At the bridge

* DM *
As you pause looking out over the rushing river, and the gently rocking bridge ahead of you, most of you (all except Gregor, Nile and Mylaes's familliar) see four green clawed hands, about double the size of a human's, appear over the river embankment. They are quickly followed by 2 wild tufts of greenish black hair which adorn the top of the heads of the trolls climbing up.

OOC: Everyone does recognize them as trolls, as you are seasoned adventurers.

Everyone except those listed above may take a free PARTIAL ACTION before the trolls are fully up and normal rounds begin...
A couple of Questions

* DM *
I got a couple of good questions..

1) I assume you want our partial actions in init order?

2) Are we mounted?

And as always, initiative is listed in the thread, Initiative Order.
Having a bit of trouble

Gregor sees the trolls a little on the late side. He tries to hurriedly dismount, but he is having a little bit of trouble, with the reigns.

OOC: No partial Action for me..:(

Crag reaches into his belt pouch and produces a handful of coins which in turn he throws at the trolls. He then readies his weapon.

OOC: never works but why not try eh?
(Spoke to shadow)

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow dismounts his pony and draws his shortbow. As he hits the ground he utters a single word, "Durok". The command word spoken, the shortbow cascades with crackling energy.
Oh my...

Velcor hops off of the Gnomes shoulder, and straight into the Haversack. Nile stunned by the familiar's telephatic yelp, "TROLLS!" can only turn his head and watch as the Trolls climb into the party's path.
Rare, or well-done?

Hoping gracefully, for a half-orc, off his horse, Adrol hits the ground with a soft thud. He dramatically draws the massive axe from carrier and speaks,

"Mmmmm, save your coin, Crag. Troll burgers, my favorite. Come, my pet, baH."

When Adrol speaks the Orcish word for 'Fire' the blade of the greataxe bursts to life with a visible flame, flickering in the breeze. With that, he turns back to the Trolls and lets out a lound yell.


He then begins moving toward them.

OOC: Draw and activate greataxe of fire, begin to rage.

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes again opts for a spell of haste. Producing a small shaving of licorice root, he incants a few brief words of arcane magic. In his quickened state, he hops off his horse, and reaches again for his spell component pouch, ready to cast again.

(OOC - Haste spell, 5' step off horse)
Round 01

* DM *
As most of the party dismounts and readies items, some casting spells, the trolls climb up onto the embankment.

Round 01 begins, order is posted. Gregor, you lead the round.
Pelor's Armor

** EDITED April 10, 2002, 7:58 am **

OOC: Since this worked well last time...

Now that Gregor seems finally dismounted I need to learn better, He thinks abisenty to himself as he sees the Trolls ahead of them. With his mace and shield in his hands. Gregor readies himself by starting his small prayer. "Pelor Circle us within your armor." A Light seems to grow in brightness coming from Gregor till it shoots off from him hitting the ground 10' away slowly creating a bluish circle surrounding all within 10' of him.

AC:22/23 Troll(R)

OOC#2:Remember thats a +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 to any saves to everyone. hoping this works again..:P

arrow damage

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
April 12, 2002, 3:30 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 2 = 2
Total = 2

fire damage

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
April 12, 2002, 3:30 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 2 = 2
Total = 2

Shadow moves

Shadow Lightfoot
to space N/16 and takes a shot at the troll in space N/10.

Att roll 30
arrow dam 2
fire dam 2
Crag moves

Crag moves forward gripping his sword firmly grunting out the word "CRIUS".

The sword sheens a light blue, frost particles dance forth as the blade comes down with an effort to harm the oncoming TROLL.

attck 25
total damg 13 (cold = 3)
moves to n11 attacks troll n10

Against the trolls

* DM *
Shadow steps out to the side and lets his arrow fly, nicking the troll's arm. Crag quickly follows through, moving into position and hacking, opening a substantial wound in the beast's chest.
Nile Dismounts

Nile dismounts his horse and reaches into his spell component pouch. Nile grabs a bit of tallow, a pinch of brimstone, & some powdered iron. As Nile finishes his arcane incantation a sphere of fire appears next to the Troll on the partys right(in cell O10).

OOC: I cast Flaming Sphere
Spell Focus (Evoc)DC +2
DC: = 10 + SpL(2)+Chr(4)+SF(2)=18
Damage - 5

Flaming Sphere

* DM *
As Nile completes his spell a flaming sphere appears next to the troll. Wisth a gesture of his hand it rolls into the troll. The Troll tries to avoid it but is unable to as the sphere presses up against him, burning his flesh.

Grill's hot

Adrol quickly closes the distance between his mount and the nearest troll (I10). Rushing right up to him (I11), he stops and takes a full swing with his mighty, flaming axe.

To hit:29
Reg Damage:11
Fire Damage:5

Adrol's Attack

* DM *
The troll howls in pain as Adrol's flaming blade buries itself into it's shoulder. As the blade pulls free, the troll's shoulder sizzles as the searing flames lick the wound.
Flames and Missiles

Mylaes Moonglow
The once again hastened elven wizard swiftly moves northwest, carefully avoiding the large troll's grasp. Once there, he makes a series of gestures with his hands, and a 5' wide column of flame shoots outward, both trolls threatened by the firey blast.

No sooner than that spell is finished, Mylaes speaks another word or two, and his hands again blur with hastened gestures. Four bolts of magical energy streak towards the Troll engaged with Adrol, embedding in it's wounded shoulder and torso.

(OOC - Move to F10, cast Aganazzar's Scorcher for 16 dam. With 40' Range it should threaten both. Then free partial action is cast Magic Missile for 13 dam at Adrol's Troll, or if that one is dead from the scorcher, then the other one.)
Staying mounted

As his friends start reacting to a danger he does not see, Endrin's focus comes back to what is at hand. He finally sees two trolls emerge over the edge of the riverbank on either side of the bridge.

Endrin is extremely disappointed that he let his focus wonder and is so late to react. With the others already in combat with these creatures, Endrin decides that he will stay on in stopped mount. He pulls up his crossbow hastily, while quickly activating the weapon, "Ignite".

He leaves the bolt loose towards the troll that Androl has engaged.
Attacking the trolls

* DM *
Mylaes speeds into position, lining up the trolls for maximum effect. With gesture, a horizontal column of flames spring from his hands and surge foreward. The closest howls in pain and rage as it is unable to escape the firey barrage and though blackend by the flames, it still stands. The second, hearing the other's scream, crouches momentarily, and is only partially burned.

A moment later, magical bolts penetrate the burned creature. To it's credit, it remains standing!

Endrin, from horseback, activates his weapion and lets a crackling bolt loose, only to have it fly harmlessly over the troll's now hairless head and splash into the flowing current beyond.
Rending and tearing

The troll in front of Adrol howls in pain and rage at all that has recently been inflicted upon it. Stepping to the west toward Mylaes(5'), it lashes out with it's long clawed arms and digs deep into the Wizard's chest (12 & 7 points). With hatred and rege burning in it's eyes, it's massively powerful limbs rip outward (18 more for a total of 37) rending Mylaes's chest into so much shredded meat as his claws exit through his sides. Mylaes falls to the ground, unconscious, his lifeblood draining away into the grass (at -2 I believe).

The troll takes no moment to relish his victory and turns it's toothy maw upon Adrol. Deflecting it's face with a bash from his greataxe, it fails to find purchase.

On the other side of the bridge, Crag furiously fends off the troll's flailing claws, bearly keeping it at bay with his frost covered greatsword. As he deflects the second however, it rushes foreward and issues a severe bite, it's teeth penetrating the armor on his shoulder (8 points).

From further to the east, some 15 feet beyond Crag, another troll claw embeds itself in the grass and with one mighty pull, it is up. This troll, however stands head and shoulders over his 9' foot tall bretheren and must be somewhere in the range of 12' foot tall. It's stomach seems more shrunken than the other two as well and a virtual river of saliva drips from it's open maw.
First Aid!!!!!

** EDITED April 16, 2002, 2:12 am **

OOC: Using the Gm's path to Mylaes

Gregor winces as he sees Mylaes almost becomes a stain on the grass after the Troll beaten him.

"Stab your eyes.." shouts Gregor as he heads off trying his best to get to Mylaes before he leaves his mortal coil. Once he gets to the wounded wizard.."Don't worry my friend. I won't let you die just yet.." Then Gregor calms himself and begins to pray...

"Hear me O' Pelor Let your gentle gaze fall upon this worthy soul.."

With that Gregor hands glow a bright yellow as the touch Mylaes wounds, while not all of his wounds close up, some do...

OOC#1:Switch my dodge
AC:22/23 Troll(L)

11 points back to Mylaes
Sorry I tried...

OOC#3: Mylaes back off and attack with range.. I will try to heal you again.
Waking up

* DM *
Mylaes is now fully conscious but lying prone (+4 to melee against him/-4 to missle against him) until he gets up on his init. Getting up from a prone position is a move-equivalent action which does not provoke an AOO (however what he does afterward may.

attack roll

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
April 16, 2002, 5:31 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 12 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 12 = 13
Total = 13

Shadow moves again

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow sees the bigger nasty come up over the bank and immediatly moves to space J/16 and takes a shot at the more wounded troll hoping to drop it and reduce the number of enemy attacks.

OOC:Rut roe I think I fumbled :(

* DM *
I use the rather kind fumble variant on page 65 of the DMG.

When you roll a 1 on an attack, you need to make a dex check (DC 10). If you fail that, I have full reign on making your life miserable for the few moments you have left! Er...I mean something mildly bad happens. Ok, so it's not necessarily mild, but I can guarantee it'll be bad.

Hmmmm, that was supposed to be reassuring...

Anyway, Shadow misses (and needs to roll a dex check), go ahead and continue with the round, if he fumbles, it won't affect anyone else.
dex check

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
April 16, 2002, 8:22 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 3 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 5 + 3 = 8
Total = 8

My dex check

Shadow Lightfoot
This is just not my day >:(

* DM *
You nock the arrow, pulling the string back to your cheek. Looking down the arrow's straight shaft you draw a bead on the wounded troll. No problem whispers in your head as you begin to release. The bowstring however releases before you do and lashes painfully against your face as the string becomes undone from the bottom. Tho intact, it will need to be restrung.

No damage, only pain.
Attacks again.....

From the corner of his eye Crag sees another form loom up. He adjusts and swings twice at the troll in attempt to dispose of the vile monster.

Full round action, 5 foot step to square M10.

Attack#1: 28 YES!
Damage: 21 (includes 3 frost damage) YES!

Attack#2: 13 ugh!
Damage: 13 (includes 3 frost damage) ugh!

Crag's attack

* DM *
A mighty blow indeed is struck by Crag as he again opens a large wound in the rampaging troll. The other threatens to bring it down, but the troll manages to dodge the large sword.

Nile watches as the Wizard is trashed and revived. The Troll, still in reach of his once fallen comrad, would have to be elimated before he could finish the job. Nile moves to his left(H17) as he begins casting his spell. Reaching into his spell component pouch for a small piece of fur, and a glass rod. Nile wraps the fur around one end of the rod, and pulls the rod through. Nile's hand now pointing at the Troll(H10), he casts his spell. "Arcane powers of mystic might, release from my hand a bolt of light." Niles hand trembles as a 5ft wide bolt of lighting is released at the Troll.

OOC: I cast lightning bolt.
Spell Focus (Evoc)DC +2

Reflex Save for 1/2 Damage.
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SpF(2)=19
Damage - 23

Smoking Troll

* DM *
With a blast of electricity from his outstretched hand, the troll is laid flat and is unconscious it's body still smoking.
Rain coming?

Adrol leaps back, a little shocked at the lighting bolt that just arced past him into his foe. When the smouldering body hits the ground with a thud Adrol shurgs, turns, and runs over to help Crag finish his off.

Move to M11 (possibly incurring an AOO)
Single attack with flaming greataxe
To Hit=11(roll) + 16(bonus)=27
Normal Damage=22
Fire Damage=4
Total Damage=26 (surely he's going down??)
Adrol and the Troll

Adrol leaves the still form of the troll behind and moves over to help Crag face his quarry. As he moves within the troll's reach, it slashes at the barbarian with it's massive claws. The clawed hand connects at the shoulder and rakes downward across Adrol's chest opening four bloody wounds (12 points).

Unstopped by the troll's attack, Adrol caries out his attack, burying the axe deep into the neck and chest of the troll.

It sways for a moment on unsteady feet, before beginning it's fall backward. The fall never finishes however, as it stabilizes itself with a stagger. It's black eyes lock with Adrol's as it slowly shakes it's head and utters in the most gravelly of voices, "NeED mORe ThaN ThAT!". It smiles a toothy grin as it flexes it's claws in anticipation of the rending to come.
Down, not Out

Mylaes Moonglow
Slowly standing and wincing greatly, Mylaes looks into the eyes of his human comrade, Gregor, nodding his thanks with obvious sincerity. Looking towards the bank of the river he spots the fallen troll, still smoking as it lays there. Beyond that, he spies the other troll, as well as the newest foes, the huge troll he has not previously seen. Gritting his teeth, he deals with the great pain as he trots southeast where he finds a suitable spot then stops.

Reaching into his spell component pouch, he pulls out a small glass marble, and some iron oxide powder. Sprinkling the powder onto the marble, he mumbles a few words of arcane magic, and tosses it towards the river bank. It lands and blossoms into a 20' ball of electrical energy, inflicting damage to both remaining trolls.

(OOC - Stand, move to H16, cast Scintillating Sphere to P10 [20' radius]. 29 damage, reflex save for half, spell save DC 16)
Scintillating Sphere

The electrical sphere explodes around the 2 trolls. The first, fighting Adrol and Crag, is able to miss most of the blast, but that is still enough to drop it. The second, larger troll catches the full brunt of the attack, but doesn't seem to be overly distressed by it.
Getting down

** EDITED April 18, 2002, 2:29 pm **

The sight of the larger troll, encourages Endrin to get off of his mount. The bard swings nimbly to the ground (K17), while allowing his crossbow to gently drop from his hands when he lands.

His mind already working on a response to the last standing troll, he begins to sing of gold while pulling some ground mica from a pouch and calmly tossing it towards the large troll.

OOC: Glitterdust is cast at the troll [R10](10 spred,) Will save negates blinding, DC 14.
Endrin also chooses the last troll for his dodge feat.
Troll attack

The troll farthest to the west (the first to drop), begins to stir and before you can blink twice, is up and after a short step toward Gregor, is madly flailing at him with razor sharp claws. Partially from a skillful dodge and partially from the circle of protection, all of the attacks are fended one. It's right claw slips through, grasping and tearing the flesh on your left side (12 points).

The larger troll withstands the glitterdust, and with little more than an angry shake of his head begins moving toward Adrol and Crag. It is a bit unnerving to watch this hige creature, covered with sparkling and gleaming gold particles moving towards you, murderous hunger in it's eyes.

The creature's claws reach greedily for Crag. One claw is held at bay by his enchanted armor but the other penetrates deeply (crit - 27points and I will need a grapple check) and while gripping his armor, pulls at the holy warrior. While pulling the greature's massive head lowers in and sinks it's filthy teeth into his shoulder (11 points). (38 points total)

Troll's Grapple: 29

After the grapple is resolved, round 3 will begin.

Crag rolls...
April 19, 2002, 9:03 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 4 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 17 + 4 = 21
Total = 21


** EDITED April 19, 2002, 9:22 am **

AOO for adrol and crag??

I'm probably gone...kick his arse for me willya guys?

grapple: 21

not bad for a human!

AOO for Grapple

* DM *
Normally yes, in this case no. If he was initiating a normal grapple an AOO would be in order, but this is an ability of this type of troll.
SnAp pOP RiiIp!

As the troll rips his claw back, you can feel the straps on your armor snapping. One moment there is a series of pops and snaps and the next you see you breastplate and numerous attachments flying off to the south. It comes to a rest about 30' away.

You are now considered without your plate.
Round 3

* DM *
Round 2 is over, Gregor leads round 3.
Backing up

** EDITED April 20, 2002, 4:05 pm **

Gregor feels the wet slickness of his wound just making sure the troll just wounded him and not ripped him intwine. Moving in a Zig-zag pattern Gregor backs away from the Troll. When Gregor feels that he is far enough away. He prays "Let the Blinding Light of Pelor burn your very soul..." With that an orangish light lances out seeking the Troll.

OOC#1:Switch my dodge
AC:22/23 Troll(G11)

Searing Light:
To Hit:17

OOC#3: Path I am taking
Moving and casting

* DM *
As Gregor moves away from the troll and begins his jagged course south, the troll reaches out to slash him with it's wicked claws. It only manages to cath the edge of his cloak however and leaves it a bit torn.

Finishing his route, Gregor call upon the power of the sun god and looses a searing beam of power and light.

Striking the troll squarely in the chest it screams as it burns it's already charred flesh. It falls to the ground again, motionless.
Damned bow!

Shadow Lightfoot
Cursing profusely Shadow drops to his knees and re-strings his bow.
Nile starts a fire.

** EDITED April 21, 2002, 4:45 pm **

** EDITED April 21, 2002, 4:42 pm **

** EDITED April 21, 2002, 9:43 am **

Delayed until after Crag's action.

As the Troll attacking Gregor falls to the ground from the blast of light. Nile turns his attention to the sphere of fire next to the scorched Troll by the bridge(O10) with a quick hand gesture Nile rolls the Sphere on Top of the Troll's(N10) motionless carcass(Move equivalent action).

As the Huge Troll tries to decide who's blood to spill next, Nile quickly reaches into his Haversack and pulls out a scroll.
"Flames of Death and destruction is what I require, burn all that is evil with a ball of Fire!".


I roll the Flaming Sphere on top of the Troll in cell N10
Flaming Sphere damage = 8

I cast Fireball-Centered in R(10)
- Full damage for Troll in N(10)
- Reflex save for Half for Troll in
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SpF(2)=19

FireBall Damage = 27

lay my hand...

Crag defends himself, clutching at his wounds and muttering something barely heared in the chaos.

OOC: Total defense AC +4 (standard action). Remaining action is the lay on hands....

(I'll take the full healing unless anyone needs some??)

* DM *
Crag steps back and administers a healing touch to himself. Unfortunately, he does so within reach of the big troll who lashes out with a sweeping massive claw and rends his exposed flesh (13 points).

Meanwhile, Nile reads from a scroll. A flaming kernel springs from his hand and arcs through the sky. Reaching it's designated point it explodes into a mammoth sphere of flame. The flame engulfs both the unconscious troll and the large troll who cannot excape it. Though bathed in flames, the huge creature does not drop, nor does it give any sign of doing so.
All hell?

Adrol watches his friend stagger backwards and get whacked by the massive foe, again. The explosion in front of him catches him unaware and he tries to wrap his mind around what could have caused the conflagration. Deciding to ignore it to pursue the task at hand, he moves forward delivers two swings to his opponent.

OOC: 5' step from M11 to N11, which would normally provoke an AOO (I don't see another way to get close enough without it, but I am safe this time as he has already had an AOO this round). Take full attack action against the beasty.
First Attack:
1 (roll) + 16 (bonus) = Hit AC 17 (is a 1 ALWAYS a miss?)
Dex Check (if it is a fumble):
14 (roll) + 2 (DEX)=16
First Damage (if it is a hit):
2 (roll) + 10 (bonus) + 2 (fire)=14
Second Attack:
15 (roll) + 11 (bonus) = Hit AC 26
Second Damage:
9 (roll) + 10 (bonus) + 1 (fire)=20

Adrol's attack

* DM *
Adrol adjusts his position, moving a bit closer to the massive troll. With the first swing, he almost looses his grip, and the axe. As he regains control of the large weapon, he misses the troll completely. He swings again though, and slices across the troll's abdomen leaving a wicked wound in its wake.

The troll still stands.
OOC: With a 5' adjustment, you don't incur a AOO, even when moving through a threatened area (it's a beautiful thing). Unfortunately, a 1 always misses and always fails on a skill check. (for now anyway, or at least until you become a Demigod or something in the epic leve handbook overrules it)
Evocation and Summoning

Mylaes Moonglow
Still suffering from massive wounds to the chest, Mylaes decides he will stay put this round. In a casual motion, he recites a few words of minor arcane magic, words that flow with great practice from his lips, and again, four green bolts of pure magical energy streak from his fingertips and into the hulking troll.

The second spell takes a bit more of his concentration, and a few more words and gestures to complete. As he finishes his spell, a celestial dire badger appears directly behind the troll and begins attacking immediately.

(OOC - No move, cast magic missile at large troll, no save, 17 damage. Then cast summon monster III (celestial dire badger) in P11, also no save, and it immediately attacks (with flanking bonus I assume). I do not have my monster manual with me, so I apologize I cannot post the summoned creature's stats. Hope this doesn't put me in poor light with the mighty and all-powerful DM!)
Badger Lovin...

With a flash of light, a massive 5 foot long badger appears. It rakes at the troll with it's sharp claws, but misses. It connects with it's sharp teeth however and invoking it's holy smite ability, sinks it's teeth into the troll and rips open a large gash in the troll. The troll looks arouns incerdulously, but loses consciousness before spinning fully around. The huge troll falls to the ground with a thud.

OOC: No sweat Mylaes...the CDB rocks!
Not dead

Endrin is relieved to see the over-sized troll fall, but if it is truely a troll it will not be down for long by these attacks.

The bard runs towards the downed troll, weaponless, and with a click of his fingers his longsword appears in his right hand and is striking down upon the helpless troll, while with encouragement adding, "Let's keep this one down for good!"

To Hit = 28
Damage = 3 (Don't laugh, I'm not strong!)


With all three trolls finally down, you ready yourselves for a much deserved sigh of relief. But it is not to be had. Near the river, one troll lies burning with a flaming sphere sitttng on it's chest. Near it, the larger troll lies unmoving still after Endrin's additional attack.

On the other side of the battlefield however, the last troll opens his eyes once more, and slowly climbs to it's feet. The troll makes it's way toward Mylaes, Nile, Gregor and Shadow. It arrives right in front of Mylaes, as Gregor springs into action.

OOC: Round 3 is over! Gregor, you lead the round again. Mylaes, this has nothing to do with the dire badger...

By the power of Pelor

** EDITED April 23, 2002, 3:07 pm **

Gregor spring into action by trying to get the Trolls attention off the wizard. By rushing in where angels fear to tread right next to the Troll and attacking him with righteous might. "O' Pelor give me strength." Sundently Gregor is bathed in an Shining Bright yellow light. "Ramuh!!!" he shouts as he strikes at the creature.

OOC:Dodge and Mobility
AC:27(Troll h15)

OOC#2: Using my Strength Domain power and activating my shock weapon..
to hit:19

OOC:Moving to G16 (hopefully that doesn't sink my Cleric..;))


* DM *
Gregor charges at the troll, crackling mace in hand. The troll, waiting, reaches out to rend the rushing cleric, but with a well timed dodge, the cleric of Pelor ducks under the massive swing. Reaching the troll, Gregor swinging his mace with holy fury, impacts the side of the troll's head, caving it in.

The creature falls, unmoving, for the third time.

* DM *
Assuming you go with the plan of pushing the bodies into the river, they are quickly whisked away by the rushing current.

Things are quiet once again on the coast road. Crag quickly collects hsi armor, and after about 1/2 hour of repairs with his smithing tools, he is ready to don his armor again.

Nice job. That was a hard fight and you handled it well. You need to be a bit more careful with the AOO's but that will come.

Now I need to ask a very important question. I plan on finishing the Coast Road journey. The question you need to answer is, from this point on are the fights real or do they continue to be practice?

Practice fights:
Earn you no treasure or items
Earn your character no experience
Do not diminish charged or 1 shot items
Pose no real threat of permanent item or character loss.

Real fights:
May earn you treasure and items
Earn your character experience
Diminish charged or 1 shot items if used
Pose a real threat of permanent item or character loss.

The choice is yours...
My vote

Shadow Lightfoot
Well since I thought the fights were already real, I vote that they be real from here on.

Those trolls would have given us some good EXP.

** DELETED April 23, 2002, 7:56 pm **


The Trolls looked real to me. Too real! If we are going to bleed we might as well get some xp bandages to help heal our wounds... >:-)