Sokol Keep - 07

Ranged touch attack

Rose rolls...
May 7, 2002, 2:05 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 10 + 7 = 17
Total = 17

Time to fry some orcs

Rose ducks when the arrows come flying at her and Kendrick. Wincing in sympathy for Ken's wound she quickly regains her composure and takes aim and lobs the bottle of oil at the one of the orcs in front of the door. (K/13) She barely waits to see what happens as she reaches back into the crate, grabs another vial of oil, and ducks back down behind the wall.

OOC:Rolled a 17 on the attack -1 for distance it would be a 16.

The vial of oil strikes the orc in question and splatters around him.
Taking the door

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild stands his ground, moving out of the way of Fodel's crossbow and moving into a position to defend Ian and block any incoming shots.

"Keep that spell ready, Ian! We can get in a few hits while they try to get through the desk, and then we start. Hopefully we can block the door with orc bodies!"

Enkhild is grinning wildly, and waits for the orcs to break through the door.

[Full defense +4 AC]
[Kivara's Shield spell: +2 AC]

Kivara casts again...

Kivara Sunchild
Noting people's positions, Kivara reaches into her spell component pouch (otherwise indistinguishable from her other belt pouches) and produces another scrap of paper.

She repeats the words and gestures used to envoke the Shield of the Shining One on Ironfist and this time casts the spell on Fodel.

(Shield of Faith on Fodel. +2 deflection bonus to his AC)
Readying a spell

Kipler Farwall
Kipler watches the door intently. Pulling a bit of sand from his pouch, Kipler readies a spell in his mind, readying the power within himself and mouthing the words.

Readying an action: When the door gives, he will loose his sleep spell.
Shooting the Orc

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 9, 2002, 10:23 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 16 + 7 = 23
Total = 23


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 9, 2002, 10:23 am

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 1 = 8
Total = 8

Starting a fire

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick, finished with the rope, picks up his bow and holds an arrow over the torch mounted in the guardhouse, igniting the end. Nocking the arrow, he aims at the orc that Rose hit with oil and let's the arrow fly.

Hits AC 23, 8 points of damage.
The fire starts

The arrow flies true striking the orc squarely in the chest and igniting the oil. The fire spreads down the orc along the ground and ignites the oil on the other orcs around it. A moment later, the orc that Kendric shot falls to the ground, unmoving.
is it time?

With sweat beading his forehead Ian continues to wait for Enkhild's order to cast the spell.

OOC: Holding for the order.

Fodel Bersk
Focusing himself Fodel continues to says softly to himself. "I am the arrow I fly staright and true." He continues to hold.
Hobgoblins Fire

In practiced unison, the two hobgoblin lines pull arrows from their quivers, aim, and fire at the two targets in the guard tower. The cover the tower provides them is all that saves them from the deadly rain of arrows.
The Orcs

A number of the orcs stop and combat the oily blaze around them while some of the grizzled vetrans at the front shake their heads and take the pain knowing the futility of the situation and attack the door, venting their pain in their attacks.

The door breaks appart and crumbles all too easily before the orc greataxes. The door destroyed, another greataxe falls, this time upon the desk, causing a large crack to spread across it.
Ranged touch attack #2

Rose rolls...
May 12, 2002, 2:23 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 10 + 7 = 17
Total = 17

Fire bad!

Rose waits for the arrows and then pops back up. Grabbing a bottle of oil she quickly surveys the field and picks her target. She lobs the bottle and then quickly ducks for cover again.

OOC: Throwing at the orc in space L/15. Rolled a 17 again, -1 for range would be 16.
Calling for everything

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild raises his hand for a second and signals for everyone's attention as he yells out.


Enkhild stands ready for whomever comes through the desk, acting as a human shield for those behind him.


Glancing to his right, he nods to Fodel, knowing the man is ready to help fight any who come through the door hand to hand. Axe at the ready, Belgar wipes some sweat from his brow.



Fodel Bersk
Fodel nods back showing he ready to fight however cuts there way through

** EDITED May 12, 2002, 4:37 pm **

On Enkhild's signal Ian cast begins gesturing and reciting the words of magic. A ball of flame appears in the doorway and sets the desk ablaze.Ian directs the sphere into the horde of orcs setting their clothes on fire.

OOC:cast flaming sphere(3rds,2d6 dmg, ref save to avoid) and direct it to l15.
Held Actions

All those who held actions may now act.

I believe that was, Kipler and Ian with spells and Fodel with a crossbow.

The Orcs are not in melee range (unless you have a reach weapon).

PLease remember to use cell addresses of who you are attacking.
A little clearer?

Ian, Fodel and Kipler please execute your readied actions.

On Enkhild's signal Ian cast begins gesturing and reciting the words of magic. A ball of flame appears in the doorway and sets the desk ablaze.Ian directs the sphere into the horde of orcs setting their clothes on fire.

OOC:cast flaming sphere(3rds,2d6 dmg, ref save to avoid) and direct it to L15.
Crossbow hit

Fodel Bersk rolls...
May 14, 2002, 12:12 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 4 = 10
Total = 10

Smooth steady squeeze

Fodel Bersk
** EDITED May 14, 2002, 7:41 am **

Seeing the door splintered Fodel fires his Crossbow glide he thinks glide.
The crossbow glides forward and embeds into the wall.
OOC so much for smooth and steady
Sleep results

Kipler Farwall rolls...
May 14, 2002, 7:51 pm

Roll 2, 4 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 3 = 4
Total = 4

Nap time

Kipler Farwall
Kipler lets the sand slowly seep through his fingers while he whispers inaudible words, releasing the magic power within. With his other hand outstretched, he points towards the orcs assaulting the doorway.

Sleep spell. 4 hit dice affected, will save negates. DC:14
Readied Actions Away

Fodel, a little out of practice with the crossbow after using his fists for so long misfires while Ian and Kipler loose their spells. Ian's firey sphere sits atop the desk, causing it to begin burning. With a few words and gestures, Kipler causes 4 of the creatures to fall asleep, their greataxes falling to the ground harmlessly.

Those burned by the original flaming oil attack collapse, unmoving. The fires that burn their bodies cease soon afterword. More of the horde fill their positions.

Map updated. Continue normal init order from Kivara down now.
Kivara passes... *sigh*

Kivara Sunchild

ooc: I hate to do this, but ...

Kivara, seeing few options available to her will pass this turn. She just waits there for an opportunity (no action this round - she's cornered back and some of the spell options she has may be overkill or would waste potentially needed curings.. ;).

To Hit

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 15, 2002, 11:27 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 8 + 7 = 15
Total = 15


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 15, 2002, 11:28 pm

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 1 = 4
Total = 4

Flaming arrow redux

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick again nocks an arrow, quickly lights it, pops up, and looses the flaming missile toward the target already primed by Rose's oil. He then ducks again, hoping to avoid the impending shower of arrows...

OOC: Attack Orc at L15, Hit AC 15, Damage 4

The Arrow strikes true, and ignites the orc and the area surrounding it, igniting the other 4 that were splashed. The ignited orcs howl in pain and try to douse the flames while the one struck with the arrow falls dead.
Hobgoblin Archers

The Hobgoblins, well trained, ignore their chaotic surroundings and loose a volley of arrows at Rose and Kendrick in the tower.

Kendrick comes dangerously close to being hit twice, but suffers no further damage. Rose on the other hand, is not so lucky. Three arrows strike her. One slices her left arm (4 points). Another pierces her left shoulder, the arrowhead emerging from the back (6 points). The last strikes her in the head, on the right side just below the hairline and nocks her head back as it is deflected by her skull (6 points). Blood pours down the right side of her face, matting her hair. With a bit more force or a more precise shot, Rose would surely be dead now. (16 total)

At a command from a Hobgoblin, the Orcs back away. A squad of 6 orcs begin running back to the gate.

Ian take a step to his left and focus on the sphere in the doorway commanding to forward. As the rolls over the orc it sets their equipment on fire. Casuing them to howl in pain.

action: 5ft step left, command sphere to L17.(2d6 fire dmg,ref save to avoid)

Fodel Bersk
Fodel vision blocked he holds his atteck. Better to waste a crossbow bolt on a potential hit then a assured miss. He thinkss to himself.

Kipler Farwall
Seeing more orcs beyond the sleeping orcs by the doorway, Kip holds out more sand towards them mumbling the same strange words...

OOC: Sleep spell once more 4 hit dice affected, will save negates. DC:14 at orcs located at K15

Ian's flaming sphere rolls off of the desk and out into the orcs. Contacting a sleeping orc outside the doorway, it begins burning him. The orc awakens in pain only to die a moment later.

Kipler sinishing another spell, directs the magic at the steadily thinning orc horde. This time, only one orc falls sleeping.

Fodel Bersk
Fodel takes the movement action to reload his crossbow.
ranged touch attack

Rose rolls...
May 19, 2002, 5:54 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 7 = 26
Total = 26


** EDITED May 19, 2002, 8:20 pm **

rose nearly howls when she gets hit. Wiping the blood from her eyes, and trying to ignore the arrows sticking out of her, she grabs another vial of oil and takes aim at one of the archers. "TAKE THAT YOU WALKING FUR BAGS! She yells as she lets it fly......

OOC:Got a 26 on the attack, +1 for Height, -3 for distance, brings the grand total to 24, I believe. Throwing at space O/17

The flask strikes the hobgoblin archer and slashes, wetting the hobgoblin to either side of him.
Going well

Enkhild Ironfist
** EDITED May 20, 2002, 5:52 pm **

Enkhild stands ready for anything that might try to break through the blazing doorway, and watches some of the death and destruction occurring on the other side of the flames and smoke. It seemed things were going well, and soon it would be time for them to finish things off hand to hand.

"We may need to get through to finish off the last of them, so be ready everyone."

Enkhild peers at the debris in front of the door, looking for a possible pathway through the flaming mess to get to their opponents on the other side.

[ooc: Will we need a reflex save to get through? Is it even possible to get through?]


The flaming desk (lol)

OOC: No, it isn't possible to get through at this point. The desk is burning quite well and the chairs are on fire as well. The heat is rather overbearing where you are, but tolerable. In an emergency, you could climb over the burning desk, but that would cost some HP. The chairs will be out fairly soon, but the desk was rather well made, so it's going to be burning for a while.
passing, again, *sigh*

Kivara Sunchild
Without thought or idea as to what to do, Kivara passes this round as well trying to think of what she can potentially do when the orcs get nearer....
Flaming arrow, to hit

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 21, 2002, 7:07 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 7 = 18
Total = 18

Flaming arrow, damage

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 21, 2002, 7:07 am

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 1 = 4
Total = 4

We don't need no water

Kendrick Lokian
"Rose, are you alright?"

Seeing that she is, indeed, still alive despite the copious amounts of blood, Kendrick returns the task at hand. He lights another arrow, pops up, and looses it towards the oily Hobgoblins below.

OOC: flaming arrow at the Hobgoblin in O17. Hit AC 18, 4 points of damage

Kendrick's Attack

The flaming arrow strikes the hobgoblin archer's shoulder, causing him to drop his bow as the fire starts. It quickly spreads to the two next to him. After a moment of trying to extinguish the flames, the shot hobgoblin falls dead.
The Better Part of Valor

From near the gate area, a horn is sounded. Their numbers quickly dwindling, the hobgoblins and orcs break into a full run and rush back to the front gates and out. There isn't so much as a look back. You are fairly certain that they will not be back today.

On the ground remain a number of sleeping orcs and two hobgoblins writhing in pain as they burn.

End of Combat Rounds.
Well done. A good blend of offensive and defensive tactics. That could have been really ugly. Exp to follow in a day or two.


Ian lets his spell wink out of existance. "I doubt they're gone for good but at least we're all ok for now. We will need to rest soon, I guess we're spending the night.'

Kendrick Lokian
"Rose, are you well enough to descend? I could carry you, if you are weak. That is a very nasty wound you received."
The pain

Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks up the at Rose "I can add you with the pain rose."
A bloody mess

When the horn sounds Rose peaks over the wall to see what's going on, upon seeing the horde retreating she slumps down sits leaning up against the wall. With a couple arrows sticking out of her and one side of her face a bloody mess, she looks at Kendrick and attempts a grin, but with her bloody face it looks more like a grimace, "I can't believe we actually survived that. She looks down at the arrows sticking out of her and winces, "Before we do anything do you think you could help get these arrows outta me?
healing assist

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 22, 2002, 10:10 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 18 + 2 = 20
Total = 20

Just a hack

Kendrick Lokian
"As much as I would enjoy playing doctor, I fear I would do more ill than good. Perhaps I should get someone more skilled up here to do the operating."

Kendrick stands carefully, and calls down to the rest of the group...

"Fodel, Kivara, could one of you climb up and lend a little assistance. Rose has a couple of nasty wounds."

OOC: Kendrick will assist whoever takes the lead.
Heal check (for assist):20 (adds 2 points)... maybe I should be a doctor?

Climbing Up

Fodel and/or Kivara, climbing up is no prob as it is a knotted rope. As lond as you take your time, no roll needed.

The desk continues to burn...(and will for about 20 minutes more)

kndrk's aid already included

Kivara Sunchild rolls...
May 22, 2002, 10:33 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 7 = 13
Total = 13

Kivara and heal skill.

Kivara Sunchild

Hearing Kendrick's call for aid, Kivara stows her mace and begins climbing up, slowly.

As she reaches halfway up, she calls back to Enkhild, "Keep an eye out for more trouble... we aren't out of this place yet."

She then continues her ascent. With Kendrick's aid, she begins to use her healing skills to remove the arrows.

Finally, she tries to assess how badly Rose looks injured ( ?? )

ooc: the roll was for her heal check.. and, dang, that sucked monkies.

OOC: Rose is at 6 of 22 hp. And what's this about monkeys? No wait...I don't wanna know...........

Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks at the Dwarf "Do you need aid?"

Kipler Farwall
Kip also stands ready and on guard in the floor area with the dwarf. He readies his crossbow and looks at the burning desk. "Whew...its rather hot in here, I fear we should leave rather hastily after we heal.."
Make some room

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild sighs as he realizes they won't be able to get through the blaze until it either burns down or they find something to put it out with.

Kivara clambers up the tower, going to help their little friend upstairs, and he nods his head as those above ask him to keep an eye out.

"I'll keep an eye on this door, Fodel, and if more come, I'll holler loud. The rest of ye may be more comfortable in one of them other rooms away from this blasted heat."

Enhild shifts back and forth, pacing around occasionally as he waits for the others up top to finish up and come down.


"What about the orcs that Fodel put to sleep? I know it's cruel but maybe they should be eliminated"
Have yer go

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild simply shrugs his shoulders. He wasn't above eliminating those who would have done the same to him, but right now they had a wall of flames in the way.

"Yer welcome to give it a try, but they'll probably have wakened before that blaze goes down. You'll have to throw something at them."


Fodel Bersk
** EDITED May 25, 2002, 12:16 am **

Fodel looks at Ian "Although their sleeping it is unbecoming." He stares at the blaze. "Can we tie them up and leave then hear?"
The Orcs

The Orcs in the courtyard wake up. At the realization they have been left for dead, they flee.

The remnants of the main forces have departed.

(ignore any orcs and such on the map ubtil I can get it updated)

In the meantime, feel free to post your actions. I will let you know outcomes and if you are intarrupted, etc.
Cure Moderate Wounds

Kivara Sunchild rolls...
May 25, 2002, 11:31 pm

Roll 2, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 2 + 8 + 3 = 13
Total = 13

Healing Rose.

Kivara Sunchild

Seeing the state Rose is in, Kivara clasps her sun-face medallion in one hand and touches her other to Rose's forehead.

As she does this, the brown eyed priest begins a now-well-known mantra that causes her hands to glow. As her hands refract their strange brilliance and coloration, Rose notices that her wounds are starting to heal upon themselves...

ooc: spontaneously casting cure moderate wounds for the number of hit points rolled above...
I feel much better now....

That brings me up to 19 of 22, thanx for the assist!

Kipler Farwall
Kip bites his nails and wipes his brow. He then looks around the room, "Should we leave by on of these exits?"
Now what?

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick considers firing a shot or two at the fleeing orcs, but instead concentrates on assisting with Rose. After she is healed, he speaks.

"Ahh, almost as good as new, eh? Thanks for your help Kivara, you are as talented as you are beautiful. Now ladies, what is the plan for this evening? Any thoughts on a safe place to nest?"

Kendrick finishes by flashing a brilliant smile and awaiting the plans...
Safe a place as any.....

"Thanks Kivara, I thought I was done for, for a while." Rose peeks up and watches the remaining orcs flee. "Well we could try camping up here. It's probably the safest place in the keep. Not to mention the fact that those on watch could see anything coming a mile away. But first we should search those dead orcs down there to see what they've got. She grins back at Kendrick and then makes her way down the rope to see if she can get out into court yard.

Kendrick Lokian
"Ahhh, a woman after my own heart! I desperately need a new shirt... Perhaps silk."

With that, Kendrick, too, scrambles down the rope behind Rose to help with the pillaging.
watching for trouble

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara watches in amazment at the priorities of the others.. but, without giving it too much thought, the priestess does admit that there may be something useful on the bodies... she supposes she will never be used to this heavy combat - oh, the days at the church were so much quieter (albeit isolated)...

Since the others are still down (or going down) Kivara will stay on the perch to watch for trouble while the bodies are being searched.

The flaming desk eventually burns out leaving a blackened frame behind which crumbles at the attempt to move it.

As soon as Rose is stabilized, thoughts most prssing flood her conciousness. LOOT!

Moving out into the courtyard, Kendrick and Rose begin the unplesant search of the burned bodies. The unplesantness is rewarded however, as a number of them seem to have recieved payment in advance. From the dead orcs is collected a total of 17 platimum pieces. On the 3 hobgoblins is found a total of 6 platimum pieces. The one shot by Kendrick also bears a note in it's money pouch.

It Reads:

'Our spies in the city inform us that a party of invaders will travel to Sokal Keep to free it. To combat these invaders assemble a force of no less than three squads. Travel by boat from the small docks at the west of town to Thorn Island. Move undetected to Sokal Keep. Tind the adventurers in or around Sokal Keep. Kill them beofre they can return to the city council with information about the true situation at th keep. Return with the invader's heads as proof of completion of your mission. Upon completion you will be rewarded with food, treasure, and many slaves.'

The only equipment that would be usable after the flames would be the greataxes. There ate 7 usable that have not been damaged too badly by the flames.

Fodel Bersk rolls...
May 28, 2002, 5:37 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 = 1
Total = 1

Fodel searches the room

Fodel Bersk
** EDITED May 28, 2002, 5:40 pm **

Fodel uncomfortable with searching bodies looks around the room for clues. He knocks on wall, presses on stones, and looks at the cracks of walls. Unfortunately he seems unware of anything
Time passes


Fodel Bersk
After unsuccesfully searching hte area and the successful looting of the bodies Fodel says "Well let's keep moving. If we wait here those others may come back
A room for the night

Kendrick Lokian
** EDITED May 29, 2002, 10:24 pm **

"Well, Enkhild, my burly friend, what is the status of our sleeping arrangements for the evening? Have you located a suitable bastion that we may take refuge in?"

As Kendrick rejoins the party, he produces the note for all to see.

"And what do you make of this, my companions?"
Loot and such

** EDITED May 29, 2002, 9:33 pm **

Rose ever curious, goes over the bodies holding her nose. Finding only coin see is slightly disappointed. "Well I guess we need money." She scoops up all the coin and deposits it in the room where the majority of the party is. Still hoping to find something interesting she wanders into the Old Office to have a look around. She seems to have completly forgotten about the coin she just had possesion of, that or she is a very trusting little halfing.

OOC:I thought there was a rolling thread, so I rolled in the OOC thread. Got a 12 for the search of the Office.
rest or no ?

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara, who has been perched up where Rose and Kendrick were firing from previously so as to keep watch, comes down to join the others. She quietly looks and listens to what was found. Though, at the note, she can't help but grimace at the thought that there are spies within the city working against them. Quite possibly, depending on how connected the spy is, knowing every move they are going to make...

She lets out a deep sigh but makes no comments to anyone out loud.

"Yes, we should keep moving and possibly rest soon... though, the boatman is coming back in the morning to pick us up (ooc, right?) so perhaps we should try and finish up before then. Pelor only knows when we will have this opportunity to be here searching again...."

ooc: I can't recall off the top of my head when the boatman said he'd come and pick us up again. I'd swear it was morning though. So, if we did go to rest somewhere, we would inadvertantly be killing all the time we have remaining here... hence, if I am remembering correctly, then I am of the mind that we press on - I don't think we're too badly off over all ...


OOC: You are correct. The boatman is supposeed to be back in the morning.
moving on

Ian nods his agreement with Kivara's assesment of the situation, "Yes, I would like to rest but we are running out of time, let us push on while we can." Ian thinks of the few spells he has remaining and of how best they can help the team as he heads for the door.
No rest for the wicked

Kendrick Lokian
Seeing the prevailing sentiment is to trudge on, Kendrick quickly gathers his things.

"Very well then, where are we off to now? Did someone fetch Rose, I think she is still foraging about. Oh, and what did you make of that note... do you think there is mole within the council."

Kendrick waits patiently for a consensus to form among his cohorts.
Search on

Enkhild Ironfist
"As Rose is already heading off into the western room, I say we continue our search there. We didn;t get much time to take a look around. Who knows what's left...or lurking in an old place like this."

Continue in Sokol Keep - 08