Sokol Keep - 05

The frogs hop foreward, moving in around Kendrick. Opening their sharp-toothed mouthes, both of them move in to bite (drawing AOO's from Kendrick).
(reponse to turning)

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara's eyes widen as she watches in amazment at the results of the channeling. It is a trick she dares not try too much as a person's body can be a focal point for that much energy only so often ...

Still, no matter how many times she sees it in action, she can not help but feel a sense of awe and wonderment.

(all this thinking and blinking are free actions, I hope :-)


Ian watchs in amazement "someday you have to teach me that trick!"
attack of opportunity

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
April 13, 2002, 4:15 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 4 + 5 = 9
Total = 9

Single AoO

Kendrick Lokian
It figures - the one character that I don't take combat reflexes with...

Try as they might

The frogs hop around Kendrick's feet teeth snapping as they hop. Try as they might, however, the frogs are unable to make contact with Kendrick.
Enkhild attack

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
April 13, 2002, 6:28 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 7 = 14
Total = 14

Enkhild damage (two-handed)

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
April 13, 2002, 6:28 pm

Roll 1, 10 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 2 + 4 = 6
Total = 6

Die froggies!

Enkhild Ironfist
Finally getting himself ready, he watches as Kendrick valiantly fights with the strange creatures before them. Gripping his waraxe in both hands he steps forward and swings at one of the frogs, hoping to cut it to pieces.

[ooc: AB16 attacking F3]
[ATTACK: 14]

Near Miss

Enkhild's strike comes down less than an inch away from the frog, cleaving the rubble the frog is sitting on, but having no effect on the frog itself.

Frog Stommpin

Fodel Bersk rolls...
April 14, 2002, 12:37 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 14 + 1 = 15
Total = 15


Fodel Bersk rolls...
April 14, 2002, 12:38 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 = 6
Total = 6

Fro Posion

Fodel Bersk rolls...
April 14, 2002, 12:39 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 12 + 5 = 17
Total = 17

Fodel to the rescue

Fodel Bersk
Fodel moves gracefully in a stork walk (to AC 18) and attacks the frogs with his mighty fist. For a 15. Damage 6. As he arches his back and his fist connects with the slimy skin off the frog he manages to narrowly avoid it. All the while chanting "come enjoy the lessons."
Frog Killin' Fodel

Unbeknownst to these foolsh frogs, Fodel was in charge of keeping the garden at the monestary healthy and frog-free. With an expertly placed attack, he dispatches another of the poisonous frogs.
Fodel's Wisdom

Fodel Bersk
It is written by the Crying One himself
"Those who hop are flattened by the fit of wisdom, they are enlightenend by their sorrow or flattened by their infidelity.

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
April 15, 2002, 7:35 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 13 + 3 = 16
Total = 16


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
April 15, 2002, 7:35 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 2 = 21
Total = 21

longsword dam

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
April 15, 2002, 7:36 pm

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 4 + 2 = 6
Total = 6

handaxe dam

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
April 15, 2002, 7:36 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 2 = 3
Total = 3

round... 2?

Kendrick Lokian
I'm not sure how many frogs are left - is it one and there are two Fodels, or is one of the frogs mislabelled?

Kendrick attacks F3, using his second attack as needed (on the pseudo-frog-maybe-Fodel, or F3 if the first hit didn't make it croak... heh heh, get it? Make it CROAK?)
Battle's end

OOC: There is 1 frog, the other F is Fodel who so valliantly came to your aid.

With a flash of blades, Kendrick dispatches the final frog before it can be of any more danger.

End of Combat Rounds.
spot check

Kivara Sunchild rolls...
April 15, 2002, 9:57 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 12 + 4 = 16
Total = 16


Kivara Sunchild rolls...
April 15, 2002, 9:58 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 17 + 3 = 20
Total = 20

checking ....

Kivara Sunchild
** EDITED April 16, 2002, 1:34 am **

Kivara glances around to make sure nothing else is approaching from any direction that she can see or hear from her location.

ooc: I am including a spot and listen check (see above) in case there is anything to be seen or heard from her current position. -- dang, I'm impressed by the rolls..course, the question is, are they good enough ? :-)


** EDITED April 16, 2002, 9:41 am **

Ian breathes a sigh of relief as the rest of the party exits the room. He thinks to himself "I was totally useless, I have to start carrying my share of the load." Ian smiles at the group,"Well where to now?"
Where to ?

Kivara Sunchild

After hearing Ian's spoken words, Kivara thinks for a moment. She does remain on guard, as if expecting ot hearing something, but she makes no verbal comment about it.

"Let's continue our pattern," she says while pointing to the eastern door (Z8). "East to west..."

Of course, if they start doing something else, Kivara will not argue - she is just picking a spot; any is as good as any.

As they walk, Kivara keeps a close eye on the door at W15. If the door is closed, she just watches to make sure it stays closed while they all pass. If it is open, she is watching to see if anyone can be seen watching after or coming towards them.

The Pattern

Fodel Bersk
"Sometimes" Fodel intones "The most obvious path is the correct path".

"but my friend sometimes the obvious path is a trap." Ian replies to Fodel with a teasing smile."Lead the way. I will follow whichever path you choose."
At the back

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild proves utterly useless during the combat. His mind is obviously still on other things. As Fodel and the others wipe up the mess, Enkhild returns to the wrapped smithhammer he had left leaning against the pile of debris.

Picking it up, he slowly follows the others out of the room, admiring the workmanship of the hammer. He blindly follows the sounds of the others, falling to the back of the group as they move.

Eventually, the voices break through, and he realizes he should take the front again. Shoving the hammer into his pack, he grabs his waraxe with both hands again and steps forward to take his position by the next door.

Kip will follow

Kipler Farwall
** EDITED April 17, 2002, 4:25 pm **

Kip loads up his crossbow and will follow his comrades once more...

Moving on to the next area, you find the door half broken and ajar. After a careful examination and search of the room, it is obvious that whatever was kept in this room was taken long ago.

Moving to the next room, you take up your positions and open the salt-covered door. As Enkhild opens the door, a cold blast of air hits the party and on that wind is carried a low anguished cry. Inside the room, it is unnaturally dark (though not the effects of a darkness spell as encountered earlier). You think you can see quick flitters of movement from the deep shadowy corners, but whenever you concentrate your gaze, there is nothing. You stand outside the room...
What on Earth

Fodel Bersk
Fodel peers into the darkness and says "Be carefully looking into the darkness."

"Gee, it sure is dark in there. Here use this." Ian pulls his dagger with the light spell cast on it and hands it to someone in the front.

OOC: I assume the light speel is still active. It has a duration of 30 minutes.
Still going...

The light spell is still in effect but does little to illuminate the back and west side fo the room.

Enkhild Ironfist
** EDITED April 18, 2002, 12:28 pm **

Strange, the dwarf thought to himself, his mind finally back on the work at hand. He wasn't sure he actually wanted to step in this room without a shield.

"Anyone still carrying those lit torches? I can step in and use my eyes to pierce the darkness, but if I can throw the torch in it'll give a bit of light for that deeper section of the room"


Kipler Farwall
Kip stands guard near the back looking around the wasted keep on the lookout for any more trouble.


Ian hands the dwarf his dagger"Here Enlhind, throw my dagger into the room ahead of you to light the way."

Rose peers into the dark room, seeing the flitering shapes she nervously nocks an arrow to her bow. "I wonder what nifty surprise this room holds?" She asks to no one in particular.
Spot and listen

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
April 18, 2002, 2:28 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 2 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 16 = 16
 18 = 18
Total = 34

Throwing the dagger.

Enkhild Ironfist
** EDITED April 18, 2002, 2:30 pm **

Looking at the dagger, he accepts it from the mage and steps forward into the doorway, tossing the dagger out towards the darkness that the others could not see into.

At the same time, he uses his darkvision to pierce the blackness and see what is lurking in such open black expanses. He stands ready for something to come bursting out of the darkness at him.

[SPOT: 16]
[LISTEN: 18]

Enkhild in the room

Enkhild enters alone, examining the room. While he stops and looks at something you cannot see, a wail of sorrow and anguish can be heard eminating from the room.
Will save

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
April 19, 2002, 3:25 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 1 = 12
Total = 12

Will Save

Enkhild Ironfist
You watch the dwarf step in and throw the lit dagger into the room. The moaning cries you hear are deafened quickly by the loud cursings and stomping feet as the dwarf comes rushing out of the room in a fit of terror.


Enkhild charges straight into the group, running as fast as he can in the opposite direction of the door.

[ooc: If anybody tries to stop him, I will roll for a bullrush, cuz he will knock you out of his way if you block the path]

As he runs, his waraxe clatters to the ground behind him, forgotten in his sheer unbelievable fright.

[ooc: I love fear!]


Ian's mouth hangs open as the dwarf bursts from the room screaming. Recovering, he looks at the others, "We have to stop him!" In despration Ian runs after him "ENKHILD WAIT! STOP WE WON'T HURT YOU!!!"
Kivara, chasing a man ...

Kivara Sunchild
Without thought or consideration to the possible reprecussions of this choice, Kivara takes to her heels and darts after the frieghtened dwarf. Something must be wrong - very wrong indeed - to have Ironfist flee in terror like that.

Regardless of where he is running to, Kivara will follow. If/When she catches up with him, she tries to grab his shoulder and ask him what's wrong. Obviously, he'll keep on running so Kivara will continue chasing him and asking him.

ooc: hopefully someone will pick up his axe :-)

Suddenly better

Enkhild Ironfist
The dwarf comes to a stop suddenly, about 25 feet from the door. He turns to find his companions looking at him oddly. The fear that had gripped him was less now, and the initial shock seemed to have worn off. Or at least, from here he felt a lot safer.

With his regained composure came the increasing feelings of embarassment. He could see his treasured waraxe lying on the stones where he had dropped it like a frightened child, and it was all he could do to keep from bashing his own stubborn head against a wall.

And I mocked the others for taking courage from leaves he thinks to himself. Some courageous dwarf he had been.

"I am truly sorry, friends. I am alright. Those things in there, they were made of the shadows themselves!!! I do not know what overcame me, but I will not allow it to happen again. A shameful thing."

Reaching to his back, his hand grips the shaft of the club and he holds it in both hands, using it almost as a shield against the fear he still seemed to have. Stepping forward reluctantly, his knees shaking a bit, he stolidly takes his place with the others again, picking up his axe and putting it in his belt.

"So they think to frighten an Ironfist, eh? Make a fool of stubborn Enkhild, eh? Well, lads and lasses, why don't we show them a thing or two about fear."

He talks a tough game, but you can see that his eyes still hold a trace of that fear when he looks to the shadowy room.


** EDITED April 20, 2002, 3:27 am **

Ian coming to a sudden stop narrowly misses running into the Dwarf. "What happened back there?" Seeing Enkhild blush he tries to change the subject, "Perhaps we should try some of the Correlon's Courage, it may help combat the unnatrual fear the creatures inflict." Ian reaches into his pouch and offers the fungus to the others.

Fodel Bersk
** EDITED April 20, 2002, 11:18 pm **

Here Here friend Ian.

Perhaps this brew was a gift from our gods to aid us in this time.
OOC (perhaps we should give it to Enkil.)

Inside, the voices die down and only the sound of soft weeping can be heard from outside. Moving back and forthe with the wind the door swings freely.
Enkild goes berserk

Rose dives out of the way of the charging dwarf. she picks herself up off the ground and looks quickly into the room to see what could have scared him so bad. She moves a bit closer to the door and thinks about getting his axe for him but thinks twice and stays put. She watches Enkild compose himself and then waits to see what the battle plan is going to be.

Fodel freaks

Fodel Bersk
Fodel sees the dreaded -- and totaly freaks out. He loses all composure and patience.HA HA Ha Ha

Fodel readies a spell a follows slowly behind Rose ready to cast or spring into action.
Into the dark again

Enkhild Ironfist
It is a mark of the fear Enkhild felt that he does not offer to lead the group into the room first. As the others ready to go in, Enkhild considers wielding his trusty axe, but he had been told this club had magic in it, and whatever was in there might not be harmed by his regular weapon. He hoped he was right. He felt odd holding this overly large stick in his hands.

Ian offers the courage plants to everyone, but even after his recent frightful encounter, the dwarf cannot bring himself to admit that he needed a plant to fight fear.

[ooc: I think Ian's right. There should be a 'stubborn' bonus to Will saves ;)]

Taking the plant

Rose takes the fungus hen offered and downs it. She sees the others starting to line up behind her, 'All these big strong men and they line up behind me,' Rose thinks to herself, showing a bitmore backbone than she normally does, she nocks an arrow to her bow and marches into the room.
The Fungus

Those that eat the fungus are +2 vs fear for the next 24 hours.

Ian hands Rose a some for the fungus and takes some himself. "Would anyone else like to try some? It's tastes like chicken!" Ian sneaks a wink at Rose at his joke.
will save

Rose rolls...
April 22, 2002, 2:46 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 6 = 7
Total = 7

spot check

Rose rolls...
April 22, 2002, 2:46 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 9 + 7 = 16
Total = 16


rats, failed the save
And she bravely ran away

Rose marches boldly into the room, a second later you hear a loud "EEK!". A second after that you see the blur of a halfling as Rose hauls arse out of there. She dives behind Enkild and stays there. In a shaky voice she says "Did anyone else see that? Theyre wearing the seal of old Phlan. I saw them when we were at the clerk's office." After she composes herself she pokes Enkild in the ribs, "Hey Enkild, do you still have that note from the skeleton outside the gate? If you do let me see it."

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild and Rose huddle together, standing at the back of the group watching the doorway. Looking down to Rose, he starts fiddling through a pocket in the side of his backpack, pulling out the scrap of elven writing.

"Here ya go, little lady. Weren't friendly in there, were they?"

[ooc: This was before my time here, so by the posts on the first SOKOL KEEP board it SEEMS I have the note, but it wasn't in my EQ when I took over the character]

Mother to them all ...

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara will (as before) run after any of the Band that runs off in fear. She hopes to catch up with them and keep them from running into trouble.

Once everyone is regathered (presuming no one did run into trouble -- all this yelling is probably attracting unwanted attention though) she will look at them all and wondering what the problem is ...

If the others are willing to guard outside the door, then Kivara will attempt to go inside with mace held at the ready as well. Otherwise, if no one is going to be guarding the outside of the room, then she herself will continue guarding.

Will save

Fodel Bersk rolls...
April 22, 2002, 11:39 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 9 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 16 + 9 = 25
Total = 25

Spot roll

Fodel Bersk rolls...
April 22, 2002, 11:40 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 3 = 9
Total = 9

Fodel possible brave entry

Fodel Bersk
Fodel grids his morals and says "The true enlightnened know no fear for the overcome desire." He inhales and enters a proud monk. (I rolled a 25) As he stands in the room he feels his faith grounding him. He looks around (Spot roll of a mighty 9)

OOC What do I see
Wait and see

Kipler Farwall
Kip extremely curious to see what happens, waits for Fodel before attempting the brave entrance himself...
The note

Rose nods as she takes the note, "They must've worked for old phalna before it fell. Something very nasty must've happened to bring them to this end. I just hope this note will tell us something useful." She says as she reads the note over.

A number of you now have notes, please check them and respond accordingly.

** EDITED April 23, 2002, 11:39 pm **

Rose reads over the note several times her lips moving. A confused look crosses her face and she re-reads it several more times.
Shestnik Lux Samos... These words look like they are made by Elven letters, but they make no sense."
at the ready, but playing nice

Kivara Sunchild
Kivara looks to the figures before her. For some reason, she does not take thier actions to be actions of offense, but, rather, a plea of some sort.

She lowers her mace and afixes it to the strap on her belt. But, at the same time, she moves her hand to the sun-face pendant she keeps dangling from her belt. She does not make any sudden movements with it, but she does wish to keep it in the palm of her hand should she need to focus more holy energy through it (to try and dispel these apperent-ghosts if the need arises).

With some fear and trepidation in her voice that comes from not understanding, she speaks, "I do not understand," she looks around the darkened room as if seeking an answer, "what is it that you want?"


Fodel Bersk
Fodel sees the shadowy figures and says "They are suffering in undeath as they did in life." he pauses "Perhaps they need to see something."
OOC Do we have any kind of ensigna from the city to flash (If you will) at these guys?
knowledge ck

Ian rolls...
April 24, 2002, 8:04 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 10 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 10 = 11
Total = 11

trying to help

Ian, who has been watching to exchange with the spirits turn when he hears Rose talk about the note. "I am fluent in elven, maybe I can make sense of the note." Ian studies the note, sratching his chin. After a few meinute he hands it back to Rose, "I'm also unable to make sense of it." he replies shaking his head.

OOC: the note is before my time. Has Ian already tried?


Ian's check

Ian has not yet checked, but seeing the note yeilds the same result. The letters are elven and translate into what Rose has read, but they form no elven word that you know of...

The figures blast past Kivara like an icy blast with unnatural speed before she can react blowing her hair back. The figures congregate around the door, their eyes focused intently on the halfling. One centers itself in the doorway, it's eyes burning into you.
"You! Who do you represent?
Who are you an agent of?"

Back off...

Enkhild Ironfist
...get your own sandwich!

Enkhild stands resolutely in front of his halfling companion, raising his club in front of him with both hands, waving it back and forth. His weight shifts from one leg to another as he prepares to do battle.

"Who do we represent? I don't be knowing about these others, but me, I represent the dwarf that be about ta smash yer little waify shadow-bodies back ta whereva in tha deep hells ye came from! You leave her alone, hear?"

Whatever fear they had brought to him before, Enkhild was ready for them this time around. He still didn't feel like rushing at them and embracing them in battle, but he felt better after having thrown a few insults.

it talks

** EDITED April 24, 2002, 4:46 pm **

Ian watches the spirit approach the doorway and speak to Rose. Taking a step back he goes over his spells in his mind and reaches into a pouch on his belt to find the components needed for one." I just hope it will affect the creature." he thinks to himself.

OOC: ready flaming sphere. he will cast it if the shadow(???) attackes.

Rose involuntarily recoils when the shadow approaches her. She swallows loudy and taking a deep breath steps around Enkhild. Clearing her throat she says,
" I mean we. We" she spreads her hands trying to encompass the whole party, "represent the City Counsel of New Phlan. We have been commisioned to help reclaim what was lost years ago. Umm...err...who are you?" She gets it all out, but she looks like she's ready to hide behind Enkhild again.

Kipler Farwall
"By my stars...", kipler mumbles to himself, amazed at the dead thing speaking.

A look of wonder crosses his face at Rose's response, he looks back to the dead thing wondering what it will do next.

Ignoring everyone save Rose, the apparation continues, the torment of it's existance evident in it's howling voice...
"...New Phlan...? Could it be true?

After all these years...waiting...

Ferran did this...his last measure...

We would hold the Keep throughout time

and never surrender it to those

creatures! Our lives...our families...

all gone...the torment...the waiting...

Please help us! Please set us free!"


Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild furrows his brows, not really trusting these things. He starts muttering under his breath about freeing them with a good smack upside the noggin'.
That's horrible

Rose's look goes from terror and fear to pity and compassion as the spirit speaks, "It must be horrible for you! What was it that was done to you, and how do we free you from it?"
Fodel reply

Fodel Bersk
Fodel watches the end thing glide by "Suffering that teaches nothing is the domain of fools. How may we help you to reach your next state."
keeping ready.

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara watches intently at the exchange partaking. She takes one step back (whatever direction is _away_ from the creatures if possible).

She keeps her holy symbol at ready near hand. She wants to be ready in case she needs to focus more positive energy to disperse these creatures.

(ooc: keeping "ready" from her distance/location to turn the undead if Rose appears threatened in any way. Of course, if she even can turn these ghosts has yet to be seen )