Into the foothills

* DM *
Within a short while you see a sign near the side of the road. It bears dwarven runes next to a crude picture of a cave. On the right side of the sign is an arrow that points to the east. The dwarven reads "Due east to Rappan Athuk".

Leaving the relative safety of the road behind, you head off into the foothills, moving ever closer to your destination. Seeing no further signs of the goblins, you move on, keeping a wary eye out. Before long you stumble upon a game trail, making things more easygoing that manuvering the horses through the increasing underbrush. You enter another forested area and before long, you are surrounded by fairly thick foliage again.Off in the distance, the path seems to widen from it's present 8'-10' and it looks like a clearing beyond.

As Adrol walks his laden horse and the rest of you ride along, you hear a song on the wind. A sweet female voice sings a haunting tune in a language that none of you have ever heard. The sweet, sweet melody fills you with intrigue and longing to hear more.

Everyone, please make a will save, DC: 15. The song is very compelling, but not obviously magical or seemingly insidious (for reaction purposes).
Musical Interlude

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes rides along quietly with the group as they enter the foothills and head eastward towards the dread dungeon of graves. As they approch the clearing, he cocks his head slightly, hearing a sweet melody.

"Intriguing. Such a song in these dangerous hills? We must stay wary my friends..."

Halting his steed, the pale elf listens to the song more intently, his brow arched in thought. He looks around to see if he can spot the source of the lovely music.

(OOC - Will Save 22, Spot Check 14)
Not bad

Endrin, having a good ear for music, slows his mount as a sweet melody drifts over the wind.

The bard dismounts his horse and stops for a better listen, maybe he knows or have heard this voice before. Catching a bit more of the tune, he becomes wary and watches the others carefully, because he finds himself intrigued by it. If he, a trained bard, is intrigued that could mean trouble for the others, for Endrin knows the power of music.

OOC: Will save = 22
Music to my ears

** EDITED May 3, 2002, 9:48 pm **

Hearing the eerie sounds fill the foot hills Nile takes a closer listen. "What a catchy tune. I wish I had my flute.", Says Nile as he begins to hum along with the melody.

OOC: Will Save = 25
OhOhOh, Listen to the music

Adrol's head immediately jerks toward the sound of the music he begins listening intently and sway to lilting melody...

"Mmmmm.... music pretty! Even better than bard..."

OOC: Will save 9...

Crag hears the musical melody and something about it peaks his interest...

will save: 6
Better than me!

** EDITED May 3, 2002, 10:50 pm **

Endrin fears come true when Adrol seems drawn to the music, "Those Barbarians are so easliy swayed he thinks to himself.

Immediately Endrin begins playing his pipes, in hopes of drowning out the influencing music in Adrol's head.

OOC: Endrin begins Countersong
Perform = 13

ohhhh music preeeeety!

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow's ears perk up when the music starts, a dazed look comes over his face and he sways back and forth in time with Adrol. He doesn't speak but his mouth hangs open andhe stares straight ahead.

OOC:got an 8 on the save.
Soothing the savage beast

Adrol looks blankly ahead and his features relax into a gentle smile... his eyes glaze over and he begins walking toward the music...
soothing the savage 'fling'

Shadow Lightfoot
With his blank eyes and face totally slack Shadow moves with Adrol, straight ahead. A bit of drool begins to form in the corner of his mouth but he notices nothing but the music.

Dismounting, Crag limply holds his sword and almost mechanically walks towards the source of the beautiful sound...
Slightly distracting

* DM *
While not the best of performances, Endrin pours his heart into his music, doing his best to sway his enthralled comrades.

Those that failed may attempt one more save.
DM - Gregor's WIll Save

Gregor resists the song's call.

Will Save:25
Almost but not quite...

Shadow Lightfoot
When Endrin begins his song Shadow's face livens up a bit and you see him trying to resist, but the call of the song is too great and his face slackens again and he continues to ride toward the source of the beautiful music.

OOC: 14 on the save.....HELP ME!!!!

** EDITED May 4, 2002, 2:23 am **

Crag does not stop his forward motion even when the Bard's song begins.

Zombie-like, sword dragging along at his side, he continues to make his way to the source of the sound.

ooc: rolled 11
Urgh? Wait a minute

Adrol pauses a moment when Endrin misses a note on his pipes. The barbarian winces visibly, then turns to see Endrin. The shock is enough to clear his head and he shakes off the effects of the music.

"Urgh, you miss that note bad, bard... but thanks. Where was I going? Hey, where you going, little man?"

Seeing that the 'fling is clearly out of sorts, Adrol steps behind him and tries to grab him in a bear hug to prevent his progression.

Grapple To Hit=18
STR Check=21

The grappled 'fling

* DM *
The spellbound 'fling is easy to grab hold of as in his current state he does not try to dodge. He does however strugggle once grappled, trying to get closr to the source of the music. In the barbarian's powerful grasp however, he doesn't have much hope.

Crag, unhampered, continues to make progress towards the clearing.
(see map)

Endrin is slightly relieved that at least Adrol has been brought back to reality. He would hate the thought of what damage he could do in the "wrong hands".

The bard does not quit playing in hopes that he can still bring the other two out of there stupor. He does follow Crag, from a distance, to see where he is going.

OOC: Continueing Contersong
Giving him a Jolt

Mylaes Moonglow
Seeing the armored paladin slowly walking towards the music, Myleas can only conclude he is in some sort of trace due to the haunting melody. He calls out, "CRAG!", trying to stop the large human, but to no avail. Quickly, muttering a word or two of the arcane language of magic, a small electrical charge zaps towards Crag. Mylaes hopes the zap will clear the senses of his commrade.

(OOC - Electric Jolt(MoF), range 55', no save, Ranged Touch attack 12, damage 3)
Jolting the Paladin

* DM *
Crag may make another save, DC: 15.
Snap out of it

"Snap out of it little man, else I will have elfie fry you like Crag!"

With that, Adrol begins slapping the 'fling, rather hard, while keeping a firm grasp with his other hand...

OOC: Let me know if I need to roll something

Without so much as a glance back, Crag continues his single-minded pursuit of the source of the music. It is unclear if he even noticed the attack.
Spankin' the 'fling

* DM *
Beating the hell out of the 'fling doesn't propose much of a challenge. Shadow simply tries to keep moving foreward. While grappled and buffeted rather severely, he gets to make one more save, DC 15..

That did it...

Shadow Lightfoot
After a few slaps across the face Shadow snaps back to reality with a "What in the nine hells?!?!?! OWW! UNHAND ME YOU BRUTE!
Gregor saves the day

OOC: hopefully

IC:Seeing Craig start to go unhappered toward the singing. So He bravely tries to move his horse in Craig's way if he can if not then. he will dismount and bop craig on the head with the handle of his mace..

OOC: I will hit him hard. doing a point of damage, which I'll use a cure minor wounds on afterwards. Do you want me to roll?
Rusty britches going down

As Gregor lines up to intercede with the Paladin, Adrol drops the 'fling.

"Glad to see you wake up, little man... I afraid I was going to have to cook you with goblin. I go stop Crag now, can you find source of music?"

Crag moves directly behind the plodding paladin and charges he from behind, full steam, hoping to tackle him before he reaches the clearing.

OOC: To Hit=17
STR Check = 1 (+5 = 6, but it doesn't matter)
Fumble Check=12

Throwing a bone

* DM *
As Gregor smacks the paladin in the head with the butt of his mace, Adrol comes running up to tackle him. As Adrol clears the last few feet however, his foot twists on a rock sending him sprawling into the paladin and both of them subsequently into Gregor's horse.

Crag may make one last save @ DC:15

* DM *
Though Adrol clings with the might of a halfling, Crag goes under Gregor's horse and into the clearing, seeking the mesmerizing voice.

He only got an 11
Through the clearing of death

* DM *
The game trail leads to a clearing is a bit about 60' in diameter. In the center of the clearing is a huge, old, dead tree that stands some 30' tall. The singing seems to be coming from it. Near the top of the tree is a dark hole about 4' in diameter.

As Crag moves into the clearing, a number of massive dire lion heads emerge from the shrubs and cover, hunger in their eyes, and prepare to pounce on the hapless paladin.

The singing stops.

Let's have those init rolls!
Let's do this

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow takes up his bow, and nocks an arrow, and prepares for battle.

OOC:I go on 12
Where's the gimp?

As Adrol's ankle twists with an audible *SNAP*, the barbarian howls in pain. The surprisingly limber paladin slips from his grasp and scurreies into the clearing. Adrol gains his feet as rapidly as possible and limps into the clearing behind Crag.

OOC: How appropriate, I got a 3 for init (I actually rolled a 1)

Nile reaches for his spell component pouch.

OOC: Initiative = 20

The savage beast.

At the sight of the lions, Endrin stops his playing, he doesn't feel that he would be able to calm them with his music. The bard quickly swings his crossbow into position and prepares to activate it's fire.

OOC: Initiative = 19
Huh? Wha?

Crag, snapping out of the music induced stupor looks around to see his fate may very well be at hand. Knowing that there's no escape at this point, he prepares to draw his sword and defend himself.

Initiative is 19
What's Happenin'

Mylaes Moonglow
Unaware as to what is happening in the clearing ahead, Mylaes starts to move towards the old dead tree to get a better view. Seeing Crag stop and draw his blade makes the wizard stop and reach for his component pouch.

(OOC - 21 Init)
Getting of his horse

Gregor slips off his horse taking time to make sure he doesn't get got up in the reigns this time.

OOC: Int :10...yuck!!!


Mylaes Moonglow
(OOC - I assume I will be going first, if not, I will certainly delete this and re-do my turn. I just don't want to hold everything up since I will be unable to post again until late tomorrow night.)

Stepping forward and reaching into his spell component pouch, Mylaes pulls out a small strand of spider web. Speaking in the language of arcance magics, he suddenly blows on the web, and it floats away. Suddenly springing forth over the southern middle lion is a massive array of sticky webs, held up by the surrounding tree trunks.

(OOC - Move to U6, cast Web, Range: 170 ft, Effect: 20' radius spread, Reflex Save: DC 15. I should get three of them if I center it around AA9 I think. The save and move rules need definately be looked up, there are strength checks and all sorts of good fun for DM's to work with :)
Web Effect

* DM *
A massive sphere of webbing coats the area about 1/3 of which, being unanchored collapses and melts away harmlessly, suprising Crag mementarily as he is caught up in it.

Between the central tree and among the forest the webbing holds firm. The first lion is stuck fast in the webbing, and roars loudly as it tries to tear itself free. The other two, though not stuck, are surrounded by hundreds of the thick sticky ropes and will certainly have some trouble escaping their sticky prison.

Mylaes, thanks for taking the initiative and posting right away.
Electric Kitty

As the Wizard's web snares three of the Lions Nile turns his attention to the others. Nile moves to his left(T6) Reaching into his spell component pouch for a small piece of fur, and a glass rod. Nile wraps the fur around one end of the rod, and pulls the rod through. Nile's aims his hand at the first Lion's Head (T6). "Arcane powers of mystic might, release from my hand a bolt of light." Niles hand trembles as a 5ft wide bolt of lighting is released at the Big Cat.

OOC: I cast lightning bolt.
Spell Focus (Evoc)DC +2

Reflex Save for 1/2 Damage.
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SpF(2)=19
Damage - 19
Bolt Effects

* DM *
The first two lions to the north do not have time to react and are struck squarely by the lightning bolt, blackening thir hide. The last one leaps in the air, missing much of the damage. They roar in pain and anticipate the rending to come.

** EDITED May 7, 2002, 3:56 pm **

Endrin sees the web come from the elf and ensnare the lions to the south and then after seeing two to the north take damage from a lightning bolt, he decides to try to take down an injured lion.

Ignite his quickly said by the bard as he takes aim at the closest lion to the north (Y4) and lets his flaming bolt fly and moves slightly from his position, as if to try to hide from the lion he just shot at (S7).

OOC: To hit =20
Damage = 3+ 4 fire= 7

Moved 5' to S7.
Use Dodge on same lion (+1 AC bonus)
Shooting through the hole

* DM *
Shooting through the hole in the forest Nile created with his lightning bolt, Endrin scores a direct hit on the already wounded dire lion. Burned and pierced, it still looks like it has plenty of fight left in it.
Reap the whirlwind

As the spell fades and his senses return, so comes with it anger. His greatsword in hand, the command CRIUS seethes out between clenched teeth. He is glad for his casing of steel for his fury cannot be hidden. Stepping towards the first lion (y5) Crag howls his battle cry as his sword screams through the air and into the dire lion.

1st attack - CRIT!!!
Hits AC: 25
Damage - 73 + 3 cold (76 total!!!)

2nd attack
Hits AC: 16
Damage - 19 + 2 cold (21 total)

97 points if both hit

One down...way down

* DM *
The sword's first strike slices clean through the dire lion, it's head and body fall in seperate heaps dousing the holy knight's with spraying blood.

The Paladin forms an awesome sight as sunlight glints of the shining pieces of plate that have not been bathed in red and the lion's blood freezes on the blade and flakes off as he turns on his heel to face the next attacker.

Dire Lion AC=15

Lions on the move

* DM *
While the second lion dashes from it's position in the brush and pounces at Crag, the other speeds through the brush and comes up on Crag's side and attacks(dreawing an AOO).

The first leaps through the air, bringing it's massive claws down on Crag, ripping a large wound, mingling his blood with the lion's. (23 points) The lion tries to catch him in it's powerful jaws, but a sidestep and bat away with his greatsword prevents it.

The second lion bites at the paladin as well, but cannot penetrate the armor.

To the south, in the web, The first lion with a mighty shake and roar, tears himself free (but has not progressed anywhere, it is simply not entangled). The second tries to escape the sticky entanglement but is unable to make any progress. The third, however, a massive female, tears through the web like it was so much string breaking free of the whole mess.

Crag swings at the traveling lion ans it moves around him, but misses by the smallest of margins.

Hit AC 14, missed by 1.
Taking a shot

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow moves North, saying the command word for his bow. "Durok" Using the hole Nile made with his lightning bolt he nocks an arrow and fires.

Shadow moves to space T/5 and takes a shot at lion #3 using nile's blast hole.
And hits (for piddly damage next to what Crag just did)
8 points total
4 arrow
4 electrical

* DM *
Shadow's arrow strikes true causing the lion to yelp as the arrow buries itself in the lion's shoulder. It looks through the blast area with angry eyes at you.
To Hit

Adrol rolls...
May 8, 2002, 10:13 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 16 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 14 + 16 = 30
Total = 30

Normal Damage

Adrol rolls...
May 8, 2002, 10:14 pm

Roll 1, 12 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 8 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 6 + 8 = 14
Total = 14

Fire Damage

Adrol rolls...
May 8, 2002, 10:14 pm

Roll 1, 6 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 0 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 = 3
Total = 3

Playing through the pain

** EDITED May 8, 2002, 10:23 pm **

When Adrol sees the lions he lets out a roar rivaling theirs and shakes off the pain in his ankle. He moves briskly past the cleric, who seems to be frozen in fear, drawing and activating the flaming greataxe along the way. Swinging the greataxe above his own shaggy mane, he brings it down squarely on the first beast.

Rage: 81hp, 24STR, 19CON, 17AC, +2Will Save
Move 15' from V6 to Y6, draw on the move
Attack on Lion2
To Hit: 30
Damage: 14 Reg + 3 Fire = 17 Total

PS: Sorry about the die rolls above, meant to put them in the rolling thread

Adrol's Attack

* DM *
The flaming axe opens a large, blackening wound in the lion's neck. The lion looks between Adrol and Crag a bit wearily, trying to surmise the bigger threat.

It seems more than a little waekend.
Battlefield Medic

Touching his sunburst medallion, Gregor speaks a simple prayer, "Pelor, great giver of the light, channel your healing light through me, your servant."

The prayer spoken, his hand glows a warm yellow. Reaching out to touch the wounded Paladin, Gregor releases the magic.

Traded Searing light for sure serious. 20 Points of healing to Crag.
End of the round

* DM *
Round 1 is over, Mylaes leads Round 2.
Cascading Flames

Mylaes Moonglow
(OOC - Sorry all, was busy tonite. Also, I will be out of town until sunday night, so feel free to npc my actions as you see fit)

Mylaes, seeing Crag still in danger from the large, spotted, dire beasts, reaches into his spell pouch and produces a metal tube. Quickly, he packs it with bat guano, a pinch of sulphur, and a bit of copper. Squeezing the tube, he speaks in the strangely beautiful language of arcane magics. He points the tube towards the dire beasts.

A small ball of bright flame ignites atop one of the lions, and as if directing the ball with the tube in his hand, the elf causes it to skip over the top of the lions, and onto two of the others as well. Then, suddenly, the tube and the flaming ball both vanish. He takes a quick step back to survey the damage.

OOC - Explosive Cascade spell, Range: 55', Area: 7 five foot squares in a sequence, Save: Ref for half DC 17. Path for the Cascade:
Y4-Z4-Z5-AA5-AB5-AC5-AC6, I believe it does 27 damage in each square, so some of those lions get it twice :) After the spell, move to T7)
Exploding Lions

* DM *
The ground erupts with the raw magical forces at Mylaes's control spreading across the battelfield in an instant. Where the line of chaos begins, the agile lion leaps missing most of the explosion. The second, in front of Crag and Adrol is caught unaware, startled by the first explosion, and explodes raining gore in a wide are over the battlefield. The third, however, seeing the fate of the second is prepared and with an expertly timed leap, mises most of what would have almost certainly killed her.
Fur Fire


As the wizard keeps the Lions at bay Nile reaches back and pulls a scroll out of his Haversack.
"Flames of Death and destruction is what I require, toast these beasts with a Furball of Fire!".


I cast Fireball-Centered in Cell AB(9)
40' Diameter
- Reflex save for 1/2
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SpF(2)=19

FireBall Damage = 20

Where's Smokey?

As the lions move upon Crag, Endrin watches him become a whirlwind of death, and is glad to be traveling him such a man. He is just as pleased as he watches the spellcasters master of fire.

Endrin moves for a better view of the lion closest to Crag, the one Shadow just shot. Quickly notching another bolt and watching it ignite with his own magical fire and just as quickly lets it loose. The flaming projectile hits home into the side of the lion.

Moved 5' to S6
Shot at lion #3
To hit=22
damage= 6 + 5 fire = 11.


* DM *
Reading from his scroll, Nile points a finger and a kernel of flame springs forth. Reaching it's designation it bursts into a destructive sphere of flame. (Astoundingly), none of the lions react well and take the full blast, though none fall. The webbing catches fire and burns away in seconds, adding minor wounds to the two lions caged within.

The tree does not ignite, but parts of it blacken slightly. Those trees that dared to be so bold as to be in the fireball's effect, lose much of their leaf covering, a number of smaller branches igniting.

Endrin, takes aim at the already very wounded lion through the hole in the trees caused by Nile's previous lightning bolt. His fiery bolt streaks through the air and strikes true, embedding itself in the lion's side. After a great shudder, it falls to the clearing floor.
Attacking 4 to P.A.

Crag rolls...
May 12, 2002, 2:32 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 7 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 7 = 10
Total = 10

Bad Kitty!

Having no more immediate targets, Crag will advance to the female (ab5) and swings his greatsword looking to put the beast down. He overcompensates for what he believes the lion will do and misses.

Doh! Sorry about the dice...
Angry Lions

* DM *
Near the back of the clearing, the lion Crag attacked does not respond very well, raking him with her claws and attempting to catch him in her powerful jaws. Luckily for Crag, only one of the claws manage to penetrate his armor (8 points).

To the south of Adrol, the lion, no longer restrained by the websteps foreward, it's jaws dripping with saliva. It's massive paws slam into Adrol, it's claws opening up many long, deep wounds (12 + 10 points). It is closely followed by a bite that engulfs most of the large warrior's torso (5 more points). The powerful jaw muscles try to hold Adrol fast. (total of 27 damage, and I'll need a grapple check DC:23 to avoid being pulled under the lion and raked with the back claws as well.)

The third lion, tears through the brush behind the lion that is attacking Adrol and re-emerges next to them and raises it's clawed paws to attack Gregor. Both pierce the cleric, rending flesh and soiling the clearing with blood (8 + 11).

Base Attack Bonus +
Strength Bonus +/-
Size Adj
added to a d20 roll (so we're all on the same page).

hide check

Shadow Lightfoot rolls...
May 12, 2002, 7:32 pm

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 15 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 3 + 15 = 18
Total = 18

Disappearing act

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow considers taking another shot, but since his last one only made the lion mad, he changeshis mind and decides to try something else. He moves into the trees and tries to find a nice shadow to hide in.

OOC:Moves to space v/3 got an 18 on the hide check.
Adrol and the Lion

* DM *
The lion's jaws lock formly on Adrol's sides and with a quick jerk, the lion is atop him it's back legs kicking and tearing at the held barbarian. Amazingly, Adrol's armor holds...for now.

Adrol again roars in pain as the lion rakes him with its claws, forgetting all about the minor inconvenience of a twisted ankle. Suddenly, he finds himself prone, with the beast on top of him. He begins to writhe and punch madly, attempting to break the hold.

OOC: Grapple check II - 26
Adrol and the Lion II

* DM *
Adrol wrestles with the lion, his life hanging in the balance. As Adrol does everything within his power to free himself of the lion's deadly grasp, the lion opens it's jaws to get a better grip. In that moment, Adrol breaks free.

You beat the lion's grapple by *1*.
Inch as good as a mile

Seeing his opportunity to move, Adrol wriggles free of the lions grasp. Once free, he jumps swiftly to his feet and readies his axe.

OOC: good enough for me... get free and stand up.
Gregor fights hard

** EDITED May 14, 2002, 12:29 am **

Gregor reels from the lions attack. "By Pelor these creatures are blood thirsty." Gregor shouts as he shoots his right hand forward... "Let the Blinding Light of Pelor burn your very soul..." he shouts as a light lances out striking the lion who attacked him. Then he backs away from the lion 25' away from the lion toward where niles and the rest of the group is.

Searing Light
To Hit:24
Gregor's AOO

* DM *
As Gregor begins his spell standing before the lion, both lions sense his momentary lapse of attention to the situation at hand and reach out with huge paws and opens a jagged wounds in the cleric (12 and 9 points, 21 total). Gregor struggles to maintain the spell, despite the intense pain. Sucumbing to the pain, the spell is lost and Gregor moves back, away from the lions. (checked c-sheet, DC needed not possible)

Casting a spell within someone's threat range provokes an AOO. You must make a concentration check to avoid losing the spell.
DC is 10 + damage (21) + spell level (3) = DC 34


Mylaes Moonglow
Seeing Gregor succumb to terrible wounds from the two lions in front of him, Mylaes quickly pulls out a loop of copper wire and a small magnet. Speaking the language of elven magic, he passes the magnet through the loop, then points towards the lions.

A small stroke of pure magical electric energy suddenly erupts in between the lions with a small 'whump' sound.

(OOC - Cast Gedlee's Electric Loop at the junction between squares X8-Y8, should get them both, 5' radius. 16 damage. Reflex save for half DC15. If save fails, they are stunned for 1 round.)
Electric Loop

* DM *
The sparking arc flies and the the lion that previously stood before Gregor is too slow to react. It takes the full damage and stands stunned.

The second however, facing off against Adrol, is faster misses most of the electrical attack. It does not howl in pain, but instead all but ignores the attack and focuses it's deadly gaze on the bloody barbarian.
Static Cling


Nile Reaches into his spell component pouch for his glass rod, and a small piece of fur. Nile wraps the fur around one end of the rod, and pulls the rod through. Nile's aims his hand at the middle of first Lion(#5). (Should hit Lion 5 & 4) "Arcane powers of mystic might, release from my hand a bolt of light." The bolt of electricity surges from Nile's hand towards the drooling Lions.

OOC: I cast lightning bolt. 5' Wide
Spell Focus (Evoc)DC +2

Reflex Save for 1/2 Damage.
DC: = 10 + SpL(3)+Chr(4)+SpF(2)=19
Damage - 24
Bolt attack

* DM *
Nile's bolt strikes true. The First lion, already stunned form Mylaes's spell, is dead before it knows it's been hit. The second, Adrol's, doeftly avoids most of the bolt, not giving up on it's idea of a 1/2 orc supper. Though hurt, it still seems to have plenty of fight left in it.
Rim shot

Endrin immediately reloads his crossbow again, takes aim at the lion eyeing Adrol. Not wanting to strike Adrol, the bard aims for the cat's haunches.

Letting the bolt fly, it zings over Nile's head. Endrin purposely stayed put, while judging the gnomes height, when sighting the shot. Flaming through the air, the bolt finds the lion's hind quarters, but doesn't strike as solid as Endrin would have liked. The bard curses himself for overcompensating.

OOC: To hit = 20
Damage: 2 + 3 fire = 5
use Dodge on same lion (for the heck of it.)
Starting to tell

* DM *
The lions wounds begin to tell on it. The raged look begins to fade and you think that one more good hit might bring it down.
The Hack

Crag finds an opening and quickly takes advantage swing up and in attempting to disembowel the beast.

attack roll: 31 (19 threat!!)
crit roll: 27 (if this hits then a crit is made again! wow!)

damage if crit: 59 (1 pt cold)
damage if not a crit: 14 (4 pts cold)


* DM *
Crag finds more than an opening, he finds a red carpet. As the lion stretches out to leap on the paladin, the sword flashes and in an instant the thions entrals are spread on the ground before you. It falls, a lifeless husk before you.
Not Through Yet

* DM *
The Lion before Adrol lunges foreward both of it's claws connecting and rending the barbarian (12 & 8 points). It's paws on him, it's large mouth again clamps on Adrol (weak crit for 11 more) and tries to nock him over and rake with the back claws again.

TOTAL: 31 points

Grapple Check - Lion: 30
Success - you can break free.
Failure - You are pinned and raked for 20 more.

Concentration check

Gregor rolls...
May 17, 2002, 1:11 am

Roll 1, 20 sided di(c)e 1 times. Add 12 to the result. Drop the lowest 0 di(c)e.
 8 + 12 = 20
Total = 20


Gregor realizes too late that he was getting cocky as the lions attack him. Damn, I am getting cocky, should have known I was too close..

Concentration check: 20

Pinned and screwed

The half-orc wails in pain at simultaneous claw and bite attacks carried out by the lion. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning as the lion again knocks him to the ground, pulls him backwards, and attempts to finish him off with its rear claws.

OOC: Grapple check 28... I can't believe that failed. Total damage = 51 points... help
Taking action

Shadow Lightfoot
** EDITED May 17, 2002, 10:06 pm **

** EDITED May 17, 2002, 9:58 pm **

Seeing his big furry buddy in trouble Shadow steps out of the trees, takes aim, and fires at the lion that's tearing the s*** out of Adrol.

OOC:Got a 25 which should be enough to hit and I got 8 points of damage, 7 from the arrow and 1 from the electric. Punk ass die roller putzed out on me >:(
Shadow takes a 5 foot step to space U/6 then shoots.

8 is enough 8D

* DM *
When the arrow pierces the lion, it goes limp on top of Adrol, providing him with a 3,500 pound bleeding, slobbering and rather painful blanket.

The last lion is dead.

As Shadow downs the last lion, right on top of Adrol, Endrin extinguishes his bow and rushes to Adrol's assistance. He immediately realizes that he can not move such a large beast himself,
"I think I need some help" the bard utters trying to releave what weight he can from the barbarian below (Which probably consists of part of one paw.).
Be Careful

Nile watches as the final Lion falls. "Be careful", he addresses the party "We are not quite safe yet, I believe the music was coming from that dead old tree in the middle of the clearing". Velcor climbs up on Nile's shoulder as Nile reaches into Velcor's feed pouch and pulls out a stip of dried meat. "Here you go boy, what kind of vermin do you think is hiding out in that tree?"
Get it off! Get it off!

Adrol begins flailing about madly, not ending his rage for succumbing to his wounds. Not even bothering to try and lift the beast, he just wriggles out from under it where Endrin is helping him.

OOC: Let me know if I need to roll something. As soon as I am free, I am going to quaff a CMW potion.

* DM *
With Adrol's great strength and those around helping to aleviate some of the weight, the wounded barbarian is able to slip free of the dead dire lion.

No roll needed, you're very strong and well lubricated with blood.

Everyone: Please continue with what your character will be doing in "Into the foothills - 02"