharp claws. Fodel manages to dodge one, but the other rakes him, easily piercing his skin. (4 points) |
Magic Missle! Ian rolls... |
March 4, 2002, 8:26 pm Roll 1, 4 sided di(c)e 2 times. Add 1 to each roll. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 3 + 1 = 4 3 + 1 = 4 Total = 8 |
Yikes Ian |
Ian a caught a bit unprepared by the whole situation, utters
a few arcane words, and fires 2 magic missles at the undead next to fodel.
For 8 points! Near max damage.. |
One down... DM |
The skeleton falls apart as the magic tears through him.
Enkhild's Attack Enkhild Ironfist rolls... |
March 4, 2002, 8:37 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 8 + 6 = 14 Total = 14 |
Damage Enkhild Ironfist rolls... |
March 4, 2002, 8:38 pm Roll 1, 10 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 7 + 3 = 10 Total = 10 |
Down with ye! Enkhild Ironfist |
Enkhild, hearing Fodel's warning, moves quickly to his aid.
Taking up position beside him, Enkhild swings his waraxe at the one
attacking Fodel. 10 points (before negs) if that hits. |
That'll hit, but DM |
The skeleton has an ac of 13, with -2 for attacking a foe in
melee with fodel, it still hits. Damage is only 5 because you are using
your waraxe. Characters who are nearby may make a spot check DC:15 to notice the bladed weapon's lack of impact. Those with knowledge(undead) may make a check dc:10 to know about the skeleton's resistance to slashing/piercing weapons. Those who do not make it should keep in mind that their characters do not know this bit of information yet! |
Ready Kipler Farwall |
The gnome shakes his head and rubs his eye's "Thanks
R..Rose." The gnome then fully realizing the situation raises his crossbow aimed at the combatants. OOC: Kipler his wits finally about him, passes this round and waits for an opportunity next round... |
Rose's spot check Rose rolls... |
March 5, 2002, 1:25 am Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 2 + 7 = 9 Total = 9 |
Not a problem.... Rose |
OOC: Missed the spot check Rose pats Kipler on the back "Anytime!" she says cheerfully as she readies her bow and prepares to take a shot. |
spot Kendrick Lokian rolls... |
March 6, 2002, 8:56 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 3 + 8 = 11 Total = 11 |
climb Kendrick Lokian rolls... |
March 6, 2002, 9:00 pm Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 8 + 2 = 10 Total = 10 |
options Kendrick Lokian |
Aw crap... didn't manage to notice that... um... door's
blocked, eh? Kendrick side-steps over to M31, throwing his bow over his shoulder, and attempts to climb up the wall for a better vantage point (how high is it, anyway?). Double crap (unless the "crumbling" state of the walls makes it really easy - very rough wall status or less). Didn't realize I had no points in that skill. |
attk Fodel Bersk rolls... |
March 7, 2002, 12:17 am Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 7 = 7 Total = 7 |
Fodel Fodel Bersk |
Fodel moves from his crane stance to strike the skeleton.
Striking with a righteous 7 does that hit
Kendrick & Fodel DM |
Kendrick, at the point where you are at, around the
gate, the wall corrosion would count as very rough. You make it to the top
of the 12' wall. Fodel, the AC of the skeletons is 13. Your unarmed strike stops skillfully, mere inches before the skeletons face. You can't really tell, but you have a feeling it is impressed. Kivara is up. |
Fodel Fodel Bersk |
fodel marvels at his own control
Spot check Kivara Sunchild rolls... |
March 8, 2002, 2:23 am Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e. 4 + 4 = 8 Total = 8 |
Spot check Kivara Sunchild |
(as per failed spot check) Kivara does not notice the lack
of the waraxe's damage ... dang, now you know future levels will reqire investment into knowledge(undead) because of this encounter alone :) (action coming - gonna see map first) |
Casting on Fodel Kivara Sunchild |
Seeing the undead creatures approach, Kivara's stomach begins to turn. She had learned about these acursed things during her training at the church but she, unfortuntly, never paid enough attention to the research and tactics that were shown to her - perhaps she should have spent less time day dreaming and more time in her studies :). Perhaps she felt her other focuses meant that she didn't need such simple learning... Seeing Fodel struck by the cold claws of the boney hand, Kivara steps forward (P31 - right behind Fodel) and begins an incantation. One of her hands reaches forward to touch the man on his back while her other hand reaches towards the heavens and waves about wildly. "By the light of the heavens and the strength of Pelor, I beseech his protective light to shield you in these endevours..." Though, perhaps only Fodel can hear her prayer. (Casting Shield of Faith. +2 Deflection bonus to AC for Fodel) ooc: DM, quick Q, is Sohkol Keep where Anton said he was going? Just trying to remember correctly :) |
Re:Anton's Whereabouts DM |
No, he went off to confront Valhengen Graveyard and try to
defeat/contain the undead there.
The Zombies Zombies |
The rotting corpses shamble foreward, moving closer. (see