Sokol Keep - 08

Continue here.
on the road again ...

Kivara Sunchild
** EDITED May 31, 2002, 12:05 pm **

(In response to Kendrick's question)
"A mole within the council? Possible, if not likley, but at the same time, not necessary. No doubt we have stirred a name for the Band of Everlight since we cleared the Slums.. our trip to Shokol keep was perhaps more than advertised... this may work to our advantage - possibly setup a trap.. spread word we'll be "traveling to somewhere" but instead have our own ambush ready for whomever comes to ambush us? ... well, a conversation for another time. These walls may have ears I guess."

(In response to Ironfist)
Kivara does not say much, she merely nods in agreement. "Hopefully, Rose is not too far ahead." The priestess turns and starts to walk towards the room, "Rose?" she calls out, not expecting an answer but more so as a reassurance to the halfling that they are not far behind her.

ooc: per DM, it is about noon time. So, still have an entire good day ahead of us.

Edit: The stuff I have in parentheses was previously in angle-brackets (I forgot that this read HTML tags) so that stuff was not being seen. Anyway, I changed the angle brackets to parentheses so that you all knew to what I was referring. :)
To the next room

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild walks into the next room, looking briefly about, and then moving to the doorway that they had still not checked. Those damned orcs had stopped them from finishing what they were about... such a nuisance, really. That gooey slime that destroyed his shield had been a more effective enemy.

[ooc: Just wanted to let everyone know I'm sorta back full-time. Hopefully I can keep up, but things this last week really didn't leave much time for me online]


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 31, 2002, 2:20 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 4 + 3 = 7
Total = 7


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
May 31, 2002, 2:20 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 3 = 6
Total = 6


Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick listens to Kivara's assessment.

"An ambush, eh? Pretty devious for cleric... Devious and beautiful, such a dangerous combination."

Turning before she can respond, Kendrick moves into the western room behind Enkhild.

"Were you able to turn anything up, Rose?"

Kendrick takes a quick swing around the room then listens briefly at the door to the North...

OOC: Search=7, Listen=6, die roller=crappy


Fodel Bersk rolls...
June 1, 2002, 6:15 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 = 11
Total = 11


Fodel Bersk
Fodel follows the party back into the room carefully. As Jendrick searches Fodel helps he thinks
(I'll take 20). I got a 31 Do I find anything?
Before all that.....

Before Enkild has even so much as taken more than a step or two into the room, you hear a high pitched shriek, "EEEEEEEEK! Before any of you has time to react Rose comes running full speed towards the door while looking over her shoulder. Not seeing the hefty dwarf standing in the middle of the doorway she plows into him full speed,OOF! and goes down unceremoniously on her butt. Dazed she looks up at the dwarf and shakes her head to clear it. Breathing heavily she says, "There's something in there, looks kinda like a snake but it's big and hard to see. I could almost see right through it! Be careful if you go in there.

Enkhild Ironfist
** EDITED June 3, 2002, 2:42 pm **

As the halfling bumps into his gut, Enkhild stares down in surprise at the frightened Rose. When she blurts out the reason for her fear, a grim look comes over his face as he steps around the halfling and helps her up with a freehand.

"Allrighty, folks, who's up for a wee bit o' snake killin'."

The dwarf steps forward carefully, looking for anything in the current room he could pick up to use as a makeshift shield before the engaged the creature Rose had seen.

I hate snakes

Kendrick Lokian
"Well, I don't care much for snakes, particularly ghost snakes, but I will assist, Enkhild... but you can lead the way."

Kendrick falls in behind Enkhild, an arrow nocked and his bow at the ready.

Kipler Farwall
Kip follows as well, this time though he feels a little more confident about the party as a whole (having taken care of a pretty big force of monsters).

He grips his crossbow ready as he waits behind the others
In the room

You enter the room again, looking around for signs of the transparent snake. You make your way through the clutter on the floor but see nothing...

Map is updated

** EDITED June 3, 2002, 5:16 pm **

Ian walks to the doorway leading to the courtyard, hand crossbow in hand,"I will be of little use fighting that creature so i will keep watch for you." Ian scans the area looking of any signs of the orc's return.

OOC:I'm back. do you need a spot ck?? move to 11k
snake haters! :-)

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara, remembering that Ian apperently DOES have an affinity for snakes tries to chose her anti-snake words carefully lest he hear and be offended...

ooc: Is that other door at D8 open or closed?

"Kendrick," she picks on him since Rose is already a little shaken up, "check the door.. see if it could have gone that way."

(if the door is open, Kivara will also include Enkhild in the request so that Kendrick isn't standing by an open door by himself ;-) )


The door is closed.

Enkhild, nothing here is shield worthy.

Still no sign of the snake thing.
Snakes and such

Fodel Bersk
Fodel watches the member sfo the party walk in and out and still they see no snake thing. "A transparent snake thing. If it truly is it could have gone anywhere." Fodel scratches his bald head in confusion.
Checking the door

Kendrick Lokian
"Anything for you, my dear."

Kendrick renders a deep, and possibly even sincere, bow in Kivara's direction. He moves carefully across the room and checks the door.

OOC: Move to D8, avoiding D9. Listen at the door and search for traps. I will take my previous, crappy rolls. I assume I don't hear or see anything.
Reflex save

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 6, 2002, 5:29 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 20 + 6 = 26
Total = 26

Anyone home?

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick spends a moment inspecting the door. Apparently satisfied, he reaches for the latch.

"Well, it seems safe to me. Enkhild, could get prepared in case there are more orcs and such on the other side?"

OOC: Kendrick will wait until Enkhild is prepared and then open door. Reflex save (if needed) = 26 (gee, I almost hope it is needed)
no one there

Ian scans the courtyard for any signs of the enemy. Not seeing any signs of the orcs he heads to the room with the others. "The courtyard is clear." he annouces to the others. "So where is the snake?"

As Ian turns around, he notices that only Fodel shares the hallway with him. Looking in the "snake room" reveals that Kipler is not in there either. I left the marking on the map to show his last position. Kipler seems to have disappeared...
Opening the door

As Enkhils steps up Kendrick pulls open the door. Just inside the doorway lie the dried husks of two orcs, obviously long dead. Apparently the salt air has preserved them. Their faces are twisted into unmistakable looks of fright. Along one wall is a large, dusty altar. Faint shafts of light come down through a few points in the weak roof.
Temple spot roll

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 7, 2002, 7:03 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 20 + 8 = 28
Total = 28

Going to the chapel...

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick scans the room, floor to ceiling for anything threatening or untoward. If it is safe, he steps forward and searches the two bodies.

"Well, we seem to have found the church. It appears the pastor was a little long winded, judging by these two. Hey, Kivara, any idea who this temple is to? Good god or bad god?"

OOC: Spot roll=28. I rule!
Spot check

Rose rolls...
June 7, 2002, 9:57 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 + 7 = 12
Total = 12

What's this?

Curiosity quickly overcomes fear and Rose makes her way over next to Kendrick. Poking her head in the doorway she takes a good long look around the room. "I THINK WE FOUND THE TEMPLE EVERYBODY! She says in a voice loud enough to be heard at the front gate of the keep.
Going to the doorway

Kivara Sunchild

By Rose's excited (and loud) tone, Kivara gets the subtle hint that they have found the temple :-)

Keeping her mace in hand and buckle at th ready, the blue-eyed priestess moves forward and turns back for only a brief moment to motion the others to come in closer.

She proceeds to the doorway between the rooms. However, she is not yet entering it.

ooc: because she thinks Kiplar is still outside, she isn't going to comment on his dissapearance just yet.

Stepping inside

Enkhild Ironfist
[ooc: sorry for disappearing like that... lotsa late nights, early mornings, and not much time for PBW!!!]

Enkhild grips his axe with both hands and steps into the room, moving to the center of it and quickly taking a look around as the others pile in behind him.

There didn't seem to be any sign of whatever it was that had scared Rose.

looking around...

Kivara Sunchild

As Kivara stands at the doorway to the chapel she looks inside briefly. Without needing to spend much time in her cursory survey, she whispers under her breath, "Tyr..."

Having recognized the symbols, the blue-eyed priestess begins to walk inside with an air of confidence she did not have moments earlier - not that the location is any less potentially hostile but at least she feels some sense of familiarity to something.

Seeing no immediate threat, she stows her mace back onto her belt and lowers her shield arm so it can rest (no sense in having her arm cramp from holding up the shield so long :-) )

Seemingly oblivious to the potential dangers, Kivara begins to walk around and inspect the walls - specifically, the religious symbols and any religious artifacts or items of religious significance that may be found within. She is attempting to discern their legitamacy (if it seems for some reason it may be questionable) as well as trying to determine the state or status of any religious items (broken, good shape, etc).


Fodel Bersk
Fodel notices somethign is amiss the little fellow is gone walking over to where Kipler was standing. Finding nothing amiss Fodel looks around from the gnome's former vantage and sees nothing. Scratching Fodel hollars. "Ian where could the Gnome have gone." There is a tone of confusion in his voice.
In the Chapel

Kivara and Enkhild step into the long unused chapel. The chapel is coated in a layer of dust and, like the rest of the keep, shows signs of neglect and disrepair.

As Kivara inspects the chapel and moves closer to the altar, the air around her becomes unusually cold and for a moment, she can see her breath. From the altar the dust stirs and rises into the swirling into shape, solidifying into a semi-transparent figure. It's head turns to look over at Enkhild and then it's cold gaze focuses on Kivara, staring at her intently.
serenading the spectre

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara swallows hard as the apperation forms before and brngs it attention upon her.

On one hand, she could try and focus her energies to turn the creature, but something tells her that her energy is not focused enough to do such a thing - minor skeletons and zombies yes, this thing, no ... so, she takes to the one weapon she is never without, her tongue.

"I am Kivara, radiant servant of the Shining One ..." the brlue-eyed priestess pauses for a moment as she fumbles for words. "umm.. Lux shestnik samos." she says in elvish trying to see if it understands anything that she is trying to say.

ooc: the elvish words are supposed to be the words from the scroll found earlier.
Axe at the ready

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild is facing the wrong way when the spectre appears, and therefore doesn't notice it until Kivara starts introducing herself to something. Spinning around, axe raised, he spots the spectre hovering before Kivara.

Moving as slowly as he can, the dwarf sidesteps to the left to get a clear line of sight on the spectre. If things went bad, he didn't want her in the way if he had to move in quickly.


Ian scratches his head at Fodel's question, "What? he was standing right here. Ian surveys the room looking for a sign of the halfling's wherabouts. "He couldn't have gone far. do you think we should look for him?"
Remnants of the past

Ferran Martinez
The spectre's eyes blaze, seemingly peering into your soul. With a deep moaning voice, the soul speaks.

Greetings follower of the light. I am Ferran Martinez.
We who remain have faithfully defended these walls
in life and in death. Sokol Keep was their last prize.
Many came and saught to conquer, but with the aid
of my spell, all who have fallen within these walls
have shared in our fate and rise on the following day to
join in the keep's defense.
Tell me lightbringer...what has become of Phlan?


Kendrick Lokian
Seeing the creature appear, Kendrick stops his inspection of the bodies an jumps to his feet. Seeing that Kivara is in no immediate danger, he moves carefully inside the room and to the left.

OOC: Move discreetly to B6.
Do we look for him

Fodel Bersk
"Well" says Fodel "I guess we should." Then he stops thinks "If my friend Kippler were invisible he would grab my hand to let me know he was there." He says this in a tone of desperation. Contemplate the mysteries of suffering are one thing finding disappearing Gnmoes is another.

Ian doesn't like the idea of splitting up but agrees that they must look of Kipler. "Ok lets look for him together. We should let the others know."

Fodel Bersk
Fodel nods his head in agreement then he stops. "If we leave will him whatever trouble he is in will be that much more urgent and fatal." He pauses
news of Phlan ...

Kivara Sunchild

Noting that the specture understands and is not about to eat her brain (or something), Kivara lets out a deep sigh of relief.

In response to the creatures question, the blue eyed priestess prepares a response as she runs her hand through her hair.

"Well, Phlan fell sometime ago. From its ruins there is a new settlement called New Phlan. The town is still very much in its initial growing stage as they still try and clear away the slums of the previous town on the same location. Much of New Phlan's surroundings are currently in various states of inaccessibility; dark forces, such as Bane's black hand, are close by and have overcome much of the local." Kivara pauses for a moment to seperate her thoughts. "We have come here in hopes of clearing the Keep of dangers so that the townsfolk can know this as another safe haven."

Kivara can not help but recognize the faithfulness of this long dead spirit. For a moment, a very brief moment, she can not help but wonder if some day her fate will be the same: living in death as she did in life, in the name of Pelor ...

ooc: if the specture was referring to New Phlan when asking about Phlan, then scratch the first two sentences of her answer :-) And I'm doing this from memory right now, haven't looked up my notes, so if I am saying something innaccurate, I am not meaning to do so.. :)

Where's Kipler?

Rose watches from the doorway as Kivara converses with the ghost, only seeing a few members of the party she wanders back into the hallway to see where everyone is at. Seeing fodel and Ian there she asks, "Hey guys! didn'tcha hear? We found the chapel! You gotta come see this, Kivara's the one talkin to spirits now!" She looks around, "Hey, where'd Kip go?"
Speaking with the spectre

Ferran Martinez
The undead priest nods. He sighs deeply and begins,

The greatest cause of the city’s fall
was wrought by "unblessed creatures" imbued
with the might of a magical pool. Chief
among these were the great generals of the evil
horde, Tyranthraxus, Edranka, and Torath.
With their powers they ruled and united all
else, driving forward to destroy us all.
The sage Mendor worked hard to gather
records of all these things, but they are
lost to you now, his library long
since overrun.

He looks at you once more, no longer staring into your soul. As a sunbeam shines in from a hole in the celing and through him, his face seems transfomed from his first visage. No longer is his the face of a spectre guardian staring into your soul, but rather that of a tired man, one how has suffered greatly and lost much. With a wistful smile, and a look that speaks volumes of futures never to be and dreams left unfulfilled, he speaks once more.

Now, we are freed, our duty done...

His eyes lock with yours as he fades away before you. In a moment he is gone. As a breeze blows through the chapel, it seems very old and empty. A presence has lifted, and with it the feeling of gloom.

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara blinks in awe, wonderment, and intimidation as the visage of the specture changes and then vanishes..

"To the light you return..." she whispers quietly as the spectre seems to depart on the sunbeam. A prayer reserved for the time of death but it still seemed appropriate now.

As the immediate activities cease, Kivara pivots her waist and looks around to make sure nothing else has changed. As she does so, she notes whether or not she is alone now (though, of course, others have now joined in the chapel).

"It would seem," she begins to tell whomever is nearest her, "our coming here has granted us much more in terms of knowledge than we thought."

"And," she continues, "it seems we have freed to restless spirits that were bound to this keep."

The blue-eyed priestess reaches down to her waist and readies her mace in hand. She then walks over the altar (or nearest equivalent that she can figure - at the very least to where the specture was). Kneeling down before it and placing the mace, vertically, on its head before her as a resting brace, "In the name of the Shining One, we could to blessed church of Tyr to cleanse and aid."

She stands, dusts off her leggings and looks to the others, "If there is nothing else in here, let us see about the rest of this place."

ooc: how are we doing on time? early afternoon? late afternoon? evening?

Where is he

Fodel Bersk
It is a mystery to us as well. Fodel says

"We were just wondering the same thing Rose. Perhaps we should look for Him?" Ian looks around the room worried. "Let's talk to the others first, I don't think we should spilt up, it's too dangerous."
A few things

It is now still early in the afternoon (about 2:00-2:30pm you would estimate). Looking around the chapel reveals nothing of interest except for one thing. There is an old map of Phlan from before the fall showing some of the thoroughfares and points of interest. One of the procclamations was that the council was looking for things like that.
Search 1

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 14, 2002, 7:47 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 3 = 9
Total = 9

Search 2

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 14, 2002, 7:47 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 18 + 3 = 21
Total = 21

Well, so much for that

Kendrick Lokian
Seeing that their ethereal visitor has departed, Kendrick returns to searching the bodies of the orcs. When he finishes, he will move to the alter, searching for anything out of the ordinary there (traps, compartments). He will leave the more respectable plundering to the cleric.

OOC: Search rolls - 9 and 21. What'd I find??
Kendrick's Search

With a sad heart you realize that your search of the church is proving to be rather fruitless. Until you reach the altar however. On the altar is the hammer and hand symbol of Tyr, approximately a foot in diameter, with a thick layer of dust on it. Brushing the blanket of dust aside reveals that it is made of solid platinum.

Kendrick Lokian
"Hmmm, what have we here. I am surprised Rose didn't smell this a league away. Well, I will just hold onto this for safe-keeping. Dearest Kivara, would you mind securing that map while I wrestle this trinket into my pack?"

Kendrick proceeds to do just that. If Kivara fails to take the map, I will grab it, as well.
Out of the temple

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild shakes his head at all the creepy goings-on in the temple. He wasn't used to dealing with all these spooks and ghouls, and even his Ironfist blood wasn't enjoying spending any more time in this place.

"Well, if ye don't need me to hack at strange ghostly creatures, then I'll go help the others to look around a little more. That wierd snake Rose spoke of is still somewhere around here..."

Walking out of the temple, the dwarf heads to join the others, hoping to find something his axe could hit.

What's this?

Kivara Sunchild

As Kivara is giving a cursory glance around and noting Kendrick's words, she (or someone) finds the old parchment.

"Hmm.. the council would be interested in that" she says to whomever found it (or "the council would be interested in this" she says to herself if she found it :-) )

(She'll stow it in her pack)

After settling that, she turns her attention to Enkhild's words. "Quite right Ironfist, the snake may still be about, presuming it was more than an figmant dancing in Rose's mind ... I would not put anything past the darkness that lurks in this Keep."

She rejoins the others (mentally if not already physically). "What's wrong?" she asks as she notes the curious expressions on peoples' faces. But without needing a response, she realizes that Kiplar is missing. "Was Kip here with you or did we loose Kip much earlier?"

ooc: I have no idea what I was trying to say with that last sentence in my previous post so I won't attempt to edit it until I can remember :-) I probably meant "we came to your church, Tyr, to cleanse and aid it.." umm, sorry if someone was utterly confused by my late-night writing that really doesn't make sense :-D

Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks at Ian "Well one of us xould go but, if one leave him alone here were are still splitting the party He exclaims The difference is Kippler will be by himself to face whatever it is.
We must do something

Fodel Bersk
Fodel sees his comarades in activity and walks over the armoury door and pulls it open enough to peak in. He does it with a dramatic flourish and a loud "Hope I find Kippler before he dies." There is obivous frustration in the young monks voice.

Peering inside, you see the armory, an empty room save for a few bare weapon racks. There is blood spattered around the room. The only possible signs of Kipler would be what appear to be gnome-sized legs in a pool of blood that are arranged so they appear to be sticking out of the north wall.
Poor poor Kipler :(

Upon seeing the bloody mess Rose groans and yells, "KIVARA! COME QUICK! KIPLER'S HURT!!!" She nocks an arrow to her bow and moves into the room to see what's goin on.
Time to move

Kendrick Lokian
Hearing Rose's call, Kendrick turns his attention from looting and moves quickly to see what is up, readying his bow along the way.

OOC: Move to K10 and cover the attempt to help Kipler.

Ian moves into the room and sollows hard, trying to force his stomach to stop heaving. He has seen people die, but the shear butality of Kipler's death makes the wizard queasy. "What could have done such a thing?" he askes more to himself then anyone else.
Map updated

Map has been updated to reflect everyone's new positions.
Charging in

Enkhild Ironfist
When the dwarf hears the cries of horror from the other room, he comes charging as fast as his little legs can carry him, trundling into the room to witness the devastating scene before him.

"Is there no way around to tha other side?"

Enkhild runs to the nearest door, throwing it open, only to find he has come full circle and is facing the temple once more!

Walking back along the wall, he looks for any unusual stonework, or some other way to get to the other side and see if Kipler was still alive.

[ooc: Oh, it's good to be a dwarf... ]

Checking Kipler's situation

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 18, 2002, 12:22 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 15 + 3 = 18
Total = 18

First Aid for Kipler's

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 18, 2002, 12:22 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 2 = 21
Total = 21


Kendrick Lokian
Seeing the chaos unfolding in the room, Kendrick moves quickly to Kipler's side. He first inspects the body, trying to discern if the situation is as it appears (is he really cut in half?).

"I will try and move him from the wall and treat his wounds. Someone get Kivara, quick!"

OOC: I will try to pull Kipler away from the wall. Where ever he ends up, I will attempt to render first aid. Search=18, Heal=21.
Kipler and the wall

Enkhild checks the wall and for all intents and purposes, it seems normal. It looks to be stone and feels that way as well.

Kendrick checks out the situation as well and comes to the same conclusion. The tops of Kipler's legs however meet flush with the wall as if they are one. Pulling on them provides some give, and after a moment of tugging, the gnome seems to slide through the wall. Once through, the wall leaves no sign of his passing and is solid to the touch.

Kipler is quite bloody and, at best, unconscious. The gnome bears several wounds, including a pair of deep looking punctures to his upper torso. With the first aid provided by Kendrick, the bleeding is stopped. He has a pulse, but it is very, very faint.

Fodel Bersk rolls...
June 18, 2002, 4:03 pm

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 + 1 = 6
Total = 6

Movin to take aid

Fodel Bersk
** EDITED June 18, 2002, 4:20 pm **

OOC Finallty I got the map to work WHoo-hoo.

Fodel moves up to P4. He sees the bloodied Gnome and says "Our friend as had a lesson in Ilmater's school. Now we let the diving suffering be ended." Fodel bends over to heal the gnome.

Kipler's wounds begin to close, but he still lies unconscious.
Pelor's healing touch ...

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara hears her name called out by the others and beins to move quickly to the aid.

Upon finding the wounded comrade, she acknowledges the bindings that have already been done.

She drops the darksteel mace to the floor as she kneels down and touches the wound. "By the light of Pelor..." she repeats as she focuses her divine connection to heal the injuries.

The blue-eyed priestess only hopes that the others are watching her back. For she fears more than she wants to admit that whatever did this is still here...

ooc: cure light wounds (i'm going to have to be a little more strict with these spells here... ;-))

Craft (stonemasonry)

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
June 19, 2002, 1:47 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 8 + 5 = 13
Total = 13


Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild stands before the section of wall that Kipler had been embedded in. Stroking his bear with his free hand, he tries to figure out how this could have been accomplished. It was solid to the touch, but there was no mistaking that Kipler had been inside that wall.

Walking over to one of the broken weapons on the weaponracks, he picks it up and returns to the section of the wall, standing back five feet, he throws the weapon as hard as he can at the wall, testing it's solidity.

[Craft (Stonemasonry): 13]


Enkhild finds a rusted through flail on one of the weapon racks. Finding it suitable, he lobs one of the balls at the wall, to check it's stability.

The flail head sails through the wall and crashes somewhere beyond leaving no hole. You hear it strike another wall, bounce a few times, clattering on the floor and finally comes to a stop. Touching the area where the weapon flew through, you find it solid.

After Kivara's Healing Touch(tm), Kipler stirs, lets out a low groan and awakwens.

Cure Light Wounds roll...

Kivara Sunchild rolls...
June 20, 2002, 1:49 am

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 3 = 10
Total = 10

Memory Fix

Kivara Sunchild
ooc: forgot the cure light wounds roll previously. Refer to it above. :-)
Fodel watches

Fodel Bersk
Fodel steps one square back to allow Kivara to get to the Gnome. He watches Enkil grab the rusty weapon and then watches it disappear through the wall. He lets out a low whistle and says "A appearence of strength is often misleading meditations on the divine suffering volume 1"

Ian watches the dwarf's actions, " seems to be a illusion, the trick is to tell yourself it's not there." Ian boldly walks up to the wall and attempts to step trough it.

Ian rolls...
June 20, 2002, 9:59 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 + 3 = 8
Total = 8

save vs. wall

will save
Ian and the wall

Ian, stepping boldly up to the wall disappears into it.
Ian and the wall

Ian, stepping boldly up to the wall disappears into it.

Ian calls to the others from behind the illusion, "it's a mess in here. The entire room in washed in blood and there are body parts all over. I could use some help."
Just another brick

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick stands and leaves Kipler in the capable hands of the more trained healers. He stares at the oddity of a man walking through a wall, but when he hears Ian's call, he hesitates only long enough to speak to Kivara.

"If I get stuck in there, do you promise to rescue me?"

Without waiting for a response, he winks quickly and pushes through the wall. the wall

Enkhild Ironfist
Not to be outdone by the others, Enkhild furrows his brows, takes a few steps backwards, and then charges at the wall.

If those two could do it, then I'll be damned if I can nay be making it through

[ooc: Why do I feel like I'm about to bash into the wall? I feel like this is a bad roadrunner episode]

Watching in wonderment...

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara watches in amazment as the others walk through. "By the light!" she gasps as Ian's figure dissapears through what she believes to be solid stone! In short order, Kendrick and Enkhild follow through the masonary as well. Kivara can not believe her eyes as one by one the Band of Everlight dissapears through the rocks.

She does not follow (nor does she stop anyone from going through), however, for she is going to wait besides the injured for right now.

Kipler Awakens

Kipler Farwall
Kipler's body convulses with a start as his eyes snap open and look around. Seeing Kivara next to him, he ceases and closes his eyes again breathing heavily. He slowly relaxes and opens his eyes again. Placing a hand on the cleric, he asks in a shaky voice, "Wha...What happened?"
Bed side manners

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara, noticing the stirring movement of her patient, looks down with her blue-eyes at Kiplar.

"Stay still.."" she says to him in a soft voice. "We do not know," she says in response to the question posed to her, "we only just found you - injured. Pelor has healed your wounds, you should be fine... lay still though." Given the fact that the others have walked through the wall, Kivara adds in afterthought, "Do you remember what happened?"
Watching out for trouble

Seeing the clerics revive Kipler, and the rest of the party walking through walls Rose decides she needs some fresh air. She makes her way to the outside door way and keeps a watch for trouble. (Just in case those orcs decide to come back)

OOC:Moving to K/11 and standing in the doorway watching in the direction of the main gate.
Fodel and the wall

Fodel Bersk
Fodel walks up the to the wall and says when reality is an illusion what chance does an illusion of an illusion stand. He proceeeds toward the wall.

Kipler Farwall
Lying still, Kipler tries to remember what happened. He begins, "I was standing near the door back there when something grabbed me. I...I couldn't see it at first, and it was wrapped all around me. When I did get a chance ro see it, it was like a big snake. But you could see through it..."

He pauses a moment and shivers as he recalls what happened, " It had wrapped itself around me to where I couldn't see or yell out. I was lucky to get one hand free. I pulled my dagger and started cutting at it as best I could. When I did that it started flailing around. We ended up back there," he says pointing to the wall.

He finishes, "It slithered off me and bit my chest, but I got lucky...when he did, I stabbed it in the head. At that point it began shaking violently and then...then I woke up here."
so it was cuddly and warm?

Kivara Sunchild
"It sounds as though Roses's friend has paid you a visit ..."

Kivara doesn't say much else, she merely watches back and forth - making sure Rose remains in view and watching the "wall" for whenever the others might return ...

A bored Halfling

Not seeing or hearing anythin, Rose quickly gets bored and starts fidgeting. A few seconds later she takes onelast look around the courtyard and then truns back into the room. Her curiosity almost overwheling her, she walks up to the wall where the others went through. she closes her eyes and puts her arms out in front of her and then runs headlong into it. Yelling, "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!!!!"
Wall traffic

Moments after Rose enters the wall Enkhild departs, as easily as he entered.

Continue in Sokol Keep - 09