Sokol Keep - 06

The shadowlike creature listens and answers,
"Only Ferran Martinez can lift this burden from
us...for his spell of binding keeps us here.
You know the words of passage...please...
go to the chapel! Onle then can we be free to
join our families...long gone before us...
The chapel...The words of passage..."
When he is finished speaking, the shadow ceartures fade away, but their presence is still felt. Kivara, Rose and Fodel see the outline around a floorboard inside the room glow faintly for a moment and then fade.
The chapel?

Enkhild Ironfist
Lowering the club, he shoves it into his pack, the end sticking out. He grabs his waraxe again from his belt, looking around at the others.

"So... who wants to be going in there and get good Ian's dagger back?"

Enkhild looks around, hoping someone would volunteer before he himself had to go back into the room and retrieve the lit dagger he had tossed in there.

i'll get it

" I have another, why don't we come back when those things are gone?"
Allow me

"There's no reason to leave a perfectly good dagger behind, I'll get it." With that Rose re-enters the room looking for Ian's dagger.
search roll

Rose rolls...
April 25, 2002, 2:28 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 7 = 18
Total = 18

search roll

Rose rolls...
April 25, 2002, 2:28 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 7 = 8
Total = 8

Ian's dagger

Got an 18 for the search of Ian's dagger
It's kind of glowing

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild puts his arm out to stop Rose from entering the room again, but she was obviously not the least bit afraid of those shadowy creatures.

That made him feel even worse. His face full of shame, Enkhild turns to continue their explorations.

"Well, I guess we oughta find this chapel thing, then, eh?"

[ooc: I hope the 18 can find a dagger that is emanating a light source in a dark room... otherwise, we have BIGGER problems...]

Ian's dagger

Rose easily ducks under Enkhild's arm and enters the room.

OOC: Didn't know if the spell was still in effect or not. I rolled just in case it was needed.

Ian's face flushes when Rose hands him his dagger. Ummm, thanks a lot Rose. You are a very brave person, thoses things give me the creeps." Sheathing the blade Ian falls back in line with the others in search of the temple.
Shouldn't we

Fodel Bersk
Fodel watches the spirit depart and says "Would it be wise to pry up that floor board." If no one stops him he's going for the gold
The room

Rose enters the room looking for the dagger, seeing it she picks it up and using it like a torch she takes a look around the room. She makes her way over to that floor board and using Ian's dagger attempts to pry it up.

Fodel Bersk
Fodel sees Rosde come over to the floor board and joins here in the prying. "I could try a single punch. One of the temple elders would break wood with his head"

OOC what would I need to do to break a floor board karate style?
I'd like to see that.....

Rose looks up from the floor board and snickers at Fodel's comment, "With thier head? This I gotta see!" She takes a step back from the board waiting for Fodel to break it with his head.

Kipler Farwall
A bit unnerved by the shadowy haunt,
Kipler waits to see what happens rather nervously.

Intrigued by what could be under the floor boards he moves nearby to have a better look.

Beneath the board

Fodel draws back a fist and brings it down with a controlled, precise strike. The board shatters into numerous pieces, and after a moment of clearing, something can be seen underneath.

Rose reaches out holding the lighted dagger over the hole.

Within, can be seen a blue gem about 2" long by 1" wide by 1/4" thick. Underneath that is a few old pages of someone's diary.

It reads:

The hordes came again last night. Their coordiantion was frightening. Under the cover of darkness, goblins and kobolds pushed bundles of sticks to within bow range. These bundles formed a wall that protected the small ones from our archers. Once the wall was erected orc archers took up safe positions there and began pelting the castle walls with arrows.

We tried shooting flaming arrows at the wall of sticks to set it afire. Monsters are normally afraid of fire. But these monsters showed no fear. They simply scooped dirt on the flames to put them out. Before all the fires were out they had resumed firing at us. Surely, some unnatural force must have been at work to weld these quarrelsome beasts into an organized fighting force.

I do not know if we can combat the monster's onslaught much longer. We lost 12 more men last night. The monsters seem to have an unlimited number of reinforcements. The last Priest of Tyr, Ferran Martinez, says he has a way to protect the keep, but he says that it's so terrible that it may only be used as a last resort. Unless we recieve reinforcements shortly, Ferran Martinez is our only hope."

Fodels idea

Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks at the paper and syays "We must find the chapel."

"Hey! I thought you were going to use your head?" Severly disappointed Rose reads the note over with Fodel. "It shouldn't be too hard. There aren't many buildings left. she lets Fodel take the note and she reaches in and takes out the gem. She holds the dagger close to it and takes a good look, "Oooooh preeeetty! She says she hops up and rushes out the door holding the gem out in front of her, "Hey guys! look what we found!

Kipler Farwall
"Oh!", Kipler replies at the sight of the gem. Then remembers the message.

"I also agree, find the chapel and free the souls! Should we go now?"

Kip waits still holding his crossbow.
listen check

Rose rolls...
April 29, 2002, 5:20 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 2 = 2
Total = 2

Pretty blue gems

** EDITED April 29, 2002, 5:21 pm **

Slightly disappointed in the groups lack of enthusiasm, Rose stuffs the gem into her belt pouch and readies her bow. "We need to find the chapel and have a talk with this marianez person. Come on let's go." Not waiting to see if the others follow she turns and heads off to the next door. When she gets there she presses her ear against trying to hear if anything's on the other side.

OOC:2+8 = 10 on the listen check.
What's that there?

Kendrick Lokian
Snapping out of the daze he has been in, Kendrick walks over to Rose and waits for her to finish listening. If she doesn;t give an indication that something is heard behind the door, he says, "That's quite the little gem you gave there. Maybe our dwarven friend can give us an estimation of it's worth."

Fodel Bersk
Fodel watches Kendrick look at the gem and says "Pause not in your journeys the path ahead is long."
Appraising the gem

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild has been pacing around, waiting patiently for the others to finish whatever they were up to in the other room.

When they return with more news about what had happened here in the keep, and a rather large blue gem, he raises an eyebrow in surprise, but quickly loses interest. They had other things to do.

"Kendrick, I'll take a look at this here gem later, though I can't be promising nothing. I work with metal and stone, a smithy... these types of gems aren't my specialty. I'll do what I can.

However, for now, why don't the lot of us follow Fodel's wise words and keep our bodies moving. There be a chapel here someplace."

Enkhild joins the others, taking the lead as they move to the next doorway, ready to take his agreed-upon position at the front.

moving on

Ian watches the action in the room. As Rose shows everyone the gem he goes over the note in his mind trying to find some clue to it's meaning."I agree with fodel, let's find the chapel and see if we can do anything about the spirits."
Holy S&#*!!!

The door opens with relative ease into a rubble strewn area. Most of the celing has collapsed and sunlight streams into this well-lit access point. Three doors stand before you, one ahead and one to each side. As you stand for a moment to ponder which way to go, you hear the sounds of a loud commotion coming from the gate area. (No listen check required...!)

Looking toward the gate you see a MASSIVE force of Orcs rushing through the gate being directed by a number of hobgoblins. As you watch in shock, a group of skeletons and zombies clears the building below you, and looks up at you.

You have scant seconds to decise what to do...

I will continue once EVERYONE has posted at least once.

Rose rushes into the door and tries to open the righthand one. 9/L I believe.
"Yikes! Quick everyone inside, let's use the doorway so that we only have to fight 1 or 2 or 3 at a time!"
Following Roses lead

Fodel Bersk
Fodel follow Roses lead and heads toward the unused door. "The first impulse is the truest impulse." He says as he runs
better part of valor

Ian's shock is broke by Rose's command. he runs after the other towards the doorway.
Let me try something

** EDITED April 30, 2002, 10:42 pm **

Rose skids to a halt, she reaches into her belt pouch and grabs the gem. Thrusting it up in the air she shouts the words from the note.
"Shestnik Lux Samos!" Hoping her idea pays off.........
They are here!

Kipler Farwall
"By the gods! We're in trouble now! They can starve us in there! But lets try it!"

Kip follows rose into the room and hopes that the gem can do something.
Guard Rose

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild lets the others rush into the room to use the doorway to slow the attackers down, and then he backs in once everyone has entered, his waraxe gripped tightly in one hand as he begins loosening his pack for easy access to the big club.

"Surround the door! A few stand off to the side and be ready to take the place of those who weaken to give them a chance to rest. We will alternate!"

He sets up, preparing for the worst, both hands on his axe.


As Rose utters the word Shestnik, The undead focus on her. The skeletons almost seem to nod to her and then turn their attention toward the orc attackers. Waiting they ready to attack the rushing tide.

You just bought yourselves a few more seconds...

Please post what positions (cell addresses) you will occupy inside the room (for those of you heading into the room).

Ian runs into the room and readies his crossbow turning back to the doorway."Hurry up every get in her quick!!!"

Move to 10k
Defending the door

Enkhild Ironfist
When everyone has moved into the room, Enkhild will back into the room, taking the first turn at guarding the door.

[Position: K11]

"Get those other doors open, see if we can find a better place to defend from, perhaps some high ground, or tables to block the doors... anything!"

Even with the undead under Rose's apparent command, the army of orcs and hobgoblins advancing upon them would roll through those defenders in a few seconds. They needed a good defensible position.

Fodel moves

Fodel Bersk
Fodel moves quickly ahead of everyone to area K10 he goes into a figthing posture and says "Beset on all sides the wiseman prepares for the battle within and with out." He focus sharply
Moving ...

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara's first instinct is to channel more positive energy in an attempt to turn the undead horde. But upon seeing Rose gain control of them in some manner or another Kivara decides the time bought is well worth it.

Thinking Rose's idea a good one, Kivara begins waiving and yanking (if necessary) everyone into the room. Thus, only one or two can come through the doorway at a time.

If anyone is not moving, Kivara starts to pull them in. She will not go into the room completely herself until she has managed to get everyone else inside. "Move move move!" she says in a (hopefully) motivational tone.

Once inside, she will take whatever space is left available :-) She will also suggest that they close the doors on the inside (J8, J9, K9) if they are not already closed.

Time to go....

** EDITED May 2, 2002, 9:51 am **

Rose watches the undead turn towards the hoard and takes a second to look at the gem in her hand, "Cool." She says before turning and darting into the room. Wishing Cedric were still around she enters the room looking for a table or something she could climb up onto to get a better vantage for her bow.

OOC: Moving to N/9
Looking around

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick rushes into the room (K9) at Kivara's urging and looks around the room for a way to improve the situation. Drawing his longsword and handaxe, he readies for the inevitable onslaught.

In the room

There are three doors within the room aside from the one you all entered. All of them are presently shut. Looking up at the mostly collapsed celing, you can see an old guardtower. Apparently, at one point, the collapsed stairs in this room lead to the tower above.

From outside, the sounds of battle are heard as the orc forces clash with the undead guardians of Sokol Keep.

If anyone's going to do anything pre-battle, now is the time!
Climb roll

Rose rolls...
May 2, 2002, 5:14 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 16 + 6 = 22
Total = 22

Taking the high ground

Rose looks at the guard tower and sees the perfect vantage point for her bow. She moves to where the stairs used to be and tries to climb up to the guard tower.

OOC: Got a 22 on the climb WOOHOO!
Which way?

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick looks over at Enkhild, his words spoken quickly, "Enkhild! I may be able to do more up there with Rose, raining down arrows on them as they come. That or I stay and fight beside you? "

Get up...

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild keeps his eyes on the army before them, but hears the hurried questions of the others.

"Kendrick, ye should up there with Rose if ye can. Besides, there ain't much room to fight here, anyways.

Now, would someone get those doors open and look for better fighting ground. I can hold the door 'til ye find something, but we don't have much time, and I don't like the thought of having to face these brutes one after the other."

[ooc: We need a corridor or doorway that's wider than two spaces so we can have three people attacking per round. Right now, we have one with full attack, and one fighting against partial cover. Oh, and if anybody finds a grenade launcher, that'd be good too ;)]


Fodel Bersk
Thinking he grasps the situation fodel attempts to open the door in the back. He tugs and
The back door

The back door is locked.
The other doors

Assuming you try the others and give a cursory glance around from the doorway, you see the following:

The Room to the East: The room to the east is empty save for 6 old, wooden weapon racks. The racks are empty.

The Room to the West: The room to the west looks to have been an office, but everything is in disarray as if someone searched through the room and just threw things everwhere.
Climb check

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 3, 2002, 2:32 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 13 + 3 = 16
Total = 16


Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick wastes no time in trying to get to the guard tower. Picking his way along the remnants of the stairs and pieces attached to the wall he begins his climb. Reaching the top, he quickly scans the tower for anything useful and readies his bow.
The tower

** EDITED May 3, 2002, 4:26 pm **

** EDITED May 3, 2002, 4:25 pm **

As Kendrick comes up over the edge he sees Rose looking into a large crate. As he comes up Rose turns to him, "I think I found something that will help." She reaches into the crate and holds up a bottle of oil. "It's almost full, you light some torches and I'll start tossing them over. Also I've got a grappling hook an a rope. You might want to secure the hook to something and lower the rope down in case our friends need to retreat. I have some torches in my pack. I'd say light one and put it in one of the sconces on the wall that way we can light a couple at a time to light the oil." Rose says this as she unshoulders her pack and drops it to the ground. After she has her pack off she starts dragging the crate over to the edge of the platform closest to the courtyard.

OOC:Rose has 2 torches, the grappling hook is attached to 50 feet of knotted rope. She will drag the crate to M/10 But she wants to keep it about 5 feet from the edge of the platform. I figured that with all the bonuses I get to missile (+7 to thrown) weapons it would be better for me to throw them and let Kendrick do the torch and rope things.

Kipler Farwall
Kipler quickly prepares and casts a spell, concentrating for a moment as a light shines momentarily around his body.

ooc: casts mage armor on himself in case any nasties creep through. He stays in the same square for now.
The desk

Enkhild Ironfist
When somebody reports back that there is a large sturdy desk and some chairs in the next room, Enkhild almost leaps with delight. He slams closed the door he is standing in front of and heads for the room to the west.

"Somebody watch that door, could ya? Somebody else is with me. Let us be getting this junk piled up and block off the access to the room.

If anybody can be getting through that locked door, now is the best time to try. In moments it won't matter."

Enkhild starts shuffling his body along, and with the aid of whomever joins him, moves the desk and blocks off the door with it. He then grabs the chairs and starts piling them behind the desk. Then he moves to the eastern room, grabs the empty weapon racks and starts dragging those in front of the door.

[ooc: I don't know how many rounds this will take, but Enkhild will keep moving the defenses in until he is done, hoping his friends can cover his back while he gets the stuff moved]


Ian turns and follows the dwarf to the desk. "I will help you Enkhild." The wizard lift with all his might, his face turning red for the effort, but he manages to lift it.

Fodel will

Fodel Bersk
Stand there and stall I guess
spells & stuff

Kivara Sunchild

Knowing that Enkhild has proven himself the kind to remain at the brunt of battles, Kivara figures he will be the one who ends up positioning himself at the forfront of this defense.

Since every little bit helps, she pulls a scrap of holy parchment from one of her belt pouches and begins inciting a prayer. This is one they heard before, earlier, when the others first met the Band of Everlight; she refers to it as the Shield of the Shining One.

As she finishes the incantation, she touches Enkhild's shoulder. "I have called to Pelor to aid in your protections ..." she says with a reassuring smile.

ooc: Cast Shield of Faith on Enkhild; grants +2 deflection bonus to his AC

After all this, each passing moment becomes more tense than the last and all that she can do is ready her darksteel mace for what is about to unfold at the very doorstep...

In the tower

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick, arriving in the tower, smiles as Rose informs him of the contents of the crate. He begins laughing as he quickly readies a torch and places it in one of the sconces. "We might just survive this after all. Assuming we don't end up cooking ourselves. Let's roast some orcs!!"
Don't forget......

** EDITED May 5, 2002, 3:43 pm **

"Don't forget the rope, if they need a quick exit we won't hanve time to drop it down to them later." She says as she drags the crate. As soon as she get to the edge she will start throwing the oil.
It begins

Up above in the guard tower, Rose and Kendrick make ready their area to assault the horde from above. Below, as Ian and Enkhild work feverishly to builld a small blockade Kivara and Kipler cast spells and Fodel stands prepared should the horde reach the doorway before the blockade is erected.

Ian and Enkhild get the chairs in place as the last of the undead is destroyed and the horde rush toward the doorway, greataxes raised. As the earth thunders at their approach and the wind blows, the voices of the long dead flow upon them and you can't help but wonder if this was how it felt for those last defenders of the keep.

As they near the door, a deafening roar begins from one and spreads to the others as they howl their battle cries. Hobgoblin archers spread to the sides and nock arrows looking for a target.

Initiative rolls all around. Map will be updated within an hour (3:41CST)
Kivara's Init.

Kivara Sunchild rolls...
May 5, 2002, 4:23 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 2 = 5
Total = 5

Kivara's initiative roll.

Kivara Sunchild
(rolled Initiative ...)

5!? DOH! She may not move fast, but she is at least moving :-)

Fodel Bersk rolls...
May 5, 2002, 5:18 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 7 = 18
Total = 18

Fodel ready

Fodel Bersk
** EDITED May 5, 2002, 5:26 pm **

Fodel carefully pull out his crossbow and readies a bolt. he looks around nervously. "All that training I never shot it in a real situtation before." he looks around "May this bolt fly true like the wisdom of the suffering ones enlightenment".

Rose rolls...
May 5, 2002, 7:09 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 3 = 10
Total = 10


Rose's mouth drops and she is momentarily distracted by the sheer size of the horde. She recovers grabs a bottle of oil and prepares to launch it. To Ken she says, "Here they come....

Ian rolls...
May 5, 2002, 7:17 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 3 = 22
Total = 22

ready to go

Ian, his heart racing gets readies his spell components.

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
May 5, 2002, 10:51 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 + 1 = 6
Total = 6

Getting ready

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild whips out his axe, ready to do some damage now that the defenses were in place. He thanks Ian for the help with the chairs and desk, and looks around.

"Right now, those creatures can no be seeing us with the door closed shut like that. Eventually, they'll try to open it and get through the blockade.

If any of ye can light this area on fire when that happens, it might buy some more time. We can retreat to each side into these side rooms and use the center room as a shooting gallery. As they come in, we can fire at them and try to get them burnt. Any that get through that, we hack to bits. So as they say in the old country:

'Aim high, swing low, and stand strong.'"

Enkhild shakes his head back and forth, gripping both hands to his axe. It was time to get this done.

[INIT: 6]


Ian gives Enkhild a coy smile when he mentions setting fire to the pile of debris in blocking the door, "I think I can manage something. Where do you want me?" knowing that this will be a hard fought battle and having no skill in tatics, Ian abides by the dwarf's orders.

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild only thinks for a second before analyzing where the best place would be for the magic user.

"Ye'll probably want the western doorway. Lotsa room behind ya, and a sight at the door. When we need to retreat, half of us will go west, the others east."

Enkhild wondered how long it would be before the Hobgoblins spotted their friends in the tower and started firing at them. They didn't have anywhere to go from up there, and if they were forced to retreat back into the other rooms, they would be cut off from their friends.

Unfortunately, there simply wasn't a better way. And the dwarf REALLY didn't like that they didn't know what was waiting for them on the other side of that locked door.


Ian nods to Enkhild and moves to the west doorway. Reaching into a pouch on his belt Ian pulls out a pinch of powered iron and some tallow. Ready to cast his spell when given the order.

OOC:move to j8, ready action, cast flaming sphere on Enkhild's command.

Kipler Farwall rolls...
May 6, 2002, 11:39 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 1 = 2
Total = 2


Kipler Farwall
Init is a righteous 2.

Kipler stays where he is, a hand ready within his components pouch. Trying to breathe evenly he readies himself for the battle ahead.

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 6, 2002, 11:49 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 20 + 5 = 25
Total = 25

Goin first!

Kendrick Lokian
Init 25
The Battel Begins

The Init orser has been posted in the appropriate thread (Initiative Order). You know what to do!
Sething the lifeline

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick pulls the grappling hook and rope out of Rose's backpack and, securing it to the side of the guardtower, throws it over so those below can use it if needed. "Let's hope they won't need to."

Ian holds the spell components in his had and goes over the arcane word he needs to speak to channel the energies of magic. The waiting is almost too much, "Tell me when Enkhild!"

Action: holding until i get the order
Fodel will

Fodel Bersk
Fodel moves out the path of any magical bolts. He stands with his crossbow ready. he'll try to shoot at those bypassing the flaming sphere.
Hobgoblin Attack

The two hobgoblin formations loose their arrows at Kendrick and Rose, filling the air with arrows. Most of them end up striking the guardtower, but one finds it's target.

As Kendrick works and arrow grazes his head, slicing the left side open (5 points). Within seconds the left side of his face is covered in blood.
Orcs at the door

The sound of the charging orcs gets much louder as they now stand right outside the door. After a few solid thuds, you hear a different sound. The sound of splintering wood as the greataxes begin to make short work of the door.
Continue in...

Sokol Keep - 07