The Journey Begins

* DM *
You awaken in your bed at the Inn with a horrible start. The sheets which cover you and the pillow upon which you rest your head are soaked with sweat. The dream seems so vivid! Only moments before, you were being torn apart by the undead and by living green statues that attacked with the fury of demons and had the power to rend flesh and freeze the soul.

Watching the warm rays of the sun sneak their way through cracks in the shutters and hearing a pleasant song play from the beaks of a bird sitting outside of your sill, the horrible dream fades away as you think to yourself, Bah! Rappan Athuk will be nothing like that...I'm sure those rumors were merely exaggerations to scare the weak and unprepared...

Moving downstairs to the common room a fine breakfast awaits you. Eggs, meats, fruits and juices of all kind greet the senses of those with enough coin to pay for them. You long time companions are greeted and a fine meal ensues.

After a short pause to allow things to settle and to go over travel plans again, you step out onto the streets of the city known as Mithril, the coast town favored of the God Corean whose colossal Mithril Golem stands ever watchful over the faithful warriors of this forsaken land. The stable boy meets you out front, with a few helpers in tow to bring your horses to the ready. They have been brushed, shoed, fed and prepared with saddlebags near overflowing with provisions for the coming journey. Pausing a moment at the gates of Mithril, you look back on the bustling city and it's comforts for only a moment and them to the road ahead.

The Coast Road, it is fittingly called. Running along the coastline of the blood sea, so named for it's crimson appearance oft said to be caused by the grievous wound of an immortal titan who lies forever bleeding in it's dark and swirling depths, this well-worn road is frequently used by merchants and brigands alike. Patrols from Mithril keep the brigands and attacks to a minimum during the day, but like much of the world, under the cover of night many things go unnoticed and even the Mithril Knights withdraw into their walled city.

But such is not the concern of heroes! Before you lies the road to everything you have set your eyes and imagination upon... Fame, respect, wealth, power and admiration and adoration all wait to be claimed. And you, being the brave and daring souls have within you the stuff of legends. Some 100 miles ahead, deep within the foothills to the east of the Forest of Hope lies your proving ground. The place where many have gone and few return. The unholy haven that has stood unconquered for over 100 years. The place known as Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves.

2nd post coming in a few
That evening...

* DM *
The day goes fairly uneventfully as you travel away from the coast and into the foothills before heading north. You easily clear some 30 miles and settle for the evening, letting the horses graze at the edge of the road he hungrily munch the tall grass and foliage.

Not yet settled in for the evening, you make a fire and have an evening meal. DIscussion ensues and rumors of Rappan Athuk are told around the campfire. Time passes...

Around 9pm, as things are winding down, you hear a loud thud up the road to the north.

OOC: I'll need everyone to make a spot check. Please also make an init roll now (to save time later). Those with familiars and companions don't forget you are responsible for them and their actions...

Assuming you make a formation, things appear as they are on the map...(with brush and foliage on either side of the road.

Actions and light sources please (aside from the campfire which provides 20' rad rather nicely)

Mylaes' Spot

Mylaes Moonglow rolls...
April 2, 2002, 11:16 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 9 + 6 = 15
Total = 15

Sylvus' Spot

Mylaes Moonglow rolls...
April 2, 2002, 11:16 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 14 + 6 = 20
Total = 20

Mylaes' Initiative

Mylaes Moonglow rolls...
April 2, 2002, 11:17 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 3 = 10
Total = 10


Mylaes Moonglow
With a start, Mylaes looks towards the resounding thud, then quickly stands and grabs his magical quiver, slinging it over his shoulder. Sylvus, the albino weasel, sniffs the air towards the sound, and sits up on his hind legs at his master's foot.

The elven wizard's right hand reflexively touches the small pouch at his belt where his spell components are kept.

Mylaes Spot 15
Sylvus Spot 20
Initiative 10
A note...

* DM *
Init has not actually begun yet, so if anyone wants to cast preparative spells, feel free.

Endrin, hearing the sound in the darkness like everyone else, stands from the fire. The bard draws his sword utters a quick word and the blade disappears. He then draws his crossbow and notches a bolt and awaits for the others to ready themselves.

Peering into the black night, Endrin waits to see who might provide additional illumination.

OOC: Spot = 11
Initiative = 19
Sword went to glove of storing.

Nile's Initiative Roll

Nile rolls...
April 2, 2002, 11:37 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 20 + 6 = 26
Total = 26

Nile's - Actions

** EDITED April 2, 2002, 11:45 pm **

Nile and Velcor stare to the north. Nile hopes his low light vision will help him make out the activities up the road. Nile mumbles to Velcor, his small dragon familiar now sitting on his shoulder,"You can see invisible objects velcor, what's down there?"

Nile - Spot check - 6
Velcor - Spot check - 16
Nile - Initiative - 26
Battle Prep

Nile pulls a strip of leather from his component pouch. After few arcane phrases Nile places the leather against his chest.

Mage Armor +4 to AC(13) = 17.

Prep Work

Mylaes Moonglow
Pulling out a small piece of leather, Mylaes speaks a few quick words of arcane magic, tracing the leather down his face and torso. A small sparkle of energy quickly causes the leather to dissappear.

His hand dipping once again into his spell component pouch, the white haired elf pulls out a small shaving of licorice root. He speaks a few more words of magic, but this time, nothing happens. His waits to finish the spell when it is required.

(OOC - Sorry, I forgot about the dice rolling page before. Cast mage armor spell, and ready the haste spell. If you have house rules on the haste spell, DM, send me a note. Some folks think the spell is broken, but I love it!)

* DM *
Haste is legal "as is" in my campaign.
What was that?

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow, just getting ready to bed down for the night, is instantly on his feet when he hears the noise. He grabs his bow and says
"Serok" and his short bow is sheathed in crackling electrical energy. Once that is done he grabs an arrow but does not yet put it to his bow. Simply holding it for now he squints a bit as he peers into the darkness.

OOC:Got a 17 for init and a 21 on the spot check.

Ishar Morrad Chuain rolls...
April 3, 2002, 3:24 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 12 + 3 = 15
Total = 15


Ishar Morrad Chuain rolls...
April 3, 2002, 3:24 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 2 = 21
Total = 21

Dire Wolves Spot

Ishar Morrad Chuain rolls...
April 3, 2002, 3:25 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 2 times. Add 6 to each roll. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 13 + 6 = 19
 14 + 6 = 20
Total = 39

DW Initiative

Ishar Morrad Chuain rolls...
April 3, 2002, 3:25 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 2 times. Add 2 to each roll. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 4 + 2 = 6
 2 + 2 = 4
Total = 10

Ishar Morrad Chuain
(This will probably be very bad)

They may be a bit slow, but we all had brilliant spot checks.

** EDITED April 3, 2002, 5:20 am **

Hearing the thud, Adrol turns in the direction it came from. He peers into the darkness, hoping to make out the origin of noise. Evidently, he was already winding down for the evening, for he slowly rises and ambles into the road with the rest of the group, his bow at the ready.



Crag rises slowly and puts on his helmet. Lifting his sword he mutters a word to himself ("Hoth")and the blade produces a blue glow, ready to face the unknown foe.

Had to make the Empire reference :)

In rolling thread:
Spot - 19
Ini - 16


* DM *
As some of the members activate their weapons, shedding a little more light on the area, a number of you spot rustling in the brush to the sides of the road. Ahead of you, to the north comes striding out of the foliage a giant-like creature, dressed in filthy skins and weilding a large greatclub.

To the sides you can see the heads and wide shoulders of a number of humanoid creatures. Their ears are pointed, their hair dirty and matted and from their jaws can be seen a number of protruding teeth. This skin is a mottled yellowish brown.

(combat rounds begin now)

* DM *
Initiative order, as always, is kept in the initiative order thread for reference.

Nile has the top of the round.

I passed a note to all. Its an idea that can save us a lot of trouble.....
Gregor Prepares

OOC: Sorry for not posting I was very sleepy when rolling these
Spot Check: 24
Iniaitive: 14

IC: Gregor sees the giant-like creature and almost instinctively He mutters a small prayer. "Pelor Circle us within your armor." A Light seems to grow in brightness coming from Gregor till it shoots away from him hitting the ground Ten feet away creating a circle around all within Ten feet of Gregor. Then He waits to see what these other things next to him are.

OOC:before Intiaitive Prepared Magic circle against Evil going off. +2 Deflection bonus and +2 on saves for the next 70 minutes.. Woohoo.. To everyone except Ishar. Sorry Ishar
Nile's - Lighting Bolt

Nile rolls...
April 3, 2002, 12:48 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 7 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 = 5
 2 = 2
 6 = 6
 4 = 4
 1 = 1
 4 = 4
 6 = 6
Total = 28

Nile - First Blood

** EDITED April 3, 2002, 12:58 pm **

Nile spots the creatures advancing from the East and reaches into his spell component pouch for a small piece of fur, and a glass rod. Nile wraps the fur around one end of the rod, and pulls the rod through. Now pointing his hand towards the unknowns to the East Nile shouts the following incantation, "Arcane powers of mystic might, release from my hand a bolt of light."

OOC: I cast lightning bolt.
Spell Focus (Evoc)DC +2
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SF(2)=19
Damage - 28


* DM *
As the three try to dodge the Lightning Bolt, two fail miserably and are, in an instant, charred. The other one, able to move a bit quicker manages to escape the blast, though it seems burned rather severely.

** EDITED April 3, 2002, 4:06 pm **

Just as Endrin prepares for whatever might be out there he sees the large humanoid emerge from the cover of the foilage. His attention is quickly diverted by other humanoids on either side of road.

The little gnome takes little time reacting shooting a lightning bolt to his right. Hoping the 'heavy artillary' will take care of the large humanoid, Endrin focuses on one of the unkown ones closest to him (G14). Standing his ground within the clerics protective circle he utters "Ignite" and the Bard's crossbow bursts into magical flames and with that he takes aim and lets loose a bolt at his target. Even if he misses maybe the flame will better illumniate the enemy.

OOC:rolled a critical potential = 19 (29)
rolled to see if critical =18
rolled for regular damage =9 + 5 fire

If critical hit damage = 18 + 5 fire.

I choose to use dodge on same target, if it survives.
My turn

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow scans the field, deciding to try and clear out the east side he turns and fires at the unknown at space P/11.

5 arrow
3 electrical

if crit add
9 arrow

OOC: I don't think you roll the energy damage over if you get a critical. Because once the arrow hits the energy is discharged. Your crit is actually coming from the arrow. The reason I think this is because there is another power linked to the flaming/frost/shock. It's called burst, meaning that when you get a critical instead of 1d6 energy damage you add 1d10 energy because the charge explodes.
I think this needs a ruling from the DM.

* DM *
With your current weapons, you would add the following on a crit:

Arrow - rolled twice
+1 - twice
d6 energy - once

2 shots, 2 crits

* DM *
As Endrin looses his arrow, it speeds through the air and into the eye socket of one of the advancing group. It's head snaps back with a hiss as blood and eye flud sizzle. It's scream is loud and gutteral but does not last long..

Shadow folloing suit marks his target and fires, his arrow sinking deep into the chest of another, the wound momentarily sparking. The creature howls in pain but does not drop..

Crag advances towards the large figure coming towards the group. Gripping his sword with both hands he engages the monster, swinging his glowing blade...

OOC: Ok, I'm going to take a beating if this guy gets through my armor, so I may need a bit of a hand ;)

Crag moves to M9 and attacks the Ogre.
attack roll 23
total damage roll 17 (12 + 5 frosty)

Ishar Morrad Chuain
** EDITED April 4, 2002, 4:53 am **

just because you all live on the other side of the world doesnt mean you cant wait up for me. Settle down people. I get on the net the day after I post and find thirty new posts. And now I cant decide what to do as I'm not really sure what everyone else has done. Give me a chance. And this goes the same for notes and such.

Ishar Morrad Chuain
** EDITED April 4, 2002, 4:51 am **

Okay, I had another read. I found Gregor apology, so thats right, but I still dont know whats going on. I'll post as if nothing else has happened and the DM can just slot it in where its supposed to go.

Ishar looks around at those coming in, the begins to whispers just under his breath. Suddenly a huge sheet of flame emerges from the sky and strikes at the group of unknowns off to the left.

Aiming for the intersection of F12 and G13 with Flame Strike. 10 ft radius, so I'm oping it will hit them all. For a total of 25 damage (13 damge taken as fire the rest as normal, reflex 18 for half

* DM *
Crag, the holy warrior, bathed in the cold blue light, steps forward to meet the huge Ogre. As he moves in to confront it, the beast swings it's greatclub and barely misses him, bringing the massive club down with an earth shattering slam as Crag dodges to the side and cleaves him with his greatsword leaving a huge gash in the creature's side.

Ishar, calling down fire from the heavens, engulfs 3 of the creatures in a violent pillar of searing flame. Their flesh blisters and blackens finally splitting and melting away into the hellish vortex.

The remaining two, look at each other for a brief moment before running full speed back into the foliage from whence they came.

Have At Thee Villian!!!!!

Gregor scans the battlefield and sees the two remaining going back into the foliage from whence they came. Knowing better then to charge head long after them into a enclosure of the foliage. After the impressive display of the Flaming Vortex. Gregor sees Craig charging off to battle against the Ogre. Hefting his Heavy Mace Gregor utters "Ramah" as Electricity crackles around the Mace's head then shouts.
"Have at thee Villian!!!" Charging toward the Ogre swinging his mace at it.

Only if I make it to the Ogre otherwise ingore the rolls and I am just setting up for the attack for next round
Using Dodge(Ogre)
HP: 51
To Hit: 18+9=27
Damage: 7+4=11 +Shock:1
Total Damage: 12

Fighting the Ogre

* DM *
As Crag battles the Ogre, Gregor dashes in, slamming the heavy mace into the Ogre, sparks shooting from the glowing charged mace. The mace creates a visible dent in the Ogre's filthy flesh and leaves a blackened area as well where the electricity connected.

The Ogre howls in pain, and stares at you with murderous intent, raising his club.

Like a Blur...

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes quickly speaks the last word to his spell, and the shaved licorice root in his hand vanishes with an audible pop. Then, with a burst of speed, he moves northwest a few steps (to I12), his hand once again reaching into his spell component pouch. With lightning quick pronounciation, more arcane words of magic flow from his lips, his hands creating a blur in front of him as he completes another spell.

Suddenly springing from his fingertips, four bolts of magical energy zip towards the ogre, imbedding in his large torso.
OOC - Finish Haste spell, move to I12, and Magic Missile at the ogre for 13 damage.
Go back to sleep

* DM *
Mylaes moves and casts as the Ogre holds the greatclub over his head, Firing his magical bolts into the Ogre, it sways for a moment the scub swaying over his head. It's eyes roll back into his head and blood trickles from it's mouth as it slowly begins falling backward. It lands with a deep thud and moves no longer...
End of Combat, normal time resumes.
Well done.

"Hey! I no get to whack things! Oh well, magic show was very neat, though..."

Adrol then ambles off, back to the camp.

** EDITED April 5, 2002, 12:05 pm **

Endrin gets a chuckle fromt he barbarian and heads over to him, while extinguishing his crossbow.
"My friend, I saw two run off into the brush, if you are hungry for some action." the bard mentions to him, with a laugh and a slap on the shoulder.

He then wonders over to the see what he and the others toasted off to the side of the road. He could not really make out what he shot at, but maybe everything isn't completely charred.
Well Done

* DM *
Looking at the remains, there is no doubt they are dead. All exposed flesh is blackened or blasted off with the exception of the one you shot. Upon closer inspection, you realize they were bugbears.
Foolish creatures....

Shadow Lightfoot
"Durok"Shadow deactivates his bow and heads back to camp. "So shall we set a watch? You never know when more creatures such as these will try thier luck agaisnt us.

Ishar Morrad Chuain
Ishar sways a bit from the power he has just expended. "Now, that wasnt too hard, was it?" He then sits down on the ground to get his bearings again. The two wolves come up and lay beside him.

"I take early morning watch, it best for me. I get up early anyway. I going to sleep now. Where priest to say prayers with??"

OOC: uh, shouldn't someone search the bodies (I vote the 'fling)

Endrin gets up from the only recognizable body from the side of the road. "It look like we toasted some bugbears.

He takes a quick search of the one he shot for anything of value, not expecting much.

Returning to the center of camp he joins the others in the talk of watch for the night. If two bugbears ran off, then more could be near.

"Not bad."

Crag removes his helmet as he makes his way back to camp. He settles down with a grunt, "I'll take first watch, if not then wake me for the next."

Giving thanks

Thank you my lord for this great victory, I know that I am truely blessed to be protected by you.
After the small prayer Gregor blinks a couple of times as he comes out of his prayer. Hearing Adrol in the background Gregor quietly sighs, stands walking toward Adrol. "Here I am Adrol."

* DM *
Ok...screw that Sunday morning/afternoon noise, it's time to post! 1:30am

You bed down for the night, setting a watch and staying alert after this night's intrusion.

The next day is better than anticipated. The sun flies high in the the clear early autumn sky, warming you as a gentle breeze blows in off of the sea.

Making good time, talk pleasantly amongst yourselves as your horses slowly make thir way across the countryside.

It is a little after highsun when you reach a long bridge that stretches across a river that flows swiftly to the west. The bridge is made of wood and is approximately 15' wide and at least 100' long.

Everyone please give me init rolls and spot checks...
A note

* DM *
Please post the results of your rolls here...looking in both I sometimes miss a person. Thanks!
Nile's Spot

Nile rolls...
April 7, 2002, 2:56 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 2 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 2 = 8
Total = 8

Velcor's Spot

Nile rolls...
April 7, 2002, 2:59 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 5 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 19 + 5 = 24
Total = 24

Nile - (Velcor's - Spot)

Nile - Velcor's Spot Check =24
Nile's Initiative Roll

Nile rolls...
April 7, 2002, 3:01 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 12 + 6 = 18
Total = 18

Nile's Initiative

** EDITED April 7, 2002, 3:05 pm **

Nile's Initiative = 18

Endrin's rolls

Endrin rolled:
Initiative= 15
Spot = 5
The bridge

I got...

Shadow Lightfoot
Spot 14
Init 20
My rolls..

Spot: 24
Ini: 20

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes Spot: 19
Sylvus Spot: 11
Initiative: 16
Spot check

Gregor rolls...
April 7, 2002, 11:22 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 7 + 4 = 11
Total = 11

Initiative roll

Gregor rolls...
April 7, 2002, 11:24 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 6 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 18 + 6 = 24
Total = 24

Looking at the Bridge

Gregor looks toward the bridge and the surrounding area. Not too sure that the bridge looks entirely stable.

Spot Check: 11
Initiative: 24


Endrin slows with the rest of the party as they approach a river with the swinging bridge.

As everyone surveys the area, the Bard is somewhat distracted in looking as he thinks back about last night. His dreams of past events since meeting this group, they all seemed so normal except there was another and some wolves that are not with them now. He just thinks that it is odd for his memory to transplant such things into his normally clear head.