Into the foothills - 02

* DM *
Continue Here

Crag immediately moves towards the tree still fuming at what happened to him.

"What witchery is this?! You there! Devil in a tree! Come out....." the knight pauses for a moment readying his sword...
In the shadows

* DM *
In the shadows of the hole in the tree two figures watch the clearing and the aftermath below. From the recess in the tree they currently do nothing but watch.
Gregor sees to the inflicted

OOC: Sorry, my Great DSL line has been having problems connecting to this site..

IC: Gregor feels a sense of greif for killing the lions, There was no need to attack us?? I wonder if it was something more?? Gregor quietly prays to himself "Pelor please allow your blessing to fall on your servant" with that he heals himself, then going to the others to heal them with his wand of CLW.

OCC: burning A sound burst for a CMW on myself: 18 points back
10 charges used from the Wand of clw on the party
1st 7 = 7
2nd 6 = 6
3rd 1 = 1
4th 1 = 1
5th 2 = 2
6th 2 = 2
7th 5 = 5
8th 1 = 1
9th 7 = 7
10th 5 = 5

Prepared to sing

Endrin spys the figures within the tree and stands ready to counter their obvious magical abilities they have already demonstrated.

He has learned, through his travels, not to fault nature and the ones who live amongst nature, for their instinctual actions, even when they endanger you. He does not blame the lions for wanting to eat, but was not ready to become part of the food chain.
Today it was survival of the fittest.

Endrin makes not threatening actions, though he knows his sword is but a snap away.
Assuming we aren't in INIT

Adrol struggles out from under the oozing throw rug and pops quickly to his feet. He quickly quaffs a potion, and partakes of a few hits from Gregor's wand. Stabilized for the moment, he turns and runs full speed at the 'fling.

"You save me, little one. You big warrior now, you always have special protector. I let no harm come to you!"

He then grabs Shadow and massive hug, made all the worse by the blood he is covered in. Dropping Shadow, he continues.

"Now, what to do about singing people in tree...?"
Out of rounds

* DM *
OOC: We are currently out of combat rounds. Feel free to post out of order or as much as you wish.
In the Clearing

* DM *
The two figures watch from above in the the shadows of the tree's recess. They make no move to interrupt or attack while healing, observation and 'fling abuse occur below.
Bird's eye view...

** EDITED May 21, 2002, 8:56 am **

Nile reaches into his spell component pouch and pulls out the wing feather of a bird. After a few words of arcane magic the Gnome begins to float. "Let's see what kind of beast makes a home out of a hollow tree", Nile says to Velcor as he ascends above the dead tree to get a better look(I move to cell AA6 - 20 feet higher than the opening at the top of the tree)

I cast fly.
Flying Gnome

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes watches with a smirk as the huge half-orc nearly crushes the halfling with a hug. He steps forward towards the two, and speaks quietly.

"There is not one among us who does not deserve praise, Adrol. You, Crag, and Gregor held the lions back, protecting those of us who need it. I thank you, and I praise you all for your skilled fighting."

With a bow, the elf turns, and sees the flying gnome. He arches his brow at the odd sight, and waits for a report from Nile. He leans and whispers to Endrin.

"Flying gnomes. I do believe I had a nightmare about them once in my youth. Very strange indeed. Oh, and by the way, I am wagering that inside that tree is some sort of faerie or sprite with a bit of mischief in it. What do you think it is?"

** EDITED May 21, 2002, 6:55 am **

Endrin too watches the gnome lift into the air, as he listens to Mylaes.

I agree, they probably had a agreement with the lions. I hope that we have not killed their pets. Endrin whispers back.

The bard continues watching the tree trying to get a better look at the figures while flipping through his knowledge he has gained to think of what woodland being fits this M.O.

OOC: spot check = 12
Bardic Knowledge = 29


Nile notices the creatures getting a little rattled at his approach and decides to keep his distance, after a brief survey Nile slowly floats back to his original standing place between the party members. "Well, it looks like two large bird-like creatures. The top half of their bodies seems to be humaniod, I can't really tell, but they seem to have female heads...?"


Endrin tries to see through the tree limbs, but can't get a good angle to see. Niles then provides the information the bard needed. The bird/human bodies, and the singing brings one creature to mind immediately.

"Harpies"comes out of Endrins mouth, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Niles you should probably come down from up there"he suggests to the flying gnome as he reaches back to retrieve his crossbow, and loads a bolt into it.
What is that???

* DM *
Off in the distance, as you stand around the harpie's tree, you notice some movement coming from the south. It is difficult to tell, but it seems to be 6'-8' in diameter and spherical in shape.

As you strain to see, you come to the realization that the natural sounds of the forest have ceased.

Velcor quickly opens the haversack, climbs in, and pulls the flap shut with his mouth. "Easy boy", says Nile as he trys to calm Velcor. "Hmmm... that is strange... it is as if all of the animals have left the foothills. Whatever is coming this way must not have many friends. I think it is time for us to go. May I suggest that we leave now before whatever that is, gets here, or spots us!"
Oh gross!/Let's GTFO!

Shadow Lightfoot
Once the last lion falls Shadow deactivates his shortbow "durok" He is about to start concentrating on what's up in the tree when he sees the big barbarian charge him. The half-orc is on him before he can get off a shot however, he relaxes as he is thanked for the save and is about to say that no thanx are necessary and that he really doesn't need a bodyguard when he is nearly bearhugged to death. "Mpppphggg llllllmmmm ddddwwwnnnnnnn cnnnnnnt brthhhhhh! Is all you can hear from the small rogue when he is suddenly and unceremoniously dumped on the ground. Sputtering and trying to wipe the blood off himself he is about to say something to Adrol when he notices the form moving towards the group. He watches for a mere second when he decides that it's time to go. Turning he runs just as fast as his little halfing legs will carry him. Over his shoulder he says "Some things in this world are not meant to be confronted, I would suggest you all not stick around too long.

OOC:Shadow picks the quickest exit out of the clearing and runs fullspeed AWAY from the approaching shape.
Where everyone go?

Seeing the 'fling retreat, Adrol considers the situation for a moment, then recalls how close to death he just came.

"Maybe Lightfeet right. I think we should go. I take rear guard, Elfie and Niles get going now!"

Adrols hangs back to cover the party's retreat, but he hopes to be gone before the 'rolling thunder' reaches them.
Group guy

Endrin was concentrating so hard on the Harpies that he did not even realize the lack of other 'normal' noise. It isn't until the Shadow darts off that the bard comes to and notices presense of something ominous is coming.

Though it might make for a great tale, whatever it is, Endrin feels much more comfortable with the safety of his group. He ensures he has everything and darts into the woods, following the others. On his way he yells up to Niles, "Can you tell what that thing is?"
In Flight

With Nile's fly spell still in affect, Nile glides swiftly through the foothills to escape the impending danger. Hearing Endrin's question Nile pauses, but just long enough to turn around and respond to the Bard's inquiry. "Well it's hard to tell from this distance, but it looks like an eye tyrant! Hurry along Endrin or the party will be without the magical effects of Bard music for the remainder of this journey. ...Of course if you know a melody that will repel a beholder, now would be a good time to play it", Nile chuckles. However, the smile quickly disappears as Nile remembers why he is fleeing. A quick turn and Nile continues his hasty retreat.

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes sees Shadow, the lightning quick halfling, dart past him, heading the other way. Nile is doing the same, while shouting something about beholders.

Intrigued, Mylaes turns to looks at the shape coming their way, but quickly decides if it is indeed a beholder, he would rather not face it alone. Especially when he was missing some of his spells.

Quickly hurrying back to his mount, he kicks in into a run following Shadow, hoping the others were doing the same.
Seeing Shadow Run

Gregor ponders for a second why Shadow is running. Then he notes no noise in the background then he notices that theres something coming. Gregor feels its best to run in light of the fact that anything thats scarying the animals away that quickly can't be good. "Run!!!!!" He shouts as he passes anyone else close by
Brave Sir Robin

* DM *
Quickly getting out of the area, you continue your hasty speed for until you are sure you are not being folowed, and then you continue, a bit more aware of your surroundings.

You emerge from the wooded area and again into the foothills. It is about 3pm.

You feel fairly safe here for the moment. Do you wish to continue on or...?

A bit diappointed at having to fall back Crag nonetheless replies, “It would be wise to continue, a giant beast such as a beholder would surely follow to wipe us out..”

OOC: I’m not sure where we are on the map but it seems there are monsters here at every turn……

Moving on

* DM *
Doesn't seem like anyone wants/needs to stop. Unless I hear something, I'll go ahead and post the next turn tomorrow.

Deja Vu

* DM *
Not wanting to spend too much time sitting still in such a populated area, you press on, the knowledge that you are close to your goal driving you foreward over the endless foothills.

It is dusk when you finally crest the last hill and the complex finally comes into view. In stark contrast to the lush greenery of the hills lies a large sunken graveyard, laid out in the shape of a cross. Rather than towering above the ground the graves have settled into depressions, and the main mausoleum, a building of strange green stone, rests in the deepest recession, some 40 feet below the ground on which you now stand. At the other end of the grave-filled hollow, stands what appears to be a stone well. There are no gravestones near it. The normal sounds of wildlife are gone, and large carrion birds circle overhead. An ominous silence rests about the place. Each of you knows in your heart that you have found the legendary dungeon of Rappan Athuk. And though none of you dares speak it, you wonder if you will live to return to the warmth of hearth and home.
Camp now

"It appears that we have reached our destination. I am for camping right here, if not a little farther back, and entering the graveyard in the daylight. They tend to be a little crowded at nighttime." Endrin ends with a slight laugh to lighten the mood.

"I agree with bard, we should find good spot a little away from graveyard and camp."

Adrol begins scanning the surroundings for such a spot.

OOC: Ground Level Overview

* DM *
On the RA webpage, I have uploaded a map of what Rappan Athuk looks like from above, where you are standing.

I will provide tactical maps as needed (like the first time we went through this), but I figured it would be cool to be able to see what the top level looks like (as you can see it from the edge), so I removed all the DM-specific info.

Once you enter, it should be all tactical maps.

I saved it as a jpg, and it is about 256k.
Evil, Pure Evil

Mylaes Moonglow
Slowly walking towards the graveyard, Mylaes stops at the edge and stares, looking to and fro. He inhales deeply, and turns back looking at Endrin and Adrol with a nod. He speaks, his voice barely above a whispaer.

"I agree, friends, daylight will aid our cause, I am convinced of it. Although... Perhaps we should put on a double watch this eve. I am having a dreadful feeling of deja-vu... and it isn't the good kind. Evil is abound my friends, as if it knows we have arrived..."

The pale elf turns once again towards the sunken graveyard, as if scanning it for an unseen foe. His familiar, the albino weasel, stands on its hind legs to the right, and behind its master. The white animal doesn't like what it sees.

"We'll have to be alert tonight," crag mutters as he settles down for some rest and watch.

Adrol readies his axe and looks around carefully, sniffing the air. He looks to Mylaes and speaks.

"I see no dayga-thingy, elfie. Where it at, I chop it good for you?!"
Orcish Education

Mylaes Moonglow
With a small grin, Mylaes turns to Adrol, and speaks to him quietly.

"Deja-vu is a saying that means you feel as though you have been here before, Adrol. I have that feeling now, for reasons unknown, for I have not, to my knowledge, ever been near here. So you can save your axe for something else, I am sure we will be needing it."
Settling in

* DM *
Moving a ways away from the top of the hill, you look for a suitable place to camp, but find little in the way oif shelter. You settle below hoping to remain unnoticed by anything that may be wandering the area or call this dark place home.

You take watch in teams of two, seeking safety in number and hoping to be prepared for anything. The night passes slowly and the wind blows cold as you settle in for the evening. Within hours the area is blanketed by a low-hanging fog that obscures vision, dampens sound and chills to the bone.

The night passes relatively uneventfully. When morning finally arrives, the fog has lifted, but leaves behing a mist the clings to the ground. Everything is damp and a chill hangs in the air. No solace can be gained from the sun this morning as it hides itself behind dark clouds.

Check your notes

Nile awakes in a cold sweat, and reaches over to wake Mylaes, "Mylaes I just had the strangest thing happen to me in a dream. I walked into a long stone corridor and I couldn't use my Magic. I don't think I have ever felt that helpless before. Have you ever had a dream like that?" Nile wipes the sweat from his brow as he waits for an answer. Velcor awaked by his masters nightmare seems a little nervous. Nile reaches into Velcor's feed pouch and pulls out a strip of dry meat. "Hear boy, eat this, everthing will be okay." Nile trys to relax as he prepares to meditate.
Storm brewing

Endrin awakes, quickly sitting up, for a moment his mood is not his normal encouraging self, it is one of dread. The bard gives a shake and regains his senses. He sees Niles wake also disturbed, understanding his night was not easy, as he doubts anyone's was.

Looking to the sky and taking his surrounding, the bard says to nobody inparticular,"Looks like a storms brewing." Thinking of what he just said, Endrin can not but see the double meaning of his words.

Endrin rises off the damp ground, and gathers himself. He knows the others will be ready soon and to change the images in his mind, he pulls up his panflute and begins to play a seemingly out-of-place, considering their location, upbeat tune. Within seconds the bard is lost in his music and is for now clensed of last nights hauntings.
Not me! Not me!

Adrol is snoring contentedly through the bard's performance until he begins to roll about, restless in sleep. His movements gradually become more frenzied and violent until it is full-fledged thrashing. He finally wakes, jumps to his feet and begins howling, primally, swatting at creatures only he can see. Suddenly, he sees Velcor with Nile and rushes toward it yelling.

"Kill the rats! Kill the rats!"

He reaches out to swat the animal with his powerful hand, but stops when he recognizes Nile, then Mylaes... and finally the music of the bard. He drops to his knees breathing hard.

OOC: "Not me, please not me... do it to her... do it to Julia!" - name that book
Dreams of the Damned

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes wakes with a start. Although normally pale, the elf looks terrible, with dark rings under his eyes, his breathing shallow. He swallows hard and sits up, his right hand going towards his abdomen, and rubbing there for a moment. Turning towards Nile, who mentions a nightmare about his magic, Mylaes shakes his head.

"Nay, my friend, I have never before had that particulare dream. Although... I have had quite a nightmare myself last night..."

Just then Adrol awakens in a crazed mood and runs towards Nile, screaming about rats. Mylaes quickly stands and speaks in a loud voice.

"ADROL! STOP! Everything is fine now, my friend, you were merely dreaming. This dread place has seemed to have an effect on us all, but it is merely mind games. Come, we must prepare for the day's journey. I, like Endrin, smell a storm on the horizon."

Although it is hard to tell, Mylaes seems a bit shaken, and keeps looking down at his abdomen every once in awhile as he packs his belongings.
Bad dreams....

Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow wakes with a start bathed in sweat. His covers his face with his hands and shoots nervous looks here and there. Realizing he was having a nightmare he relaxes a bit but you can tell that he's in a foul mood, even worse than his normal melencholy.

Crag wakes rather restlessly from a rough sleep. "Damned ghouls if I be one," he mutters as he gets up to prepare to leave.
Time passes

* DM *
Time passes and the morning wears on.

It begins raining. Lightly at first, but then becomes a steady soaking rain. Every so often lightning touches the earth and a thunderclap rumbles.

The time has come...

Nile takes a strip of leather from his spell component pouch and recites a few words of arcane magic. "If I am going to be damp a cold it might as well be inside a dungeon. Let's get going", says Nile as he looks ahead. "I don't like grave yards". Nile covers head with his cloak, and slowly begins walking towards the graveyard.

OOC: I cast Mage armor (+4 to AC)

Moving out

Adrol shakes off the dream and its effects. He quickly gathers his things, and takes his position toward the front of the party as it begins moving into the sea of graves.


Shadow Lightfoot
Shadow starts gathering his things just as the first raindrops start falling. Swearing under his breath he quickens his pace and is soon packed and ready to go. All the while grumbling crankily under his breath. Looking up at the sky he blurts out in his raspy whisper, irratated with the weather, "Are we ready to go yet? I'd like to get where we're going before I'm completly soaked. You don't think you want to see what he'd be like cold and wet on top of his present mood.

* DM *
You approached from the West meaning you walk up on the East side of RA. Where will you be entering? (see map)
Great idea

** EDITED May 29, 2002, 10:43 pm **

Endrin watches as Niles take precautions. He has never thought to use his magic like that, though he has never been exceptional with his magic. The bard changes his tune to one of protection, while casting a smile and a nod towards Niles.

He doesn't stop there, on a roll, the bard ends with a song of feline grace. Endrin is quite proud of his extension of Nile's original idea and now much harder to hit, if they do encounter something in the dark place.

OOC: Cast Mage Armor (+4 AC)
Cast Cat's Grace (+3 to dex, giving Endrin +2 on all Dex-type rolls)

It Begins Again...

Mylaes Moonglow
Mylaes, his things properly gathered, watches Nile and Endrin cast protective spells upon themselves, and smiles, nodding in their direction. He, too, pulls out a strip of leather and rubs it from his forehead to his abdomen, speaking quiet words of arcane magic as he does so.

Taking up his strung bow, and securing his equipment, the small, pale, green-eyed elf inhales deeply, and lets the breath out slowly. He points his bow toards the first mausoleun building.

"Perhaps we should start there? I, like Shadow and Nile, do not much care for graveyards, and getting out of this rain seems a most excellent idea."

(OOC - Cast Mage Armor spell - 7 hour duration)
A Parting Prayer

As everyone readies their spells, Gregor prays, "On this dark and sunless morning, we stride boldly into what seems to be the heart of evil. Let your shining light pierce this darkness and your virtue shine forth and burn it away."

Standing, he checks his equipment and nods, "I'm ready. That mausoleum sounds fine to me."
Travelling Music

"If we are to meet an foe, they surely know we are coming, so I offer you all some travelling music." Endrin informs the others.

The bard, pops up his pan pipe and sing a song of many great feats and great men. The tune encompasses the group, as they start of into the graveyard, entering their hearts and minds and driving any fear that may be hiding.

OOC: Bardsong: Inspire Courage.
To all: +2 vs. charm and fear
+1 to attack and damage rolls.