Ground Level - 03

* DM *
Continue your exploration here.
Let me see that

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow makes his way next to Mylaes and eyes the tile suspiciously. Without taking his eye from it he says, "Everyone stand clear, if I mess up you don't want to get caught in the blast." Without waiting to see if everyone complies, he crouches down next to the tile and looks it over.

OOC:Got a 27 for my search for traps.
The Slab

* DM *
No traps are detected. No means of getting it up either...

In essence you are looking at a big 10' stone slab. With a little work it looks like it could be pulled up.

If Crag and Adrol want to take 20, I'll call it doable without any rolls.
Sarcophagus Elevator?

Mylaes Moonglow
While Shadow, Adrol and Crag examine the discolored slab for signs of a trap, or a means to lift it, Mylaes moves again towards the Sarcophagus where Endrin and Brother Giles stand. He takes his time, searching the sarcophagus up and down, without actually touching it, trying to figure out what the recess in the ceiling is for. He mutters to the others while he does so.

"Now then... let us see what we can find here... I would wager it goes up somehow, but how or why is the question..."

(OOC - Take 20 on the search of the Sarcophagus: Search Check 30)
The Sarcophagus

* DM *
The Sarcophagus seems wholly unremarkable in every aspect.
The slab

Shadow Lightfoot
"Well there are no traps that I can see. If a couple of the stronger members of the party take their time, and are careful, they should be able to lift it up." He backs away from the slab, back to the entrance. "Of course there's no way of knowing what's under the slab. He says once he's back by the door.
Lifts slab....

Crag looks at the Sarcophagus rather nervously then brushes his concerns away and steps towards the stone slab.

Setting down his blade, he removes his gauntlets and then his helmet. Breathing in a mold-full of air he grunts and spits, then grabs the stone slab from one end.

"Lets put our backs into this Adrol...”

Ooc: taking 20


Endrin is actually more concerned with the Sarcophagus than the stone slab, but will attempt to keep an eye on both. The bard steps away from the sarcophagus giving himself some safety distance, incase this triggers anything.

To help with the lighting he grabs his loaded crossbow and ignites it.

Crag tests the slab and mutters, "This could be easier than what it looks..."

With a tremendous heave the knight pulls the stone block forth, veins stick out from his bull like neck as he throws the slab to the side with a loud thud.

He then grabs his gloves and helmet as he looks into the new pit....


* DM *
Crag, enhanced by the cleric's spell, has little trouble with the large slab. Underneath is a circular shaft descending into the darkness. There is a ladder set in the North wall.
Helping hand...

** EDITED July 2, 2002, 12:47 pm **

Crag places his greatsword which continues to glow through the open pit in the ground to make it easier to see......

ooc: See anything?
The shaft

* DM *
The light from the greatsword illuminates the shaft. The shaft continues down past the 20' radius.

"Hmmm... Maybe I can be of service.", says Nile.

Nile pulls 50ft of knotted rope from his haversack, grabs the first knot, and places it in an open area on the damp floor. Nile recites a brief incantion, points at the knot with his hand and focuses his energy. After a moment a steam of light flows from Nile's fingertips and fills the knot with an almost blinding light. Nile looks at Crag, "Here, lower this down. Maybe we can see what, if anything, is at the bottom of this hole."

I cast Daylight on the knot in the rope. Radius 60ft.

More light

Crag grabs the knotted rope and helps Nile lower it through the pit as far is it would go.
Lowering the light

* DM *
The glowing knot at the end of the rope is extended into the shaft, providing a better view.

The shaft descends some 30'-35 feet. An old, but sturdy looking iron ladder runs the full length of the shaft and is attached to the North wall. The floor at the bottom seems to be made of dirt.
Going Down

"Let's go", says Nile with a smirk on his face.
Who's first

"OK... who going down first? Me or Crag? Maybe 'fling should go...?"
Step back

Endrin takes a casual step backwards at Adrol's question. He is ready to add support from the safety of the middle.
How about?

Gregor replies to Adrol, "What about our normal order? If something is down there, either you or Crag should be the one to buy us a little time to get down. If you wish, I can follow after you to heal you as you fight, but one, if not both of you should be the first to go."
Let's not be so hasty

Shadow Lightfoot
Seeing that everyone is still in one piece, Shadow makes his way over to the Sarcophagus. He looks it over trying to see just how it's opened, and what it's connection to the space in the ceiling is.
giving it the once over

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow goes up to the Sarcophagus and gives it a thorough search, looking for traps or anything else unusual.

OOC:Rolled a nat. 20 on the search for a total of 32.

OOC2:I understand everyone's desire to get into the dungeon but i just can't see passing up something that was obviously put there for a reason......I just hope I survive the attmept :D
The Sarcophagus

* DM *
After a thorough search, you discover the Sarcophagus seems wholly unremarkable in every aspect and does not appear to be trapped. It looks as if it would open in the standard fashion (i.e. moving the large stone block off the top of it).
Let's open this bad boy

Shadow Lightfoot
Taking 20 Shadow will try to move the lid. If it moves at all he will only move it enough so that he can get a look inside.
Not even an inch

* DM *
As others discuss the order in which to descend, you are interrupted by the sounds of a grunting halfling. Grunting because the little fellow is trying to push the lid off the sarcaphagus. Strangely enough, it refuses to budge.

Shadow Lightfoot
Huffing and puffing and red-faced, Shadow turns to look at the burlier members of the party, "You guys need to do this, it's way to heavy for me."

OOC:I really didn't think i had any chance to even budge the lid but i figured i painted a pretty humorous picture. LOL

"You having trouble little man? I help! Did you ever hear song about halfling and the plane's heaviest ring? Very funny song."

Adrol moves over to the sarcophegus and begins to push/pry the lid out of place, all the while humming a catchy little tune...

"Who ever would think that a little ol' 'fling, could move the plane's heaviest ring..."

OOC: taking 20 to move the lid

"Leave it be. Although I will not prevent those who wish to remove the lid and discover its contents."

Crag pauses a moment, “A raider of tombs I am not, regardless of the prize.”

He waits in between the pit and the Sarcaphagus with his sword ready.

OOC: Crag moves a bit closer to the Sarcophagus and readies an action. Attacks if anything is dangerous. (I know there is an AOO). But he will wait and do nothing if an item or treasure is found.

Let it be...

** EDITED July 3, 2002, 9:52 am **

Nile watches the half-lings futile attempts at opening the tomb as he moves away from the coffin, closer to the hole uncovered by Crag. "Graves like coffins should not be disturbed. I don't like graveyards, and I don't like coffins. Crag is right, we should leave it be", says Nile as he watches Adrol begin to open the coffin, "I hope you know what you are doing..."

** EDITED July 3, 2002, 12:04 pm **

** EDITED July 3, 2002, 12:03 pm **

Endrin listen as the others express their feelings about grave robbing, and then speaks up,"My friends, we are not in just any normal graveyard. I am not one to go around disrupting the sacred places of sleep, but you have to remember where we are at. I am sure Shadow and Adrol are not interested in mearly random grave robbing. There could be something of value or a key to our survival within this tomb. If we are not willing to cover all angles of possibilities, we might as well go home now, or just offer ourselves up for sacrifice to the evil that is this place."

Endrin then takes a position at the doorway they entered and raises his crossbow, prepared for anything explodes he has quick access to outside.
I stand corrected

"Well put Endrin", Says Nile as Endrin's words provide clarity. "Just be careful", Nile whispers to Adrol as he realizes Shadow was right in wanting to open and search the coffin.
Getting Ready

Gregor moves to the East side of the mausoleum, against the wall (r31) and readies his holy symbol
Opening the Sarcauphagus

Black Skeleton
Adrol, taking his time, excels where the halfling did not. Stone grinds against stone as the massive covering slowly slides against the base. A skeletal figure lies within, it's bones blackened by some unknown and unnatural means.

In a blur, two longswords are up through the opening and the skeleton is on it's feet, unnaturally fast. It let's out a blood curdling, shreiking laugh as it stands on the sarcauphagus, a gleaming londsword in each hand.

Both sides were expecting things, normal init.
That figures

Shadow Lightfoot
I knew the dice roller would turn on me sooner or later, I go on 12.

Endrin was completely expecting to have to react to something, whether it be monster or trap, so when the skeleton emerges from the sarcauphagus, the bard is ready, his finger already pulling on this crossbow.

Initiative = 24

Hush up! All the chatter make it hard for Adrol to think on moving rock!"

But, evidently, the chatter helped Adrol to expect the dual-sword wielding visitor.

OOC: Init=20
ini roll


Can I attack now with readied action?

If we were in combat rounds, yes. As is, no. Now it's a test of speed, represented by initiative. If it weren't, Adrol would have 2 longswords ventilating his chest right now.
- DM

Not quite ready

As Adrol moves the stone Gregor fumbles around with his holy symbol.

Init: 10
Be there in a sec

Brother Gile
** EDITED July 5, 2002, 8:58 pm **

Gile privately thanks himself for taking out the bottle of holy water before entering this acursed tomb.

"By Pelor's will, prepared to be sent fully to the land of the dead," Brother Gile says, an ackward anger toward the abomination that undead is.

Initiative: 7

Stop yelling

Already being strung a little tight, from the current surroundings and the magic adrenaline rush of Cat's Grace, the bard is ready to fire at the sign of any movement from the sarcauphagus.

When the skeleton emerges he is met in mid-shriek by one of Endrin's flaming bolts.

Hit = 13+12 = 25
Damage = 5 + 3 fire= 8

Use dodge on skeleton (+1 AC) (27 AC)

With a heart of gold...

Black Skeleton
Endrins arrow strikes the skeleton's ribs, cracking one but glinting off the bone and deflecting to one side.

Undaunted, the black skeleton swings it's blades at Adrol, it's primary focus at the moment. Adrol, despite the sudden turn of events, dodges uncannily the first of the two blades, but the second hits, but only nicks his arm (1 point & Will save DC:14).

Skeleton's AC is 20
Haha, you funny

Adrol looks down at the nick on his arm and laughs.

"You funny skeleton. Why you do that? Now we destroy you... You should just lay there quiet like."

His axe is instantly in his hand and the crypt is lit with the eerie magical fire from the weapon. He swings clumsily, but manages to connect with the undead.

OOC: Will Save=22 (thanks Iron Will), move equiv to draw the axe, free action to ignite it, and a single attack. To Hit=20 (good enough), Damage=16 physical and 5 fire for 21 total. Let me know if anything is not right.
Adrol's Attack

Black Skeleton
Adrol's attack, though mighty does not do in the shreiking skeleton. The blade leaves marks on the undead's bones, but it is not enough to slice through.
Evil bones...

Summoning mystical power from within, Nile recites a few words of Arcane magic and releases four bolts of energy a the Skeleton.

I cast Magic Missle at Skeleton.

Damage = 12


Crag attacks the emerging undead swinging his blade as to get the maximum effect.

First attack 18, missed.
second 30, damage 11.

Black Skeleton
Nile's magic missles strike the skeleton and cause a few of it's bones to crumble. It is quickly followed by Crag's massive sword. The huge blade misses the first swing, but connects the second time. The damage seems to be adding up, but very slowly as it takes seemingly little damage from each blow.
Unholy Terror

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes furrows his brow at the large black skeletal creature, clearly disturbed at the amounts of damage it can take. He takes a quick step away from the creature, and brings forth a loop of copper wire and a magnet.

With a few muttered words and gestures, the wire and magnet begin to glow bright. The frail looking elf then flings it at the creature of undeath.

Exploding in an arc of electrical energy, the elven mage's spell catches the blackened skeleton in its destructive path.

(OOC - Take 5' step to L15, cast Gedlee's Electrical Loop so that it hits only the skeleton (5' radius, should be easy to control). 12 damage, relflex save for half, DC 15)

Black Skeleton
The electrical discharge catches the skeleton dead to rights and in a brilliant burst fries it. The skeleton stands there, mouth agape, with swords outstretched unmoving. A moment later, it loses cohesion and falls apart, it's bones falling around the area of the sarcouphagus.

87 xp goes to each character
The Sarcauphagus

* DM *
Giving the sarcauphagus a good search reveals nothing but the stone bed used to lay the dead to rest. Save for a few of the bones that fell back in, it is empty. The swords seem to be normal longswords.
Anything Else to be Found?

Brother Gile
Gile moves up to where the skeleton was defeated, placing his bottle of holy water in his spell component pouch. He holds forth his hand in the direction of the swords, and speaks a few nonsensible words.

After a few moments, he moves his hand toward the sarcauphagus.

OOC- Casting detect magic on the swords, then on the sarcauphagus.

* DM *
Neither radiates any form of magic.
Time to go?

Gregor smiles as the skeleton collapses and says, "Well done my friends, well done. While I had hoped to get a piece for myself, I feel I will have more than enough opportunity soon enough."

Seeing that there seems to be nothing left to do in this room, (unless someone wants to mess with the sarcophagus some more) Gregor will keep a watch on the hole to make sure nothing comes up.

As he watches, he asks, "Shall we go down?"
Another boost

Watching the skeleton crumble, without even needing the help of everyone, Endrin chimes, "Now there's a morale booster if I ever saw one." The bard gives a laugh and then considers that the skeleton was way too easy.

While waiting for the consensus on how to enter the hole, Endrin will keep his eyes on the remains of the skeleton, just incase it decides to reform.
Don't get cocky!

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow pokes the bones with his foot and then peeks inside the sarcauphagus, finding nothing he turns away. To Endrin he says, "Let's not get overconfident, we are barely in the front door. The gods only know what awaits us down below." He moves over to the hole and looks down, "So, which one of you is going to go down first?"
Going Down

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes smiles as his spell drops the blackened skeletal beast. He smirks to the others.

"It seems the elf has another kill to his credit. Of course, I jest, well fought friends. Oh, and Brother Gile, I have a wand that will cast a spell of magic detection. It is nearly fully charged. I merely want to let you know I will use it freely whenever we are in need."

He smiles to the others, then looks towards the hole in the floor.

"I suggest Adrol first, followed by Gregor, then Crag, then myself. The rest of you can follow quickly enough, but I think it wise to have a solid front line down there in case something awaits us. I am running low on spells, as I am sure Nile is as well, but we both have a few tricks up our sleeve yet, no doubt. Now then, shall we see what other surprises this famed dungeon, Rappan Athuk has to offer?"

"There could be more of these. A group of them could prove a worthy match for us..."

Crag waits and then climbs down the ladder, if either Adrol or Gregor refuse then Crag goes down first....

Not a problem

Gregor replies, "I will gladly follow behind my big friend here.", clapping Adrol on the back.

Turning to Crag, he adds, "And if there is trouble, I'll try to stay out of your way and fight where I can."
I'm Ready

"Let's go", says Nile as he reaches into Velcor's feed pouch for a strip of meat. Velcor climbs up on the Gnome's shoulder an scarfs down Nile's offering.
Lets go

Brother Gile
"I have no problem with taking up the back if you want me too," Brother Gile offers, waiting for the others to head down.
Adrol always first

Adrol briefly considers asking why he is always first, but he knows the answer.

"OK... I go first. Crag probably behind me, then holy-men and magic guys. Hey 'fling! Wanna ride in my backpack? Harharhar..."

Clearly amused with himself, Adrol moves to the descending ladder, slings his axe, and begins the climb down without waiting for much futher discussion.

OOC: I will test the ladder at first to make sure it is sturdy enough to hold my impressive bulk. Satisfied, I will descend as quickly as I can, without risking plumetting.
Going down,,,

* DM *
After testing the ladder, you are satisfied with it's strength below. As you descend, the stench of death becomes apparent. At the bottom of the shaft is a rough hewn tunnel, about 5' wide and about 7' tall. The tunnel stretches off to the east some 100 feet before ending abruptly. There are bloodstains strewn about the hallway in various places along the wall, including one rather recent, large, hand-shaped smear of blood on the north wall near the ladder. At the east end of the 100 foot tunnel, there is an obvious 5x5, 10' pit. There is a rope pegged into the wall of the pit.

Nile is cureently carying the rope with dalylight cast upon it, the rope's magic will last another hour.
Time Check

* DM *
It is approximately 2:00pm, game time.
Show off

As everyone descends the ladder, Endrin holds up, about 15 feet up, allowing the others below him to clear. When he sees his path is no longer blocked he leaves go of the ladder, "Look out below" Just after about three feet the bard's "fall" is slowed and he comfortably lands on the ground with a light hop. Endrin looks back up the ladder and smiles at those still above him and the others below now notice the feather-like ring on his finger.

As soon as his feet are firmly on the ground, the axe is out and ignited in Adrol's hands. He peers into the gloom looking for movement.

"I don't see any bad guys... but it stink like 'fling breath down here!"

Walls and looks down pit.

Crag nears the rope dangling from the pit all the while looking at the blood covered walls.

He tugs at it a few times to determine its secureness and peers down the shaft holding his sword forward to help with light.

OOC: Anything strange about the walls?

The pit

* DM *
The rope is pretty secure. The walls of the pit are fairly rough but appear unremarkable. As do the walls with the exception of the blood stains and recent large, bloody hand print.
Trap doors? Secret Passages?

"Shadow do you think you might find a fake wall or secret passage down here?", says Nile as he watches the Halfling look inquisitively at the walls.

Brother Gile
Gile clearly doesn't look happy to have to be climbing a rope down a small shaft; and especially not with blood stains along all the walls. He also makes a note of voicing his concern to the others, making sure they realize how dangerous it could be. "After all," he says, "if we get attacked in the shaft, it will be hard for any of us to defend ourselves, and theres always the risk of falling."
Got someone's back

Hearing the concern of Gile, Endrin hopes to easy it a little, "I am not worried of falling, since I can't, with my ring. I also have featherfall ready to aid anyone who might need it, unexpectantly."
Bloody Passage

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes furrows his brow upon seeing the bloodstained passage. He reaches into his open pack and takes out his familiar, the albino weasel Sylvus, and places him upon the ground. He nods, and the small creature scampers off, sniffing at the base of the walls.

Mylaes turns to the others, concern in his voice.

"Some of this looks fresh, my friends. We must be wary of traps, or ambushes as Nile has suggested. Let us take our time here, and more importantly, let us stay together."

With a smile and a nod to Endrin's ring, the elf speaks quietly to the bard.

"Fine magic, there. Could come in handy. I have the spell readied myself, at all times."

(OOC - Having Sylvus search for cracks and openings in the walls where a secret door might be. He will never be more than 40' from Mylaes, however)

The Walls

* DM *
Sylvus inspects the walls along one side and then the other. Aside from a large ammount of rat droppings, nothing is found.
Here I come

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow watches as the party descends the ladder 1 by 1. He stays up top and watches for a few minutes. Seeing everyone still in one piece he carefully descends the ladder and once at the bottom, he takes a look around.
He dismisses the pit for now and starts heading down the cooridor. "someone with a light source come with me. Once He reaches the end of the hallway he will start searching the walls for secret passages.

OOC:Taking 20 on the searches for a total of 32.
A 2 hour search...

* DM *
Reveals nothing. You search from the ladder to the pit and...nothing but rock.
To the pit!

Shadow Lightfoot
Tired, sweaty, frustrated, and swearing under his breath, Shadow makes his way to the pit and frowns down as he looks into it. With a shake of his head he takes hold of the rope and climbs down, where he gives the interior of the pit a thorough search.

OOC:Move down into the pit and take 20 searching the walls down there.
This way to hell

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow is down there for quite a while before he climbs back up the rope, "I found a door down there, don't know who made it but they did a shoddy job. I didn't find any traps either."
Huh? What?

Brother Gile
After spending the first two hours trying to remember all the stories of heroism and valor by followers of Pelor, and Pelor's great and many deeds, Gile all but fell asleep. The hypnotic lighting seem to take the dread out of the blood stained walls.

As Shadow comes forth with the news, Gile rises. "Hmm, well, should we get going?" he says in a slightly tired voice, trying to regain his wits, and not let his mind wonder so much.
Time Check

* DM *
It is about 4:30 pm

The sunlight spell is very expired, I am assuming your weapons are now your only light sourcde.
Marching On?

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes nods to Brother Gile.

"Aye. Let us move forward, friends. I still have a few spells, including some powerful ones. Though after another combat or two, I will certainly need some rest, if I am to be of proper service to our team."

Looking down into the pit, Mylaes tries to spot the secret door. If the others agree to continue onward, he will use the rope to climb down slowly (take 10).

Looking at the others Gregor offers, "I still have the majority of my spells and have only nearly exhausted the weaker ones. Unless someone is seriously running low, I would hesitate to rest just yet. Dusk is probably a few hours away and the dawn is a great many hours away. I fear camping in this corridor may not be too restful. Some of those blood stains are pretty fresh giving testament to this corridor's use."

Gregor thinks for a moment and adds, "If we could find a more defendable or obviously unused room, me may be better off. I just don't like the idea of resting here in this corrodor. At least not yet"

Adrol sits against the wall and considers resting. Sitting silently, he lolls his head to the right and looks around. Lolling his head to the left he looks around his brow creasing. Looking up, he begins, One...twoo...three...foor...BAH!!!"

He gets up somewhat perturbed looking, "Counting worgs not working, Adrol not sleepy. Maybe after Adrol kill more, he feel like sleepying."

Crag gets up from a short rest and prepares to follow down the pit.

ooc: I'm heading down after Mylaes and Shadow

Since everyone is putting their two copper pieces worth in Endrin does too, "My magic is always weak, but I do still have some. I am for pushing onward, if we need to find a good place to defend and rest, we could always backtrack to the mausoleum."
Rest or Continue?

Nile thinks for a while about resting or moving forward. "Let's get moving you guys are right, it's only mid evening and I don't want to back track to find a safe place to rest."

Brother Gile
"I agree, lets keep going and hope we find a good place to rest somewhere further. I have used only a few of my spells, and still have the majority of my powerful spells. And between myself and Gregor, I don't think any more undead we meet will be a problem. "
Ok then....

Shadow Lightfoot
"Ok then onward we go. There's no way we're all going to fight down in the pit. We should go down 2 or 3 at a time and as the first go through the door the rest of us can follow once there's more room.

Endrin waits to enter the pit, but in the meantime, sings a little song of protection and is once again aglow with magical armor.

Cast Mage Armor (+4 AC)
Lets go

Crag grabs the rope and climbs down. Once down he will listen intently to see if he hears anything.

ooc: I'm not sure what will be seen but I'd like to do a listen when I'm down there.
The Bard must be Clairvoyant.

Nile watches as the Spell is cast and the Bard's garments begin to glow. As Nile looks down he notices that his Mage Armor has worn off as well. Pulling a strip of leather from his spell component pouch he begins reciting his Mage Armor incantation as he places the leather against his chest. A dark blue hue baths his clothing as the spell takes effect.

I cast Mage Armor. :-)
Down and out

* DM *
A few at a time the party descends into the pit and exits via the concealed door.

Level One - Coming Soon