Ground Level - 02

* DM *
Continue posting here.
Just call me a gnat

Shadow Lightfoot
Seeing shapes begin to land among the party, Shadow grabs up his bow and says the command word "DUROK" He deftly nocks an arrow and lets it fly.

OOC: Got a 24 on the attack and a lousy 5 points on damage. Attacking the gargoyle S3.
Looking for 'fling

Stone Guardians
The Guardian perched near the West side of the door steps off the side, claws beared and drops behind Shadow. As it does, it's claws rake his back and dig into him (7 points and I'll need a will save DC: 17).
will save

Shadow Lightfoot
Got an's been nice knowing you guys!
A stiff 'fling

* DM *
The halfling stops moving and seems unable to do so.
Moving in

Stone Guardians

A guardian about 1/2 way back on the west side flies foreward, looking over the battlefield. Dropping down next to Gregor, it rakes at the cleric. It's attacks however, are blocked by Gregor's interposing shield.

Stone Guardians

From the back of the east side another guardian flies foreward and lands to the east of Gregor. As he fends off the attacks of the other guardians, the claws of this one find their mark (4 points and will save DC:17).
With Shadow



* DM *
Gregor stiffens at the claws of the guardian and is now immobile.

Brother Gile
Hoping to help his stiffened allies, Gile begins casting Remove Paralysis, speaking the incantations of the spell as quickly as he can, and moving his hands in the proper way, however, his nerves begin to get to him as he tries to avoid any incomming attacks.

He speads up his utterings and movements, as a faint blue light sparks between his hands, and his concentration is ruined.

Casting on the Defensive: 19 (1 rolled (fail), +10 ranks, +2 con, +2 skill focus, +4 combat casting)
Coming around

Stone Guardians

Perched on the northwestern corner of the mausoleum, the guardian there watches the attacks before him with a toothy grin. One eye squints as it looks to the back of the party and in one fluid motion, it is in flight. Soaring around the west side, it lands before the gnome sorcerer, Nile. It takes a moment to recover from the landing and is only able to land one claw, and shallow (3 points).

Stone Guardians

Following the lead of the previous guardian, one further behind it takes off only a moment later. It also soars around in a werstern arc and comes to a rest next to Mylaes and Nile. Moving to assist the other, it raises it's claws to rend the gnome. One claw is deflected by the invisible force of Nile's mage armor spell, but the other strikes true (6 points).
Round 2

* DM *
Those caught unaware are made painfully aware by a flurry of wings and green stone claws and horns. If there was any doubt as to the deadliness of Rappan Athuk, those doubts are now dispelled as you find yourselves in an instant fighting for your very lives.

OOC: Round 2 begins
Endrin leads the round. All those unable to act last round (except those held of course) may act fully on their turn.

Time to switch

Endrin is practically unaware of this small wound he suffers. He instead is focused on Gregor's Stillness. Sidestepping behind Adrol (P6) and loading another bolt, he takes aim at a beast beside Gregor (S8). He lets the bolt loose and quickly realizes that his crossbow, in this close quarters is not going to be useful.

Moving the crossbow to his left hand, he snaps his fingers and out of nowhere his longsword is in his right. The bard stops his singing and "Extinguishes" is crossbow.

Attack = 12
Changes dodge to S8 (+1 AC)
Still have 5 more rounds, after this of our +1 combat rolls


Stone Guardians

The guardian looks around and holds his action.

Gregor is tries to move move, an arm, a finger, an no avail. He is firmly held by the guardian's power.

Surrounded by guardians and unable to move, he prays to Pelor.

Stone Guardians

Flanking the paladin from behind, the stone guardian rakes it's claws down Crag's back, penetrating with one (4 points). Not quite through, it slams it's head into the back of your breastplate. One of the horns shallowly penetrates (2 more points).
Teamwork most foul

Stone Guardians
S6 & S3

Catching the gaze of the guardian across from it, the two guardians grab hold of Gregor, one on each side. Their powerful wings flap, as they lift off into the air (provoking an AOO by Brother Gile, should he wish to take it). Climbing steadily, they stop at a dizzying height. Shreiking with glee they loose their grip on the immobile cleric allowing him to deadfall to the graveyard below. He lands with a dull, but very audible thud. (28 points)

* DM *
Shadow can only stare foreward as he witnesses Gregor's fall.
Good for one

Stone Guardians
S2 & S7

The two guardians next to Shadow place their claws on him and follw suit, speeding up into the stormy sky before letting the little rogue plummet. (12 points)

Brother Gile
Brother Gile, seeing the Stone Guardian lifting his fellow Pelorite into the sky, swings his mace as hard as he can at the creature.

AOO Attack: 18 (10 rolled, +2 weapon, +5 base, +1 str.)
AOO Damage: 8 (5 rolled, +2 weapon, +1 str.)


* DM *
Brother Gile's mace connects with the guardian as it lifts off, causing part of it's back to crumble away, but it does not cause the guardian to abort it's action.

Stone wings of Death...

"Arrrrgh", shouts Nile, as the beast's claws pierce his mage armor and rake across his flesh. Nile cautiously backs away from the winged creatures(five foot adjustment - cell N15). Nile reaches for his spell component pouch and begins his retreat. Nile flys quickly until he believes he has reached a safe distance(cell L1). Having removed a glass rod, and a piece of fur from his pouch while in flight, Nile voices raises as he begins casting his spell at the two stone gaurdians that attacked him(Centered on Gaurdian S1 in cell L16).

I take a 5' ajustment to cell (N15) and I fly to cell (L1).

I cast lightning bolt 10' wide & 85' long centered on gaurdian SG1 in cell L16, should also hit gaurdian SG5.

Damage = 21
DC = 10+ (SL)3 + (CB)4 + (SF)2 = 19
The Lightning Bolt

Stone Guardians
The guardians try to get out of he way of the bolt but they are unsuccessful, and are caught fully in the electrical discharge. They shreik in pain and where struck, darken considerably.
Bounding Ball of Flame

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes is stunned by the sight of Gregor plunging downward and landing with a thud. He brings himself out of the shock, and takes a small step back to survey the scene. It is not a good one.

Casting a spell quickly, his hands become a blur, and with great speed, more words and gestures of arcane magic flow forth from the lithe, pale elf.

A small ball of fire appears on one of the guardians, and being controlled by Mylaes, it rolls back and forth over three of the green creatures.
OOC - Five foot step to O16. Cast haste (increase in AC +4, extra partial action per round, duration 7 rounds). Then cast Explosive Cascade in this path: L16-M17-N18-M17-L16-M17-N18. 20 damage per hit, Reflex save for half DC17. That should help :)
2 Down

Stone Guardians
Two of the guardians, having been struck by Nile's lightning bolt, fall before Mylaes's fiery barrage. One dodging the brunt of the explosions remains.

Stone Guardians

Moving from near the base of the Mausoleum, this stone guardian moves north toward the large half-orc, and into a flanking position. With one sharp claw, it pierces Adrol's side (4 points).
Round 1

Brother Gile
** EDITED June 19, 2002, 9:23 pm **

Giles moves underneath the flying creature (adjust to N20). Pulling out his holy symbol he begins the intricate incantations of a spell. With clearer thoughts, and less of a threat, he completes the spell, and reaches out to touch Crag.

"Anyone have any idea what these things are?" Gile yells after finishing the spell, trying to see if they can come up with some strategy to take out the remaining few.

(In Infernal) "Who or what are you?" Gile yells, trying to see if their enemy will even tell them.

Casting Bull's Strength and Touching Crag: +4 to Crag's Strength Stat (3 rolled, +1). Duration: 7 hours.
You done pi**ed me off!

Adrol barely notices the creatures initial movement, but seems to look up from the bleeding scab on his arm in time to Gregor and Shadow plummet to the ground. The claw strike infliced on him a moment later cements his infuration. Soon the night is sundered by his trade-mark, blood-curdling roar.

"ARRROOARARGH! You hurt Adrol's friends, Adrol send you back to quarry where you belong!"

As if to punctuate the statement, there is a flurry of flame and sparkle from the massive axe in his hands.

OOC: First, Rage (duh). Next, both attacks on the gaurdian S8 at cell P18. See die rolls in the die roller thread and double check my math please. I think total damage is 74 points (I gotta crit!). PS: Sorry for the delay... NWN

Feeling an onrushing strength, Crag barely nods his head in Gile's direction before he turns and attacks the beast which has landed behind him swinging his sword twice in a deadly arc.

first attack:
13 to hit
22 total damage

second attack:
21 to hit
21 total damage

Stone Guardians
S8 & S4

Adrol, raging swings his greataxe at the stone guardian, and with a massive blow and a sharp ringing sound as axe cleaves stone, it falls to the ground, cleaved in two, the light in it's black gemed eyes fading.

Crag, spinning around to face his foe, slashes at the already burned creature The first misses, but the second blow strikes true and puts it down.
Round 3

* DM *
An impressive round 2!

Endrin leads round 3...
Double switch

** EDITED June 20, 2002, 3:42 pm **

Seeing the grounded gargoyles fall, Endrin looks up to his new targets in the sky and at his sword. How quickly things can change. he thinks.

The bard shows his versitility, with the slight utterance "Hide" the sword is gone and he has already grabbed another bolt and loaded it into his crossbow, which he is still holding in his other hand. It does not seem to matter which hand is doing what action, it is all smooth and flowing.

"Ignite" and the crossbow is aflame. Endrin takes aim at one of the flying beasts (S3) and without the worry of striking a friend, he finds his target.

And with a blur of motion the crossbow, is switched to the left hand again and, with a snap, the sword reappears as Endrin takes a step closer to the safety of Adrol (P17).

Dodge on S3 (+1AC)
to hit = 26
damage = 5 + 4 fire = 9
Love those free actions.

Gliding In

Stone Guardians

Gliding toward the north in a wide clockwise circle, the stone guardian descends and lands, coming in from the north behind Endrin. It attempts to claw the bard, but it's attacks are clumsy and the bard a bit too nimble.
Flying Opposite

Stone Guardians

Flying the opposite way, the one just shot by Endrin descends and glides up next to Adrol, landing in the remains of the previous guardian. As if to merely irritate the raging barbarian, it reaches in and scratches him with a claw opening a fresh wound (2 points).
Taking a ride

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow begins to sweat profusly and tries to struggle uselessly as he is carried up into the air. His head and his stomach trade places as he is suddenly dropped. Holding his lunch down with a supreme effort the utters a loud grunt when he suddenly and violently meets the ground. He rolls his eyes searching for his companions mentally calling out for help.
Almost mirrored

Stone Guardians

Almost mirriring the first's glide down, this guardian glides up on the side of Crag with claws outstretched. Like the others before it however, it's attack is a bit weak, with only one claw penetrating the side of the armor (2 points)
A bit different

Stone Guardians

The last deviates from the actions of te rest and dives straight down at Brother Gile with claws stretched out in front of it looking to impale. One claw is deflected away, but the other is too fast and pierces the holy man(6 points).

As the stone creatures begin to fall, Nile quickly floats back towards the party to provide support at a safe distance(I move to cell M5). Still holding the glass rod and strip of fur, Nile once again wraps the fur around one end of the rod, and pulls the rod through. Nile's aims his hand at the Stone Gaurdian that landed next to Crag (Cell M19). "Arcane powers of mystic might, release from my hand a bolt of light." Niles hand trembles as a 5ft wide bolt of lighting is released.

OOC: I cast lightning bolt.
Spell Focus (Evoc)DC +2

Reflex Save for 1/2 Damage.
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SpF(2)=19
Damage - 21

Stone Guardians
Concentrating on Crag, the stone guardian looks over a bit too late and is struck squarely in the chest. blackening the stone severly.
Multiple Magic Missiles

Mylaes Moonglow
(OOC - Sorry for the delay - Neverwinter Nights)

Mylaes, still under the effects of his haste spell, quickly moves a few yards northwest, then turns, targetting the guardian near the fallen rogue and priest, the elf casts two spells in succession.

Eight green bolts of magical energy streak through the air, embedding in the green flying beast.

(OOC - Move to J15, cast magic missile twice at S7. 26 damage, no save)
Gile's Action

Brother Gile
If target is still alive:
Gile moves away from the Stone Guardian behind him (5' adjustment to O20). Then he strikes at the Stone Guardian, putting all the strength he can behind the blow.

If target is killed:
Gile begins the chanting, praying, and jestures of a heal spell, avoiding any blows that might come of his casting. He bestows the healing upon Gregor, hoping to aid his fellow pelorite.

Attack Roll: 28 (19 rolled, +2 weapon, +1 bard song, +1 str, +5 BAB)
Damage Roll: 6 (2 rolled, +2 weapon, +1 bard song, +1 str)

Combat Casting Check: 26 (8 rolled, +10 ranks, +2 con, +2 skill focus, +4 combat casting) Vs. DC: 18 (15+spell level)
Cure Serious Wounds: 19 (4, 6, 1 rolled, +8 caster level)


Stone Guardians
The magic missles streak through thte air and strike the stone guardian. It shreiks as energy pierces stone. Not going down however, Brother Gile takes a step and lays into it with all he can muster. The heavy mace slams into it's target causing a piece of the guardian to crumble away. The guardian does not fall however...
Working on the gaurdians

Despite the gutteral growls, grunts, and yells. Despite the clashing of steel on stone. Despite the sickly crunch of bone, and the coppery smell of blood. Despite the flaming death whirling around him, anyone seeing Adrol's eyes notes he seems oddly serene. Clearly in his element, the beast works as intently and focused as a gnome on a time-piece, the axe his tool. He calmly spins to face the attacker at his rear and delivers two rapid slices with the axe.

OOC: Attack twice on gaurdian at P18.
To Hit 1: 24
To Hit 2: 19
Damage 1: 18+4=22
Damage 2: 15+1=16
Total Damage=38
If either attack destroys the beast, Adrol will move directly to O20 to support Brother Gile and protect Shadow. Sorry for the flowery post... I was in the mood.


Stone Guardians
The Stone guardian tries in vain to block Adrol's axe raising it's claws to stop the blade. With the force of an angry barbarian behind it however, the stone claws are no match and crumble beneath the blow. Passing through the claws, the blade bites deeply partially crumbling the stone creature. Coming around with the axe again, Adrol finishes the guardian off, leaving it a crumbled mass at his feet.

Crag looks around the battlefield and realizes the gargoyle next to him (S2) is still animate,
Crag attacks it with all his strength in an attempt to “kill” it so he may help his comrades.

Attack 1
damage 1

attack 2
damage 2

2 left

Stone Guardians
Crag follow's suit cleaving the guardian up one side and down the other with his massive graeatsword. As the guardian falls in multiple pieces, frost slowy melts on the stones where the sword made it's cuts.
Round 4

* DM *
Round 3 is over, Endrin leads Round 4.
Hit and Roll?

Endrin is not very comfortable with the beast invading his personal space. Seeing he has the longsword already ready, the bard takes a weak slash at the stone monster(S6), more as a distraction than an offensive maneuver.

Almost in midswing the bard tries to move from the enemy, to the safety of the others, hoping to avoid a strike in doing so.

To hit = 16
Damage (if any) = 3
Tumble without incurring AOO = 15 (but I rolled a 1 + 14) moving to N18.
Use dodge against S6 making my total AC 27.


Stone Guardians
Endrin begins a tumble fit for the special olympics and with a staggering grace that anyone watching may see as some sort of interpretive dance. The guardian swings at Endrin as he moves away, but misses due to the bard's unothodox movements.

Laying with a face full of graveyard dirt, Gregor is screaming in frustration mentally, STILL unable to move!


Stone Guardians

The guardian moves toward the closest available target, which at the moment is Mylaes. The fiend slashes madly with claws and even tries to gore the wizard with it's horned face, but the claws don't even come close and the horns are stopped by the the invisble barrier of his Mage Armor.
I think I'll lay there

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow lays helplessly on the ground watching the battle unfold.

Not out yet

Stone Guardians

Already standing before Brother Gile, the guardian's black gemed eyes gleam as it's claws move with lightning speed, each piercing the cleric's shoulders (3 & 2 points + will save DC:17 for hold). Roaring with bloodlust it slams it's head into his chest, the horns on it's head coming forth bloody (3 points).


Brother Gile
Brother Gile grits his teeth against the attacks. Trying to fight of the strange paralyzing feeling of the claws, Brother Gile's body trembles slightly with will power, but in the end he submits to the effects.

16 (7 rolled, +9 bonus) vs. DC: 17 Failure.
..two left.

** EDITED June 25, 2002, 10:42 am **

Nile swiftly flys back towards the battle to help his paralyzed comrads(I fly to cell I18). Summoning mystical power from within, Nile recites a few words of Arcane magic and releases four bolts of energy a the Stone beast(SG7 in cell M21).

I cast Magic Missle at Stone Gaurdian#7 in cell M21.

Damage = 10
Only 1 left

Stone Guardians
The gnome's glowing missles fly to the stone guardian and strike true, finishing it off. It falls foreward, unmoving.
Bow Shots

Mylaes Moonglow
Taking a step away from the final remaining guardian, Myleas quickly pulls his bow and an arrow from his magical quiver. Aiming quickly, he releases the arrow, then swiftly knowcks another and lets it fly.
5' Step diagonally away from the guardian, two arrow shots.

Atk Roll 1: 15
Atk Roll 2: 12
Dam Roll 1: 6
Dam Roll 2: 9
Plink Plink

Stone Guardians
Mylaye's arrows penetrate the stone exterior and sink into the creature's chest. When the second arrow finds it's mark the stone guardain stumbles back and fights to regain it's balance. Unsuccessfully, it falls to the ground on it's back. Grabbing a nearby tombstone in an attempt to get back up, the creature gets one claw up before the light in it's black gemed eyes extinguish.


* DM *

It was a hard faught battle, but combat is over.

Shadow and Gregor begin to stir within moments and very shortly after that so does Brother Gile.

EACH PLAYER recieves 525 xp.
First Step

Endrin watches as the last beasts are brought down by his friends. He extinguishes the flaming crossbow still in his hand and slings it back in place. His sword retreats back in to it's confines of this glove and he runs over to help the Shadow, Gile, and Gregor up.

"We should be proud my friends. From what I have heard of this place, many have not been able to do what we just accomplished." He says patting Gregor on the back.
"I would love to continue playing in the rain, but I think it is better that we try to get inside." Endrin adds as he shakes his drenched golden locks and wipes some of the mud off his garmets, placed there from his less than graceful "tumble" just seconds earlier.

Adrol stands over the gaurdian he destoryed moements earlier. Another rumbling, gutteral sound eminates from his nasal cavity, and a massive ball of goo is shot from his mouth and onto the creatures face...

"Bard right... there be more of them out here, we best get inside quickly. How is my little buddy, he be alright?"

Adrol, too, extinguishes his weapon and moves next to Shadow, confirming he is still servicable.

Gregor slowly picks himself up out of the wet earth and groans as his body reminds him that he was just dropped from the sky. He manages a smile at Endrin's words, however, and begins looking over the party to see their condition.

He replies, "Indeed my friend. I'm sure these stone devils have claimed the lives of many would-be adventurers. I consider myself lucky to still be breathing, especially after that fall."

Walking over to Brother Gile, he places a hand on his shoulder and says, You did well today brother, I for one was glad to have you with us. What say we get to work on the bloodied?"


Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes smiles sheepishly as his arrows kill the final beast. He offers a shrug.

"Who needs spells..."

Chuckling, he puts his bow back into his magic quiver, and joins the others in tending to Shadow and Gregor.

"I am uninjured, and will require no healing. Feel free to use my wand of healing if need be, friends. I also agree we should get inside. The talk of undead, as well as the sight of those green guardians, not to mention this damnable rain, are more than enough to make me want away from here."

As if an afterthought, he adds, "And well fought, friends. The denizens of this famed and fabled dungeon are indeed in for a stern test with our group of adventuring souls, the gods willing."
The Wand

Gregor replies to Mylaes, "An excellent choice of items to bring my friend. I think though, that it would be better saved until we are out of spells first."

Looking around the graveyard, he continues, "I'd hate to be out of spells and have no way for healing when we're down there. I will definitely keep your wand in mind though! And well fought indeed!"

Shadow Lightfoot
As the paralysis passes shadow starts picking himself up out of the muck. He seats himself on the stairs leading down to the door, "Well that went well" he says sourly. He starts wondering if coming here was the best idea he's ever had. He rubs his left shoulder (the part of him that hit the ground first) and waits for some healing.

Brother Gile
"I agree with Gregor. Let us use our spells first. It may prove useful to have a healing item in the group should we become seperated. I have some healing potions in my backpack," he says, tapping his pack lightly. "If they are needed, you are welcome to take them."

Deciding to heal the party as much as he can before going inside, Brother Gile begins chanting the incantations and prayers required for his healing spells.

Casting Cure Serious Wounds on Gregor: 22HP Healed (4 rolled, 6 rolled, 4 rolled, +8 caster level.)
Casting Cure Light Wounds on Shadow: 13HP Healed (8 rolled, +5 caster level.)
Casting Cure Light Wounds on myself: 13HP Healed (8 rolled, +5 caster level.)
Casting Cure Light Wounds on Niles: 10HP Healed (5 rolled, +5 caster level.)

OOC- I can do more healing if need be.

Shadow Lightfoot
At the healing touch Shadow works his sore shoulder, with a half muttered, Thanks, but I'm still in considerable pain. He looks at you hopefully.

OOC:Shadow is still down 13 hp. Not being greedy, I just don't much like the idea of going into RA down hp.
Healing Tag Team

Gergor also invokes the healing power of Pelor and makes his rounds, healing the infirmed. Dying with a CLW memorized would be a waste he thinks to himself.

CLW on Adrol for 3 + 5 = 8
CLW on Crag for 3 + 5 = 8
CLW on Shadow for 6 + 5 = 11
CLW on Endrin for 2 + 5 = 7
CLW on Me for 3 + 5 = 8


Endrin is very grateful at the offer from Gregor to heal him, but has to decline, "Can you save that one for me? I was barely stratched, surprisingly. We may not be out of the water yet." The bard laughs and looks up into the downpour as he realizes his pun.
No problem

Gregor ceases his casting and looks around to the others, "Are we ready to continue along?"
Lets Get Inside

Brother Gile
"I think we should be ready, I'd love to get out of this rain," he says, paying more attention to his wounds then his soaked armor and skin. "Did you find anything Shadow? Or is the door clear?"

Crag moves near Shadow and waits to see if he finds anything, all the while looking through the haze of rain ready and alert for anything.

ooc: Moves to M22.

Waiting on the door

Endrin waits to hear what Shadow knows of the door, or at least remembers. The bard takes up a position of watching opposite Crag and will remain there until more progress has come of the door.

Endrin takes up look-out in Q21.
The door

Shadow Lightfoot
** EDITED June 28, 2002, 9:00 pm **

Shadow gives himself a shake and looks around in confusion, "Oops! Must've been day dreaming. Thanks for the healin hand guys. Shadow stands and makes his way down the stairs. He approaches the door, "I checked the door before and found no traps. Now let me see about this lock." He checks out the lock to see if the key he found will work in it. If not he will proceed to try to pick the lock.

OOC:Rolled a natural 20 on the open locks roll for a grand total of 35.
Inside the Mausoleum

* DM *
Shadow inserts the large key into the complex lock and turns it slowly. Indise can be heard a series of clicks and the sound of metal sliding.

Finally, with a loud thunk, the doors part slightly and the key vanishes from Shadow's hands and is gone. As the wind blows up behind the halfling, the doors fly open and slam against the interior walls with a loud THOOM!

The Mausoleum itself is filled with damp musty air. Dust covers most of this barren room of solid stone. Several broken and rusted weapons lie on the floor, along with the butt-ends of several spent torches. The room's sole fearture is a large stone sarcophagus, on top of which are two brass candleabras. Each holds black candles. They are all lit.


Brother Gile
Brother Gile looks in upon the tomb warily. Before moving, he holds forth his symbol of Pelor, determined not to let those fall around him like last time, he says the short prayers, stairing into the symbol of his god worn around his neck, and touches each member of the party in turn.

He then removes a bottle of holy water from his backpack, and waits to see what the party decides to do, murmering quite prayers.

OOC- Cast Invisiblity to Undead on everyone in the party except himself.
Duration, 70 minutes (10 minutes per caster level.)
See text for information on save.
Will save DC: 14 to negate. (10+1 spell level + 3 wis)

Endrin watches as the key disappears and the doors slam open. Peering inside he sees the lighted candles and the strewn weapons and old torches. As uncomforable as he is in the rain, the mausoleum doesn't exactly make him want to come in out of it.

"Hmmm, lit candles? I think we are expected." Endrin states as he ponders the scene. He has not come this far to turn back now, not with the confidence he has in his friends. The bard will wait for Shadow and the others to begin to enter and he will follow, almost expecting the doors to slam shut behind him.

Endrin reaches down and grabs nice sized stone and brings it with him. He intends to place it, between where the doors would shut, hoping to be able to keep them open if, by chance, they do shut. The bard ignores the looks the others might give him for carrying the stone.
Looking around

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow peers into the room, trying to see if there's any danger. If he sees nothing he will tell the rest of the group, "Everyone stay back, give me room to work."
He then checks the floor in front of the door for traps.

OOC: Got a 20 on the spot check, searching spaces N/24 (30) and O/24 (23) for traps.
All seems clear

Shadow Lightfoot
"There don't appear to be any traps here. It SHOULD be safe to enter." Even so Shadow doesn't look be in any hurry to be the first to enter.
Moving forward

"Well, that good enough for me, little man. I will go first."

Adrol confidently takes a couple of steps inside the mausoleum and encourages the others to form up behind him.

OOC: Move to N25, and check the surroundings, spot=2
In the room

* DM *
Nothing immediately jumps out and devours the barbarian who stands there and drips on the stone floor. The clandles flicker violently, casting numerous shadows over the room as wind blows in from outside but do not extinguish.
Joining Adrol

Gregor, leaving his mace activated, moves in cautiously and adds his crackling blue light to the room. Moving up next to the big barbarian, Grego stops and has a look at the room. Seeing the sarcoughagus and the candles, Gregor decides to take a look around.

Moving in to O25. Spot: 16

Mylaes Moonglow rolls...
July 1, 2002, 12:39 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 10 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 10 = 13
Total = 13

Initial Entrance

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes also enters the large mausoleum, and he, like the others, looks around at the contents of the chamber. He examines the sarcophagus and the candleabras to see if he can recognize anything about them, albeit from a distance. He does not want to wander around alone.

Also, he searches through the debris on the ground for anything of significance, worth, or value. He uses his wand of magic detection to aid in thes process, scanning 60 feet at a time.

(OOC - Knowledge-History check 18, Search check 13. He will also note the strength and sort of magic that is found, if any)

Gregor points to the celing above the sarcaphagus, "I wonder what that's for?"

Above the sarcaphagus in the celing, there is an indentation the size of the sarcaphagus.

Crag also has moved in and looks at the spot where Gregor has pointed.

"Probably a trap to keep people away from the Sarcaphagus. I would be wary of disturbing the Sarcaphagus. It seems someone or something lit these candles."

Crag scans the room for any exits.

ooc: Moved to M26


* DM *
After a casual scan of the room, no exits are apparent, save for the one you came in.

Looking up above the Sarcaphagus, Endrin sees the indentation, "Maybe its for the sarcaphagus to rise up into. Shadow do you notice anything odd about it?" the bard asks.
A Few Answers

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes turns to Crag upon mention of the candleabras. Still holding his wand of magic detection, the elf shakes his head towards the large, armored paladin.

"It would appear as though someone lit these candles recently, my friend, but I believe that is not the case. There is illusory magic at work upon the candleabras. It is feint, though clearly enough to keep a continual flame upon them. The spell is quite common."

Turning and examining the floor, Mylaes suddenly stops and points to a large stone slab (N33-34), slightly discolored from the rest on the floor. He smiles towards the others.

"It seems my keen elven senses have discovered an exit here in the floor. Though I would prefer if Shadow would take a look to make sure it is not rigged with some form of trap."
floor check

"Magic candles...", he mutters.
"What manner of grave have we entered?"

Impressed with the elf's findings he waits for Shadows turn to check the hidden exit.
Whats this about?

Brother Gile
Gile moves up behind Adrol and Gregor, "hmm... I don't like the look of this," he says, weapon still in hand.

He moves around then, heading up next to Mylaes, paying more attention to the sarcaphagus then the odd floor pannel. He resists the urge to knock the candles away with his mace. He looks up at the oddly shaped ceiling. "I wouldn't say thats not exactly natural, it's probably that way for a reason. If the pannel is a way down," he says, looking down where Mylaes found the strange floor pannel, "perhaps we should see what this sarcaphagus and ceiling is about. Never know when we may find a key, or something equally valuable again," the cleric suggests, turning back to the others to see what they think.

* DM *
In Ground Level - 03