Sokol Keep - 09

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To the Other Side

Enkhild Ironfist
Emerging from the wall, Enkhild joins Kivara and Kipler and informs them of the contents of the other side.

"Cramped little space, dearie. Be glad we didn't all try to fit in there. There be a chest that Rose is lookin' at, so we'll see soon what was so important that our friend Kipler here nearly met his death!"

Enkhild walks over to the door, taking a quick peek out just to make sure nothing was coming after them.

"We'll have to move soon. There are still areas out there to clear out before we can return. Will Kipler be able to walk?"

What about whatever

Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks around the room and says to rose "Magical items bring magical guardians" He looks around


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 24, 2002, 8:20 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 3 = 14
Total = 14


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 24, 2002, 8:20 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 3 = 6
Total = 6


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 24, 2002, 8:20 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 12 + 8 = 20
Total = 20

Search/spot/listen rolls

Kendrick Lokian
Back together

If someone wanted to do anything else in the hidden room, please feel free or drop me a note and we can resolve it.

Everyone returns back through the wall and meets up back in the Old Armory where Kipler is conscious and looking much better.

The items Rose carried back with her are:

(1) large steel shield
(1) set of fist straps with strange writing on them.
(1) shortbow
(1) set of bracers

For the moment, all is quiet within the keep.

Watching ....

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara watches in amazment as the figures and forms of her comrades re-emerge from the would-be solid wall.

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild's face brightens with joy as he watches Rose cart out a shield!

"Ye wouldn't mind if I take that there shield to replace the one I lost, would ye?"

Enkhild examines the shield closely, comparing it to the one he'd watched corrode before his very eyes.


"Well, the agreement we all came to was that, whoever could best use whatever we find would get that item. So I guess the shield goes to you, I bet that Ian or Kipler could really use the bracers, I don't know what this straps are used for, and the bow would go to either me or Kendrick. So I guess we all hae to sit down and figure out who should get what.
Out of nowhere

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick emerges from the hidden room to join the others.

"Yes, yes, we shall divide the spoils later. I learned a valuable lesson as a young boy, while working the door at a famous house of gambling in Scardale. An old bones tosser named Kanah cautioned me to never 'count my gold while I am sitting at the table'. I suggest accept his advice and continue with the task at hand. Where to now?"

No longer in the confinement of the small room, he re-sheathes his blade and axe, returning to the comfortable feel of the bow in his hand.

Ian walks out into the armory and rejoins his companions. "I agree, we'll figure it out later. I for one would like a chance to examine the items before we rely on them. If any of you want to use them feel free, but I will want until we can determine exactly what they are."

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild nods his head in agreement, conscious of the wisdom being displayed by his companions.

"Aye, ye speak wise words, all. If I may, I'd like to be using the shield until we decide the split of the spoils. Regardless of how the decision goes later, right now I have need of it. I will gladly give it up at a later date when I have a chance to buy or make my own."


Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks at the fist straps. Fist straps are a favorite item of the clergy of Ilmater. They must be a divine gift. I'll try them the hard way.
Let's move...

Kivara Sunchild

Seeing everyone back in one piece and together, Kivara lets out a sigh of relief.

Directing her attention to everyone on the whole, the blue-eyed priestess casually states, "We should be moving, the longer we stay in one place, the longer someone may notice us and plan ..." She then turns her attention to Kiplar, "how bad do you still feel?"

If Kiplar seems at least okay (and if Kivara agrees that he's as okay as he thinks he is) Kivara will suggest that they continue to move through to the next area.

Ok to move on

Kipler Farwall
Kipler nods and stands up, "I'm fine to move on. Kivara's spell did the trick. And I believe I'll stay clear away of any more monsters. That was a bit too much for me. Let's go!"
Moving on?

Rose let's everyone take what they what and then assumes her position in the marching order "Are we ready to go?

OOC:Unless anyone has any objections Rose will hang onto the bow for now.
lewt go

Ian nods his agreement to the others. "Let's move on before whatever tried to bite out friend in half returns. lead the way Rose"

Fodel Bersk
Never stop seeking the lessons of exsistenance and suffering the monk adds and gets ready to move.
Onward march

Enkhild Ironfist
Enkhild takes his position at point, very happy with the shield on his arm. He hefts it a little, surprised at how light it is.

Shrugging his broad shoulders, he moves out with the group to continue their mission.

Moving out...

The party exits the northern part of the keep and once again enters the courtyard. With no enemies to be seen, the party looks at each other, trying to decide where they wish to continue their exploration.
Listening at the door

Rose rolls...
June 29, 2002, 11:54 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 8 = 27
Total = 27

Let's get this party moving!

Rose proceeds directly to the door at space f/17. She presses her ear to the door trying to hear what, if anything, is behind the door.

OOC:Got a 27 on the listen check.
The door

Not hearing any noise Rose tries to open it. Should it open, she will only open it about an inch and the take a peek inside.
Watching ...

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara will keep her vigil on the courtyard itself. Watching for signs of trouble that may be approaching while Rose and anyone else tries their hand at the door and the contents of the room yet to be explored ...


Fodel Bersk
Fodel joins in the vigilant watch.
Kendrick spot

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 29, 2002, 9:51 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 8 = 9
Total = 9

Kendrick listen

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
June 29, 2002, 9:52 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 3 = 14
Total = 14

I wonder?

Kendrick Lokian
"I wonder if these doors open onto the same space?"

As he wonders aloud, Kendrick moves carefully down to the next door on the wall, looks about quickly, then listens carefully to the door.

OOC: Move to F22, look to make sure there is nothing unusual about, especially southeast of N23. If I don't see anything, listen at the door. Spot=9 (rolled a 1, broke my spot), Listen=14.
Big room

Not seeing anything overtly dangerous, Rose will open the door the rest of the way and take a step inside and look around.
The next door

Enkhild Ironfist
Happy to have a shield once more, Enkhild strides forward, taking his place at the front of the party. Rose comes forward, examing a door, and he stands by her as she looks it over and tests it out. The halfling eventually opens the door, and Enkhild stands beside her, at the ready, waiting for anything that might come leaping out at them.
moving in

Ian marches on with the others while keeping an eye out for any sign of the orcs ot the invisible snake, crossbow.
Following Kendrick

Kivara Sunchild

While maintaining her watch outwards towards the courtyard, Kivara will move behind Kendrick so that he does not get stuck off alone as had happened to Kiplar. Besides, there are enough people with Rose so it isn't as though she is leaving her to fend for herself...

(Following Kendrick to G 22 )

Watching out

Kipler Farwall
Kipler, still a bit leary after the events of the day, pays little attention to the doors but instead keeps watch on the courtyard.
Old Barracks

This long room seems to have once been an old barracks. Now it lies in ruin, with beds broken and strewn about and the remnants of smashed footlockers. This place seems to have been looted some time ago. There is nothing of value here.
Fodel and Kipler

Fodel Bersk
Fodel notices the Gnomes Trepedation and and says in a questioning tone Perhaps the others need our aid inside?
Listen check

Rose rolls...
July 1, 2002, 10:18 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 9 + 8 = 17
Total = 17

Nothing to see here

Rose takes a long look around the room, not seeing anything even remotely interesting Rose steps out and head towards the last room to the south. She places her ear to the door listening for sounds on the other side.

OOC:Moving to F/17, got a 17 for the listen check.
Following like a puppy

Enkhild Ironfist
Sticking by Rose's side, the dwarf wobbles back and forth as he moves to keep up with the quickly-moving halfling.
shadowing the little people

Ian follows The group to the next door while keeping an eye out for trouble.
2 out of 3 Ks...

Kivara Sunchild

Kivara continues to follow after Kendrick on the off-chance he decides to open a seperate door again. This decision was made, of course, only after noticing that Rose has enough people watching her back ;)

Moving down

Kipler Farwall
Kipler replies to Fodel, I think they had more than enough in there. We'd best me moving tough in case they do need our help."

With that Kipler moves over to G25 and waits.

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
July 2, 2002, 7:49 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 15 + 3 = 18
Total = 18


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
July 2, 2002, 7:49 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 14 + 3 = 17
Total = 17


Kendrick Lokian rolls...
July 2, 2002, 7:50 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 15 + 8 = 23
Total = 23

Moving on

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick notes the clerics move to cover him with appreciation. Hearing Rose and the others moving about, he opens the door where he stands and, seeing nothing of interest, moves on. He stops again at the next door, carefully checking the door and listening.

OOC: Open door at F22, move to door at F27. Search=18, Listen=17, Spot=23.
Listening in

As Rose presses her ear up against the door to listen, the door creaks loudly and then collapses in. A large cloud of dust rises around the door and then settles. The room is empty.

Rose rolls...
July 2, 2002, 9:58 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 8 = 27
Total = 27


When the door falls over Rose jumps ack with a strangled "EEK!" Seeing no danger, and nothing of interest she laughs shakily, "Oopsie! I'll have to be more careful at the next door" She grins and makes her way to the next closest door. Where she once again presses her ear to the door.

OOC:Got a 27 on the listen check. WOOHOO!!

Fodel Bersk
Fodel walks quietly over to G 21. He stands ready for action.
The next closest door

The next closest door would be the Westernmost central building. As soon as everyone is in position, I'll go ahead and post the results.

I'll wait until tomorrow night unless I hear from people, I'll just do the standard "door formation" with the exception being Rose at the door instead of Enkhild.

Kivara Sunchild

"Door formation" (tm) sounds fine.. Kivara would be towards the rear of the group as she has been quite mindful to watch everyone's back - dont want a repeat of the "Kiplar Incident of 2002..." that's enough bad press to last the Band of Everlight for the rest of their tour...

Giving up the front

Enkhild Ironfist
Rose and Enkhild switch positions in their door formation as the group gathers around and moves towards the center of the keep. Grumbling about being so far in the back, the dwarf has to admit that he at least gets a better view now that he is lined up with the doorway.

Perfect for charging into trouble, he thinks to himself.


The party moves forward, and gets into position as Rose walks up to the door and presses her ear against the old cracked wood. For a moment she strains, listening...

A viscus orange goo seeps through a crack in the door and reaches out to the halfling's head. It goes unnoticed until Rose feels an intende burning on the top of her ear and pulls back, the flesh reddening and then disappearing as blood begins to flow down the side of her head and down her neck (3 points acid damage).

Through the uneven bottom of the door appears more of the orange jelly. It presses against the door and comes squeezing through.

Init please.

Rose rolls...
July 5, 2002, 8:21 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 17 + 3 = 20
Total = 20


Rose screams and jerks away from the door when her head starts burning. She will be spending this round taking out a water sking and trying to wash the goop off.

OOC:Got a 20 for init, will be moving 10 feet away from the door and dousing her head with water.

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
July 5, 2002, 8:41 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 15 + 5 = 20
Total = 20

Hunk-a burning jelly

Kendrick Lokian
Hearing the scream, Kendrick's attention is jerked from covering the group's flank to assisting Rose. He rapidly readies his bow and looks for a target.

OOC: Init=20

Kipler Farwall rolls...
July 6, 2002, 1:47 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 1 = 4
Total = 4


Kipler Farwall
Threat? What threat? I see no threat. Eventually, I may get around to readying a spell.

Initiative: 4
Enkhild initiative

Enkhild Ironfist rolls...
July 6, 2002, 10:20 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 4 + 1 = 5
Total = 5

I hate acid.

Enkhild Ironfist
The stocky dwarf looks around at the commotion caused by his companions. Only he and Kipler seemed to be keeping their cool. It took a moment before he realized they were actually reacting TO something, causing him to immediately raise his shield and regard the jelly with pleading eyes...

I just got this shield, for the love of Moradin

[INIT: 5]

Initiative ...

Kivara Sunchild rolls...
July 7, 2002, 5:20 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 14 + 2 = 16
Total = 16

Kivara's Init

Kivara Sunchild
(Init roll above).

The blue-eyed priestess jerks and shivers in reaction to Rose's surprise....

Fodel Bersk rolls...
July 7, 2002, 1:02 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 15 + 7 = 22
Total = 22


Fodel Bersk
Fodel's Init. A 22 I set my alarm clock for combat.

Ian rolls...
July 8, 2002, 9:30 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 15 + 3 = 18
Total = 18


Ian drops back a step as Rose screams in pain. Looking at the door he spots the oozes squeezing out of the cracks in the old door. "You didn't happen to bring any of that oil?", he asks.


Begin the ooze-fest

Round 1 -

Fodel leads the round, player order is listed in the usual place, please be aware and post on your turn.
Fodel Smackage

Fodel Bersk rolls...
July 8, 2002, 4:27 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 11 + 4 = 15
Total = 15


Fodel Bersk rolls...
July 8, 2002, 4:29 pm

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 4 = 11
Total = 11

Trial by goo

Fodel Bersk
Fodel looks down at the orange glop making it's way out from under the door contemplates his options. Against his better judgement, he stands his ground and clenches his fists in the new fist straps. "Canst jellies know the divine suffering?" With that he releases his stored energy in a swift strike.

To Hit: 15
Damage: 11
Smack Burn

As Fodel pulls his fists back, the fingers sizzle a bit from the corrosive nature of the jelly (3 points), but the fist straps seem unharmed.
Kendrick to hit

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
July 8, 2002, 5:54 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 4 + 6 = 10
Total = 10

Kendrick Damage

Kendrick Lokian rolls...
July 8, 2002, 5:55 pm

Roll 1, 8 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 + 1 = 6
Total = 6

Fire for effect

Kendrick Lokian
Kendrick draws back the string on his bow and lets fly an arrow... wondering if it will do any good. As soon as the arrow leaves the bow, he adjusts backwards.

To Hit=10, Damage=6 (yeah, right). 5-foot step to T24. Gee, looking at the map I think I had the little bugger flanked, but I don't think oozes can be sneak-attacked. Let me know if I am mistaken.
Kendrick's Shot

Kendrick's arrow penetrates the orange amobea creature. It leaks a bit of thin yellowish liquid where it was shot.

AC is only 4
And you are correct, they cannot be flanked, crit'ed and a host of other things.


Rose rolls...
July 8, 2002, 9:26 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 13 + 8 = 21
Total = 21


Rose rolls...
July 8, 2002, 9:28 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 1 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 2 + 1 = 3
Total = 3

my turn

Rose follows kendrick's lead and fires an arrow at the big orange blob.

OOC: att. 21
dam. 3
She is using the bow that she found.

Ian overcomes his initial surprise at the appearance of the living goo. Reacting to Rose's cry of pain the wizard moves off to the side and fires his crossbow at the gel coming from under the door and quickly begins loading another bolt into his weapon.

Move: to U-25
Peppering the ooze

The party shoots arrow after arrow into the gelatinous creature, but it still quivers with life.

Continue in Sokol Keep - 10