Ever Onward

* DM *
Having defeated the trolls in a hard faught battle, you continue on. The Sun rides high in the sky and rains down on you warmth and a sense of well being. As you continue wentering a more forested area the sun is occasionally stifled by large, ancient tree limbs the sometimes join over the road. You notice that along the sides of the road there are occasional bunches of wild growing flowers.

As evening draws near you find yourselves still within the confines of a forested area. Over the next few minutes the light levels fade quickly and camp is made. Within 30 minutes, the darkness is deep and the sky overhead is difficult to see at best with the thick tangle of boughs overhead.

Sitting around the campfire once again, making good use of your dwindling perishable supplies, Sylvus looks up the road, and skitters quickly up Mylaes'a arm and under his cloak. Only a moment later Velor, Nile's pseudodragon snaps to attention, looking northward as well.

Seeing the animals react and stare to the North, Adrol drops the chunk of jerky he was gnawing on, stands, and spins to face to the North as well. He peers into the darkness... trying to discern what alarmed the animals. As he looks, he picks his bow up from its resting place.

Shadow Lightfoot
** EDITED April 24, 2002, 11:18 pm **

Shadow watches the animals freak out and he grabs his bow and backs away from the camp trying to find a good hiding spot.

OOC: Got a 34 on the hide check.

Mylaes Moonglow
** EDITED April 24, 2002, 11:46 pm **

Standing and petting Sylvus for a moment to sooth the albino weasel's skittish nerves, Mylaes quickly and quietly intones a spell of protection upon himself. Moving to stand a few feet behind Adrol, the elf then scans the area northward with his low-light vision for any sign of movement. He communicates a question to his familiar as he scans the woods.

"What's out there Syl? What's got you so jumpy?"

He turns for a moment to make sure everyone else knows something is amiss, and sees that Shadow has dissappeared. He smiles to himself knowing the slippery rogue has found himself a nice hiding spot and is ready for an ambush. Mylaes then turns once again, ready for one himself.

(OOC - Mentally communicating with my familiar to find out what he knows. Also, DM - I believe you stated we have full hp and spells. If that is the case, I will cast Mage Armor. If that is not the case, it should still be in effect anyway.)
Shhh... hear that?

Adrol strains against the night to listen.

"I hear sound of armor... sounds like one man, but not close yet. What you think, Crag?"
Monkey see

Endrin hears and sees all the commotion, and watches as the thief dissapears into the darkness. Thinking that he is pretty nimble and sly, he decides to do the same.

His strategy is slightly different than the thief's though, instead of hiding close to where the noise is coming he attempts to find the shadows and trees slightly away from the noise, in hopes that if someone or something comes in shooting then he wont be a target. The bard tries to ensure that the light of the campfire still aids his vision.

He readies his crossbow and waits to summon the fire.

OOC: Hide = 10 (not too swift)
In the darkness

** EDITED April 25, 2002, 10:29 am **

Velor scurries into the Haversack and looks over Nile's shoulder. "Found a new home have ya boy?", Nile laughs under his breath as he pulls a piece of leather from his Haversack and casts Mage Armor as he backs away from the fire looking for a good place to hide. "Velcor", he whispers to the Pseudo Dragon, "What do you see?"

Mage Armor +4 Armor bonus to AC
Gregor Stands at the ready

Gregor sees the others getting up and looking toward the North. He hefts his mace and shield into postion. As he causally moves into postion inbetween the others to cast a spell on the party if needed.

Holding my action of casting prayer untill we find out if its needed or not.

Crag looks ahead intently listening for something then slowly turns to Adrol, "Not sure...best to be prepared though my friend."

He lifts his sword and dons his helmet once more in preparation for the worst.

"If our companions lay hidden," he mutters "they may be able to provide a very good ambush..."

listen check : 14
Soon Enough

Soon enough, the source of the disturbance comes into view (for those who have darkvision or low-light vision). You hear the sound of one man walking in full plate. The man stands a good 6' tall, and is broad shouldered. He walks at a casual pace, showing no sign of seeing the party (though he must from the campfire alone). As he moves a bit closer, you notice the armor glints strangely in the reflection of the campfire. Straining your sight, you notice it is probably from waht seem to be many engravings. A cloak flows out behind him, and he bears no shield. No weapon is drawn, though he wears a sword at his side.

Behind him, keeping the same pace, is a large pack of massive wolves. They are easily 4' at the shoulder if not more. Those listening carefully can hear a grumbly, half growling coming from here and there throughout the pack as if the wolves are speaking amongst themselves???

The procession continues it's casual pace toward you.

As he see's the forms come into view Crag raises his hand as a gesture to hold and remarks,

"Lets not do anything rash. Let's see what he wants."

He then holds his holy symbol with one armored hand and behind the closed visor he stares at the person approaching the party with the horde of wolves at his back.

Crag Casts Detect Evil....

Stay Calm

** EDITED April 25, 2002, 5:55 pm **

Nile speaks softly to the fighters in front of him, "He hasn't drawn his weapon, and he has a very large party, may I suggest we move aside and let his party pass..." Nile backs away slowly.
From the shadows

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow remains perfectly still wating to see what's going to happen.
Very ready

Endrin ensures his position behind a tree. He now hears the clanging of metal armor and the unmistakeable sounds of wolves. The thought of taking to high ground (the tree) runs through his head. He looks down the bolt of his crossbow aiming at the darkness beyond his friends, waiting for the first sign of trouble to react.
Out of the Path

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes also backs away from the direct path of the armored sword-wielding man and his pack of huge wolves, slowly stepping backward thirty feet or so. He is rather intrigued at the site of the armored creature, though a slight chill runs up his spine as he hears the growls of the wolf pack. His right hand rests on his spell component pouch, and the white haired elf is ready for anything.
High ground

After quickly deciding that the safety of the tree would be preferable to the ground if the wolves get aggressive, Endrin slings his crossbow over his back and scampers up the nearest tree. He stops about 10 feet up and sets up firmly against the trunk, tucked nicely between two large branches. The bard ensures that he still will have a good shot with his crossbow, if it comes to that.
This not good...

Adrol watches with his darkvision as the horde approaches. Seeing his allies all taking cover and hiding, he comments, "This not good..."

Taking a few steps toward the side of the road, Adrol hopes for indifference and wonders if the 'fling might be used as a bargaining chip.

Gregor slumps as he notes that the stranger seem friendly enough. Gregor feels a little foolish for being jumpy. He slowly puts his shield and Mace down. I will keep an eye on them just incase He thinks to himself as he backs off allowing passage.

The figure and his herd continue their pace foreward. As they approach, you notice the armor is very intricately envgraved and he bears the crest of two stags fighting, their antlers locked.
(Anyone with Knowledge:Local may try to determine who he is DC:15. This may not be done untrained. Endrin, see notes.)

Also noticed as the procession moves foreward is that the wolves, which looked like dire wolves, are recognized as actually being their more ill-tempered and violent cousins...Worgs.

The procession continues withiout deviation, and the figure is now approaching, still showing no open signs of hostility, or friendliness for that matter. In a few seconds, unless something happens, it would appear that those left standing in the road will be caught in the midst of the herd of worgs.
making way....

Crag steps to the side of the road as he sees the large beasts moving forward, still keeping his eyes on the figure among the wolves.
No reason to stop

** EDITED April 26, 2002, 9:01 pm **

Nile, already by the edge of the road, quickly steps off of the pathway and slips behind the nearest tree. Great, a herd of Worgs, he thinks to himself as he peeks around the tree and lowers his hand to rest on his spell component pouch. "We are out numbered two to one, "I hope the armor clad stranger is in a good mood", Nile whispers over his shoulder to Velcor, not knowing that Velcor has retreated inside the Haversack and pulled the flap firmly shut.
Mmmmm Worgs

The sight of the worg pack brings back fond memories of Adrol's childhood. Visions of his mother serving worg stew, worg jerkey, and worg blood broth come to mind as the smell hits him.

Moving back off the road, Adrol wipes some dust from his eyes as the herd continues thinking to himself, Adrol miss mama...
Not the bird, the bard.

** EDITED April 26, 2002, 9:56 pm **

As the figure and his pack nears Endrin and his friends, the bard can now see the detail of armor the unkown man is wearing. It strikes him that he recognizes the markings and thinks hard to recall what he knows of if.

It comes to him, but it can't be!!! The bard quickly swings his crossbow over his back and brings up his pan flute from his chest. He doesn't know what outcome his idea will bring, but he, as a bard cannot let this opportunity pass.
Endrin concentrates to remember a melody and song he has heard before.

From within the tree, the night is suddenly filled with the beautiful sounds of the flute and soon the song, like that of a sparrow, of the Bard:

"Oh Mithril, Mithril dire times are near.
The hordes of impiety threaten all we hold dear.
General Simrath will fight them
No forces or Orcus does this man fear.

Off he rode, with the love of all behind him.
Simrath and men fought with such courage and vim.
Slaying fiend after fiend, the tide has now turned
But the future of Great Simrath, once bright, not got dim.

One night, east at the Wild Eye River.
He rest for the night, but a battle came hither.
No men, nor beast, but a sea of undead
Attacked Simrath, but this man let out but one sound, a titter.

For Simrath, he fought the most fierce of a vampire.
The clash was so long that our Love began to tire.
From behind he was held, no way to break free
And that night Mithril's Blood did but expire.

Revenge was exacted by a sunbeam of Pelor.
But the body of Simrath lay still on Eye's shore.
Mithril vowed their defender would not be forgotten
This was our Friend, now Legend of Lore!"

The bard continues to play the flute with sounds he learned in Mithril and watches the figure, not knowing what to expect.

General Simrath
The figure's stride stops as he hears the first verse. For the first time this evening the figure takes notice of the party. Moving toward the tree, he stands at the edge of the road and listens as the worgs surround him and sit, their attention focused on the bard.

The figures arms cross over his chest as he listens to the rest of the song. When it has completed, his hands move to rest at his belt. From within the great helm eminates a deep baritone voice, "An interesting choice of melodies this evening... Do I know you child?"
Oh wonderful

Shadow Lightfoot
From his place in the darkness Shadow holds his breath when the music starts.
'Oh wonderful, leave it to a bard to attract the attention of a big nasty' Shadow thinks to himself. He hunkers down to wait out the slaughter.

Crag grunts under his helm, surprised at the turn of events, no words come to him as he awaits the response of this strange encounter. He looks at the Worgs then the stranger once more with a deep sense of mistrust….


** EDITED April 26, 2002, 9:59 pm **

Endrin stops playing his flute when he is addresses by the "stanger". He is pleased that it did not provoke an attack, but the bard doesn't feel as if he is completely out of the water yet. His hunch is one, that is based on lore from long ago.

" I would be honored if you did know of me." He nods as well as he can in a tree, and continues, "My name is Endrin "the Eloquent", a well travel bard of this land. Your crest that you wear, inspired the song. I have been told that such a crest was also worn by General Simrath, and what I know of it is what I have song about."

Looking down slightly, thoughts running through his head, he desides to try one more long shot, "By some miracle, are you the beloved General? If so, this would surely be one of greatest moment of my short lived life!" Endrin does not yet attempt to leave the tree and is still yet warry of the man below him.

OOC: Endrin is ready, if needed to you his Dodge feat against the stranger.

Nile, amused by the song, wonders what prompted such a dirge. As the Worgs gather around the Bard's guest of honor and begin to sit, a sly grin slowly appears on the Gnome's face. This is a moment Garl Glittergold himself would not let pass, thought Nile. Could there be a better time to observe the party's reaction to a well conceived caper? Nile scratches his head and lets his mind wander...

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow nocks an arrow and prepares to shoot Nile.

OOC: Just kidding :) lol

General Simrath
He looks up at you for a long moment and then turns to the south. After a moment's delay, he begins walking off. As he leaves the light of the campfire and disappears into the darkenss, his voice carries into the night as hthe sound of his armor grows more and more distant, "All knowledge has a price child, and the knowledge you seek has a high price indeed. If you truly wish to know such things...put away the life you know and walk this dark path with me."

Crag starts at this, and quickly shifts his gaze to the bard, wondering what devils work this is!

ooc: .....
Good Riddens

Gregor not happy about allowing the stranger to go by. But with the tale the bard sundently spoutted it had best they stay away from fighting in the dark. Good Riddens.. Gregor thinks to himself as he sees the creature move off into the darkness.

OOC: I am with craig on this one .....

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes steps once again into the light of the campfire, his pale face and silvery-white hair reddish in it's glow. He watches as the armor-clad man and his wolf servants pass southward. He says nothing, but merely watches.

Finally he inhales deeply and lets out a large sigh of relief. Looking down, he finds his hands bound into fists, his fingernails digging into his palms, causing a small flow of blood. With a suddenness, he relaxes his hands, and all the muscles in his body. He swallows with a gulp, and quickly retrieves the waterskin from his pack.

"Indeed one for memory", he says then takes a long gulp of water.

Endrin gathers himself and gracefully jumps down from the tree.

"If you truly wish to know such things...put away the life you know and walk this dark path with me." runs through his head as he stares into the darkness, drawn towards the voice.

The bard stands motionless for what seems an eternity, but is actually but a few seconds. He snaps out of his trance and turns to the others, who are staring at him. "I think I have gained enough from this experience. Sometimes not knowing all, makes a better tale."

Endrin returns to the campfire, surely there will be some questions from the others.

Dodged a bullet........

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow releases the breath he was holding, he watches the armor clad figure until he disappears from sight. He relaxes the deathgrip he has on his bow but just before he puts it away he considers taking a shot at Endrin. Shaking head head to remove such thoughts he leaves his hiding place and makes his way back to the camp fire. Sitting down across the fire from Endrin, "I don't suppose you'd like to tell us what the bloody blue nine hells that was all about, would you?"
Mithril tale

** EDITED April 27, 2002, 9:34 am **

"I have passed through Mithril many times during my journeys. There I have seen honors that still remember a once deeply loved General, Simrath. In his honor, his crest, the very one our stranger was wearing, is displayed in many places.

Mithril fell under the hand of battle, from the troops of Orcus. Simrath and his men rode off to save his beloved city. One night, east of the ford at Wild Edge River, he was engaged in battle and a vampire serving the evil priets took General Simrath's life. As stated in the song, the vampire was then killed by a sunbeam from a Priest of Pelor. Simrath was buried in the foothills near the battlefield, with full honors. The reason you may not know of the story, is that this happened a long, long time ago."

Endrin finishes his tale, and takes a swig of water to wet his throat.

The bard decides it best to further explain his actions, "When I recognized the crest, I was in disbelief, but I must admit my curiousity got the best of me. I am sorry if I might have put you all in danger, but I had to at least make an attempt to see if this man, by some miracle, was General Simrath. My actions were somewhat swayed by the fact that the stranger was not aggressive and either were we. When I saw Gregor lower his weapon and shield, I assumed he did not consider him an immediate threat."

Endrin sits back, ready to take any ill words for his spontaneous actions. He would understand.
Let me get this straight

Shadow Lightfoot
"So in other words this general person was killed by a vampire, a long, long time ago, and you thoughtit would be a good idea to see if the person walking down the road in the middle of the night leading a pack of worgs is the man who's supposed to be dead? slight pause "Ok I can see that. Well, I've had enough excitment for one night, I'm going to sleep. Wake me when it's my watch. Shadow picks a spot near the fire, crawls into his bedroll and is soon snoring softly.
"The Bards Tale"

Crag relaxes and, giving the bard a rather disapproving look, settles down near camp.

"Evil things come and go here seemingly at will. We should not camp here long..."

Time for bed

Adrol walks slowly over to the fire and listens to the Bard explain. "Adrol agree with Crag, dead generals walking their wolves not good."

Seeing the 'fling go to sleep, he calls out to Gregor, "Time to pray!"
Dark Knight

While the others discuss the incursion. Nile thinks to himself, the Generals image might be useful later in the journey. As nile fixes his pallet for the nights slumber he begins to feel uneasy, as though there were a arrow poised on a magical bow, aimed at his head. Nile quickly clears the thought from his head, "It has been a long night", he mutters to himself, as he lays his head to rest on his haversack.
Good Dreams

Endrin gets the responses from the others that he expected. How could he expect them to understand what just happened. He prepares for a good night sleep, knowing that he might have just experience a once in a lifetime encounter.

What the others think of as a close call with near death, he, on the other hand beams inside, because this is what he lives for:
The surreal tale of meeting a dead legend one night on the path to one of the deadliest places of lore. Endrin, for one, will sleep easy tonight, knowing that he was lucky this evening, not to live, but to be alive! He is a bard, life gets no better!
Thanks to the Eloquent

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes listens to the others discuss the encounter with the General and his Worg minions. He seems unnerved by the experience, and says little. As the others start to drift off into sleep, he turns, and looks at the Bard, who seems to be still excited, a small smile on the human's face. Mylaes whispers to the bard.

"Well done, Endrin, you are indeed the Eloquent. I offer you my thanks, as I am sure the others do as well. You certainly saved our skins with your epic abouth the General. Now if you will excuse me, I need some rest. Tomorrow will certainly be another trying day."

With a smile and a nod, the pale elf lays down and tries to get some sleep. He dreams of clanking armor and fangs and teeth...
'night all

"...and bless Crag, and Mylaes... and... and.... and... even the 'fling, I guess. Oh, keep my mama safe with you. Ahmen! Good prayer, Brother Gregor. Adrol sleep now. Adrol take early watch. Goodnight!"

Adrol pulls his blanket up around him and drifts to sleep dreaming of worg jerky...

OOC: Home again, home again, jiggity jigg! Did y'all miss me?
Going off to bed

After praying with Adrol Gregor seemsa a bit calmer and decides to get some sleep himself. After he settles in something still bothers him about the stranger. So he stays up meditating, hoping to calm himself.

Occ: After an hour of meditating, Gregor will go to sleep.
The long trail

* DM *
The night passes fairly quietly with the only noises being the sounds of the forest around you, the crackling of your small campfire and Adrol's laborious snoring.

The next morning, spells are prepared, armor clenaned and blades sharpened. Heading out, you continue your journey. Hours later the forest gives way to the fairly unremarkable lowlands. By mid afternoon the unremarkable scenery begins to become opressive. Mile after mile of unbroken prarie make you ask yourselves if you are making any progress at all. Endrin helps the dreary day pass with tunes from his pipes.

When the sun finally sets you find yourselves on the road in the middle of a large fild of tall grass. Above you a vast sea of stars can be seen in this near cloudless night. Aside from the wind blowing through the tall grass, which the horses are happy for, and of course, Adrol's snoring, it is another quiet evening.

The next day progresses much like the last as the flats change into foothills and late afternoon, the second bridge is crossed. Now you have a decision to make. Do you continue along the coast road and then cut across to the east, or begin a diagonal path to your goal? Also, where do you want to make camp this evening? Nightfall is only about an hour or so off, and by your estimates, it will be late in the day when your reach the graveyard.

SPELLCASTERS: Make sure you mark your spells on your character sheet, and if you need to do any updating for each new day, please reflect it there, ass that is where I will be looking when need be.
Stay safe

Endrin is pleased at the good time they are making, crossing the second bridge puts the graveyard within reach.

After some careful thoughts about time of day and distance, Endrin, who is still flying high about his mystery encounter, figures they could get to the graveyard tonight. He doesn't like the idea of making camp there at nightfall though.

"It looks like we could make it by nightfall, but I, for one would rather spend one more night one road. It appears we could cut across the hills or just continue up north. I vote for sticking to the road for another hour or so and making camp in the open. Then we should be able to reach the graveyard tomorrow when it is light." The bard looks to the others, respecting their opinions, he would like to see what they are thinking.
Uhh, bard not rhyming?

"Bard speak truth. I think it best if we camp well away from graveyard and approach in morning, what others think?"


* DM *
You should reach the graveyard, if you continue your current pace tomorrow, sometime TOMORROW EVENING. So to get there at a morning time, you would sleep tonight, travel all day tomorrow, camp in the foothils near the graveyard and then enter the graveyard the next morning.

The graveyard is at least 1/2 day to a day off the road. (more if you get lost)...
The road

Shadow Lightfoot
Sahdow looks around and streches, you hear audible cracking coming from his back. with a grunt he starts massaging his tired back and says
"I say we look for a place to camp right now. We've still got enough light to maybe find some kind of cover. I really don't like the thought of spending another night out in the open like this. He looks around while talking, not too hopeful that they could find ANY type of cover in this terrain. "Maybe we could find a cave or something." He says a bit grumpily.

The paladin observes his companions before replying,

"Shadow is right. I suggest we find a shelter of some sort, if not the tall grass should be fine but smoke and fire should be kept to a minimum. Entering Rappon during the day would also prove helpful. The night brings evil."


Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes nods slowly.

"I think it wise we stay on the road tomorrow as long as possible. The threat of encounter seems much less while we travel it. A direct path east might also save us some time, as surely the off-road travel will take longer. Let us travel as far as we can until near darkness this night, that way we might reach our destination even earlier than planned. Unless, of course, we find a cave or similar shelter sooner."

(OOC - As long as Mylaes gets his proper rest to memorize his spells, he is not adverse to sharing a watch... perhaps with Gregor. That way we have low-light vision. Just my thoughts)
Hunting party?

* DM *
OOC: preps for *this* evening are not too important. I did want you guys to get it settled tho, and if you could complete it by the next turn or two, that would be great.

Moving a bit away from the river, you begin looking for a suitable place to camp. Unfortunately, the best you can find in this light and at this point is the choice between the roadside as you have done in the past few days or in the foothills surrounding you.

Setting camp, you begin to double and triple up on guard duty as you are getting closer to the graveyard and naturally expect things to be more dangerous. The night, however, goes smoothly and after a long night of waiting, you prep and are off once more on what you hope to be the last day of travel.

Continuing along the north road, things remain quiet until just before noon, when you see a deer trot across the road some 30 yards ahead, before a rain of arrows fells it.

A troop of slightly smaller than human sized creatures scrambles out of the foothills and gathers around the deer. Theay appear to be goblins. There are about 10 of them...

They don't seem to have noticed you yet.
Grrrr... goblins?

Adrol quickly nocks an arrow and prepares to loose it at one of the goblins... Then, miraculously, a synapse fires in his combat-addled brain and he thinks better of it.

"Crag, goblins ahead... can I kill? 10 goblins against one deer not very fair fight, how about I go even the odds?"
Kill Kill...

“Wait, lets pull to the side, maybe Shadow can creap closer to identify them."

"If they spot us they would do well to run.”

OOC: I'd love to charge in like Adrol and wipe em' out but Crag is lawful good! If we do move in to kill right now , Crag will help since these look like evil creatures.

Moving out of sight

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow follows Crag's ordr and moves his pony off the road to his right. In a low voice he says,
"They're just hunting for food, If they don't spot us I say just let them be."

Better Safe than...

Nile dismounts and reaches into his spell component pouch for a strip of leather. After a brief incantation Nile's clothing begins to glow(I cast Mage Armor +4 to AC.) Nile slowly moves off the road(to cell N19).

** EDITED May 1, 2002, 6:57 pm **

Endrin follows suit, and directs his steed to the side of the rode, dismounting carefully. Looking at the many small figures ahead, he reaches into his beltpouch for a pinch of sand.

The bard also begins scanning the area from which these things came, more could be around.


Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes also dismounts his trusted steed, and walks it quietly off the road. He waits for the word on whether to attack or not.
Venison stuffed goblin?

Adrol sniffs the air suspiciously. He considers the situation a moment, and decides to dismount in anticipation of trouble. Adrol slips to the ground, bow in hand and quietly says to Crag.

"Why not just kill them? They probably raid caravans and homesteads near here. Besides, goblin meat not bad with deer. I bet you 5 gold I can drop one from here..."

At Adrol's offfer, Crag thinks back to the early days of his training.

What is your duty boy?



Well...to, ummm, help the ummm...

Emphasized with the smacking of a big cudgel on his desk in between words:TO ::SMACK:: SMITE ::SMACK:: THE ::SMACK:: EVIL!!! SMITE!!! ::SMACK::SMITE!!! ::SMACK::
SMITE!!!!! ::SMACK::

Crag doesn't dismount but instead pulls a platinum piece out of his beltpouch, holding it up between two fingers, "I bet you can't..."

hide check

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
May 2, 2002, 9:56 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 15 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 1 + 15 = 16
Total = 16

Here we go

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow sees Adrol getting ready to start a fight and hops down off his pony, Moving out away from the group (at or around Q/15) He will draw his bow and look for a place to hide.

OOC:Yuck got a 16 on the hide check but rolled a one :(
Dead goblin, coming up

Seeing the shiny platinum flick between Crag's fingers quickly settles the discussion. Adrol raises his bow, carefully aims, and releases an arrow at the goblin directly in front of him. As soon as the arrow leaves the bow, but before travelling the distance, he pulls another arrow and looses it behind the first.

OOC: 2 Attacks at J4, sorry I don't have the range modifiers
2 Attacks + 2 Damage
Attack 1=Hit AC20 (-range modifier)
Attack 2=Hit AC19 (-range modifier)
Damage 1=6
Damage 2=7

Thuk Thuk

* DM *
The arrows scream through the air toward the unaware goblins, and find their mark. Before the goblin even knows what happened, he is dead.

The goblins around him, look over toward the party and scatter back into the foothills leaving their kill behind. They do not return.

"You owe me big coin, shiny one! We eat good tonight... deer meat AND goblin, yummy!"

Adrol jogs up to the bodies in the road and inspects his handiwork... and hoping to recover an arrow or two.
Well Done!

Crag laughs as the goblins scatter and Adrol goes running to see the remains. Spurring his horse foreward, the closes the distance and surveys the area.

Looking down at the deer and goblin, he laughs, "Excellent marksmanship!"

Flipping Adrol the platinum piece, Crag says, "And as further reward for your skill, you may have my portion of goblin tonight. I will limit myself to the venison..."
Big winner

Endrin stays off his mount and leads it up the road. "I think Adrol deserves the whole goblin with that kind of shot." the bard laughs, not particularly fond of goblin himself.

Gregor as usual was stuck on his mount having a bit of trouble dismounting.. I must increase my riding skills.. hopefully these are just small trials that I must overcome..Gregor assures himself as he trys to detach himself from the mount.

OOC: Sorry I had a lousy week so far..
Your loss

Adrol deftly catches the platinum piece tossed by Crag. Leaning over the body of the Goblin, he gathers the goblins arrows, and withdraws what is left of his own. He unceremoniously dumps both carcasses over his horse and decides to continue dimounted for the afternoon. Licking some of the goblin blood from his hands, he responds.

"Mmmmmm, your loss. This good goblin. Not too young, not too old. Kind of fatty, but that make him tender. Goblin will definately kick the deer up a notch, as my uncle say. I will cook tonight!"

Cohen leaves the gobin's mundane weaponry and armor behind, and quickly checks the body for additional loot before moving on.
No Goblin for me...

As Adrol tosses the Goblin on his mount Nile takes a sniff of the Carcass, "No Goblin for me. Thanks, but no thanks. I can't eat Goblin, it disagrees with me something awful." Nile takes a look at the deer lying on the road, "If no one wants his pelt I can make good use of it."

"Don't worry little one, deer coming with us! It special ingredient for dinner tonight. But not pelt. I will save it for you after I finish gutting it. OK?"
Spot check

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
May 2, 2002, 9:57 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 8 = 14
Total = 14

Checking the area

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow comes back to the road and gets back on his pony and makes his way up the road. As the others fuss over dinner he scans the country side looking for the 'goblins'. As he does he asks, "Is that a goblin? I really couln't tell from where we were."

OOC:Got a 14 on the spot check
Moving Onward?

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes stays quiet as talk of the evening's dinner ensues, as well as who will be dining on goblin flesh and who will not. He keeps his wary eyes on the group's surroundings.

"Perhaps we should move along. No telling how many goblins are out there and whether they may return to recover their kill or not. They may even have friends in the area that are a bit more, shall we say... dangerous. Let us move onward, my friends."

The lithe elf quickly mounts his horse again, and waits for the others to do the same. Again, he keeps his eyes on the area the goblins ran.